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  • Oh. I haven't looked at your profile in a while, so...[/idiot]

    Sully would be nice, yes.
    ...you will pay for this.

    They are hard to beat, yes. The only place I see them often is Mount Coronet. :P
    ...get one, then you will lurve it.

    I don't care. :P Betrando, maybe? As you may have noticed, I liek Murkrowz...
    No-one hates my Bronzor and gets away with it! :P Oh well, though. Soon he'll be a Bronzong and you won't have to hate him.

    That'd be great. :D I'll use her unneeded EXP to make a Rare Candy and give it to you for helping, maybe?
    No problem. Thanks to you too :3

    (Also, I just went to your sprite thread for no particular reason and noticed you'd done one of a rainbow unicorn. I think you might just be the most fabulous person on Earth.)
    Sure c: Never mind waiting for my question to be answered, actually, I had his new attribute mostly sorted out.
    How'd you like to trade Boo for Nikolai, my Kadabra, and then swap them back after they've evolved? c: (Provided it doesn't require me to sort out his new sig attribute right now, anyway.)
    It was more or less a joke. But it would be kinda interesting to see how a steel mirror killed itself...

    I don't know how you can hate Bronzor! D: They are pretty cool, they're sturdy, they have little weaknesses. Oh, and I have a soft spot for Steel-types.

    I also need some more experience for my Haunter. Rift is a Haunter, but I got her evolved after Shadow took the battle. :x

    I could make one of my Pokémon commit suicide and you could Destiny Bond the other for a draw. :V
    I like Don't You Evah, but it was one of the songs on the mix I wake up to every morning, so I know it back to front and associate it with having to get up, which isn't that great. |D But it's a great song. I haven't listened to Girls Can Tell; I'll check that out!
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