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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Crowd: *whisper* Hey wasn't that an Arylett just now? I've heard that they're incredibly rare. We should try and catch it.
    Ass-kicking. Now if only I could do that verbally. Writing's fair game, saying complicated and detailed things out loud...waaarudooo D: I'll find eet~

    kinda sorta link?
    I wrote it about my mum. She went through a lot, thus. If you wanna read it or someth-*shot* x3 See now, even though I'm not confident in my abilities, that's only here. There are amazing drawers and writers in TCoD and all, and compared to them I'm pretty mediocre. Back in class though? Can kick anyone's arse at this writing/drawing game. Seriously. Because I put effort into what I do. They don't.

    Well still! Speaking voice wise, Kett sounded nice. And Lett looks like, with your Floofyhairs. I'd show you what Typh looks like, but I no has fedora on so you might die of fuglyness-*shot again*

    Me falling on the floor from getting shot, I'd assume.
    Well apperently I'm a decent writer since Typh was entered into high school level writings (mind you because of some stuff that happened Typh's in seventh) and might just win. And I really like writing, almost as much as doodling stuff. So it could be self-depreciation acting up again? I dunno. Anyway fanfics are hard, characterization and all that jazz is aaaa D:

    But Arylettvoice be pretty. (TCoD Boom-De-Yah-Dah so)

    I usually don't bother with fanfics either! Eww abysmal writing. Canon rape scares me sometimes, although the occasional good parody's a-ok with a Typh. And I can't write one because um I can't write so.

    Yes, yes he is. I want to be able to do that.

    also eee same song but so, so pretty. the pictures ;w;

    I 'ave missss *head trauma*
    Sometimes it's horifying. "Canon does not work that way!" D: Although I occasionally find fluff and then... C: Awwww.

    It's Touhou music. Touhou is frakking awesome. In fact, besides Psych, House and the ever present Pokeymans, it's one of the few things that can turn a Typh into a fangirl. Sorta.

    And here's a piano version of U.N. Owen was Her? aka the most remixed song in existance. It'll take a while for us to ghet to the original, but cnsider this: This guy is a fan playing all of this on piano. The original songs/game is made by one guy. One. 13 games with amazing soundtracks and a crapload of characters.

    *bonked* x.x
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