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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
It won't affect their action, unless they self-target, I suppose?VM does your role stop your target from making an action, or is it solely a redirect? :O If you don't wanna disclose that, that's fine too!
hey hey. the wolf winstreak died! town won ooctvt and i am still VERY hyped about it. maybe this could be the dawn of a town winstreak ...Unless M&F really wants to turn around the wolf winstreak, hehe!
*herbe won power plant pokemafiatown also won power plant pokemafia :3
What am I doing wrong? Did I claimeow too soon?For now, I don't like Ultracool's posts so far and I like having him as one of the wagons
So... you think I could have made myself a Mafia-target meow? I sure hope soI'm capable of targeting meowself, so I can find out who led the kill if they do. And then I can give out the Earthbadge to that player, or to someowne else in a way to indicate who led the Mafkill
I mean the cat puns are great! I just really don't like the early push for claims (#115) + suggesting an inactive yeet (#182)What am I doing wrong? Did I claimeow too soon?For now, I don't like Ultracool's posts so far and I like having him as one of the wagons![]()
There's something else I wanted to ask about that's kind of slipped under the radar.
So... you think I could have made myself a Mafia-target meow? I sure hope soI'm capable of targeting meowself, so I can find out who led the kill if they do. And then I can give out the Earthbadge to that player, or to someowne else in a way to indicate who led the Mafkill
What exactly was your idea when suggesting this? Were you saying you would give badges to the person who killed you? Since it doesn't seem like it's announced who gets the badges, how exactly would giving badges to the mafia accomplish anything except giving the mafia more firepower? Surely you thought of this before suggesting such a play?
And if you planned to give a badge to someone else "in a way to indicate who led the Mafkill", how exactly would you do this?
I didn't really see UC's above post when it was originally posted but I would also argue that, if Ultracool were mafia, why would he want to die and be killed by them just to distribute a badge or two (I still think watcher, or whatever his role is, could be useful and it already opened up interesting dialogue for today)? I'm not sure mafia would want to self-sacrifice to themselves, but, idk
Although the post is confusing to me. Like obviously whoever killed UC wouldn't announce it?
for posterity. we also have a theory about thisI have a wild theory I'd like to speculate on if we do want to massclaim badge numbers, but if we don't then my theory is pointless and not worth bothering to bring up
agree that they were kind of weird. in re: push for claims, what made you come around on seshas?I just really don't like the early push for claims (#115) + suggesting an inactive yeet (#182)
ah, unless there was no genuine intention to self-sacrifice (if he's mafia, it's not like he'd ever actually get factional-killed, right.)I'm not sure mafia would want to self-sacrifice to themselves, but, idk
Of course! Right meow, the best I managed to come up with giving the Badge to the person below the leader of the meowfiakill on that list of players that was posted on Page 1There's something else I wanted to ask about that's kind of slipped under the radar.
So... you think I could have made myself a Mafia-target meow? I sure hope soI'm capable of targeting meowself, so I can find out who led the kill if they do. And then I can give out the Earthbadge to that player, or to someowne else in a way to indicate who led the Mafkill
What exactly was your idea when suggesting this? Were you saying you would give badges to the person who killed you? Since it doesn't seem like it's announced who gets the badges, how exactly would giving badges to the mafia accomplish anything except giving the mafia more firepower? Surely you thought of this before suggesting such a play?
What if the person below them was also mafia?Of course! Right meow, the best I managed to come up with giving the Badge to the person below the leader of the meowfiakill on that list of players that was posted on Page 1There's something else I wanted to ask about that's kind of slipped under the radar.
So... you think I could have made myself a Mafia-target meow? I sure hope soI'm capable of targeting meowself, so I can find out who led the kill if they do. And then I can give out the Earthbadge to that player, or to someowne else in a way to indicate who led the Mafkill
What exactly was your idea when suggesting this? Were you saying you would give badges to the person who killed you? Since it doesn't seem like it's announced who gets the badges, how exactly would giving badges to the mafia accomplish anything except giving the mafia more firepower? Surely you thought of this before suggesting such a play?![]()
what if they're mafia tooOf course! Right meow, the best I managed to come up with giving the Badge to the person below the leader of the meowfiakill on that list of players that was posted on Page 1