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  • So much to choose from! But uh. Probably either "I Turn My Camera On", "The Way We Get By" or "The Ghost of You Lingers".

    And yours?

    I was actually feeling pretty confident until you pulled out Psycho Shift. D: And I expected your Sprayley rather than Dragomelet, so it messed my plan up.
    ...I keep forgetting about the simplest things, like your Rain Dance. D:

    It's making me MAD that you're ahnnihalating me. :x
    I forgot about Magic Coat in my last battle. Twice. Luckily, it didn't get sent back, for some reason. xD
    Because Shadow wants to make our battle the fastest in history, I'm supposed to give you this. *Tosses adrenaline shot*
    So I'm just going to annoy you for a minute and let you know that I picked up a battle you had waiting against Blackthorne Steele, just in case you didn't see it.
    *hofist* JA.
    I have a few Yume Nikki doodles around my computer files..
    Is there any way to post a picture without using photobucket? It won't let me make an account.
    No, you see, I get part of the money back from all of my 'free' berries. So it's best for everyone.

    Thanks for your patronage, btw.
    hey alraunne
    i got your, uh, stuff
    it's in the black market *taps nose* you're not a cop right

    (Um yeah, I bought that thank-you Dragomelet. You can go pick it up from the Black Market now :3)
    It's a line of four pokemon. Thing is, they're flying horses which is kind of hard. xD This is the first pokemon, which can evolve into one of these. I'm not hugely worried about poses or anything like that.
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