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  • I'm spriting it right now, but uh it sucks. xP

    I can give you a description though.

    It's more or less like a serpentine version of Salamence, only black and a gray underbelly. Its head has four prongs instead of six, with the top two being shorter then Salamence's and the bottom ones being longer and curved sharply upwards diagonally. It has stubby legs like Slamence's, but slightly more rounded. It has short, stubby nostrils, and has no eyes, due to living in caves most of its life. It can also soar, so as not to leave behind its dream of flying.

    I have something that I wasn't planning on keeping long, so...

    Check the Birthday center on Monday! :3

    And take your time with the sprite! I have to complete my two battles anyway, and that'll take a while...
    Yo Alraunne

    I think How to Train Your Dragon is still in the back of my head. D: I randomly designed an alternate evo of Shelgon that looks like a blind wingless Toothless. :o
    I was trying to trick you into telling me something that you would like as a birthday present! xD I failed... D:
    I'm terrible with art, so a description will have to do. D:

    Picture this. A Clamperl, with a turqoise-green body, with two spikes near it's tail. The tail looks sort of like a Shellder's, skinny towards the body, slowly getting thiker as it goes out. The spikes are electric-blue, with small traces of yellow. The whole thing looks more or less like a turqoise Clamperl, to be honest. The mouth has more exagerated rifts, tough, making the points more of a triangular shape rather than a circle shape. In the mouth, it is mostly black, with a green orb in the middle. The eyes are right above it's mouth, and they look particularly happy. A lightning bolt runs down it's back.

    ...was that good? As mentioned, a turqoise Clamperl, a tail like a Shellder, spikes like a shellder, in electric blue and yellow. But you can contort it if needed. It is a Water/Electric typre, named Voltora.
    ....okay you? You are fantastic. I can't see the whole thing right now (oh holy crap it's almost on) but I assure you, I will <3 Nothing Else Matters.
    Yep, very different. Off the top of my head, Hiccup is younger and Toothless isn't a Black Fury. The books were always cool. I think I liked the How to Train your Viking one, in Toothless's POW, best.

    I already know what happens (spoilers do not daunt me), so give it a whirl~
    Would you be interested in doing a sprite for me, for payment? (In ASB dollars, a Pokemon, ect.)
    And then it becomes all awkward! I know D:

    I'm actually planning to see it after exams (which start tommorow. Whole week, today's report cards oh damn) and since I have the original books (actually like half of the series. Granted, they aren't sequels or anything but. I was a nerdy, bookish child then, and I am a nerdy, bookish teenager now 8D) but oh god new books! With art! If I ever replay my SS/ever decide to get HG for whatever I'm naming my Totodile Toothless. It fits! Somehow!
    How to Train your Dragon!

    fff I have not actively watched it yet, but I know what happens and damn <3

    (well that and I've always wanted to try and strinke up a convo but yeah too shy i guess? idk)
    Could you either make an avatar of this or scan it yourself or something? I love Toothless :3
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