oh man, good times.
- Pronoun
- she/her
I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm just being too generous since everyone seems to embody this like, affable mindset that I can't bring myself to dislike
fucking mood
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I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm just being too generous since everyone seems to embody this like, affable mindset that I can't bring myself to dislike
Yeah imo the first two quotes are not AI. The last one is like, not w/w with Ottercopter, maybe towny.i honestly think the first quote isn't really that AI either? like i can 100% see scum saying that and ime (take this with a big ol chunk of salt) it is in fact often scum saying things like that
fOh that's an L for me I guess
I'm generally referring to the fact that most people seem to be viewing me as completely neutral at best, and are actively suspicious of me at worst. I think the only tier list where I've been considered above neutral was Boq's?dig the hole deeper even when there weren't that many actual votes on him.
Oh Eifie, on a scale from "possibly plausible that he could turn out to be non-town" to "if Mr. Ultracool is anything but a townie, Butterfree has gone mad with power" how clear is your clear on him? I'm taking him off the table obviously, but I don't think I told you about the game I just played where there was a 66% cop that cleared one of the wolf PRs as town, so I am extra paranoid
yes, and this game is moving 10 times faster than that one wasam i misremembering or was he like this in the invitational too?
like I feel like any wagon sucks because I am playing the game by process of elimination. so I don't have reasons for voting people besides "a significant number of other people feel like town to me"yeah i get iffy vibes from mawile too but tbf to him i don't really know what he's supposed to do about it given that no one has a specific reason for feeling bad about him and he has offered read list and analysis. like i'd probably be equally shrug status in that situation
but also. it is that situation! and it is not really improving. so
wagons are far too heavy for even a gigantic animal such as an elephant to throw comfortably, let alone meek humans living hundreds of miles from you. grow up.ugh so i'm finally back, i've read through but now i'm confused lol can someone pitch wagons to me please
bold words from someone who hasn't replied to my text yet tbhwagons are far too heavy for even a gigantic animal such as an elephant to throw comfortably, let alone meek humans living hundreds of miles from you. grow up.
def agree, i just kind of think that like... we're all feeling kind of vaguely bad about him and there's not a lot he can do even if he's villager so maybe we'll just all decide he's the guy and lynch him... idk?? it kind of feels like DADV but maybe that's the best case todaylike I feel like any wagon sucks because I am playing the game by process of elimination. so I don't have reasons for voting people besides "a significant number of other people feel like town to me"
hey, that's not fair! we're not allowed to talk to each other for any reason until the game is over, you know that! it's rules!bold words from someone who hasn't replied to my text yet tbh
yeah I mean he can claim later I guess.def agree, i just kind of think that like... we're all feeling kind of vaguely bad about him and there's not a lot he can do even if he's villager so maybe we'll just all decide he's the guy and lynch him... idk?? it kind of feels like DADV but maybe that's the best case today
was it ever confirmed that there even was a mafia![]()
I think every wagon is a dead end and we are all town. Butterfree is making the kills via a secret poll in a telegram channel that only spectators can access. The roles are all randomized from the mafiascum wiki and none of our night actions actually do anything. All of our role PMs were made in MS Paint. All of the posts in this thread are posted by bots at random intervals generated using Markov chains. Everybody on reddit is a robot except you.
this is fair tbhyeah I mean he can claim later I guess.
when a lot of people express bad feelings about someone but nobody actually moves to vote them I usually find that pretty suspicious because I think that's a spot that tends to be occupied by mafia a lot of the time. that was a bit of why I voted, I guess.
now that other people actually voted idk what to do.
if you think I'm joking, this was at the top of my role PMso it's just ToSFM3 again cool