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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I don't really follow Pokemon anymore. I've never been much of a TV/anime person.

    Those aren't refunds >:( You damaged someone else's property, and thus you have to pay for it!

    Well, whenever I see something graceful I automatically think light hues. Though :D Your favourite colours are basically the same as mine!
    After watching much anime on YouTube, I've come to dread it. ;-;

    I demand that you pay for my repairs.

    I imagined That Other Thing with a colour scheme of light blues and purples and whatnot, but that'd be quite different from Seraphlett's, neh?
    Except 1. I'm busy with all my drawing and reffing and whatnot and 2. I can't stand YouTube quality at any rate.

    *is crushed by the trucks*

    Seraphlett, that other thing, and this thing!
    I've heard that that movie is awesome. ;~; I'm dying to watch it, but I can't...

    But I just ran out a few days ago. I'd rather not have my brain sizzling uncomfortably for the next week.

    Oh, I see :0 I think it would've looked better with an extra pair of wings and those red thingies coming out from under the wings...? But hey, it's all up to you :3 I think I'll draw this sometime, too!
    And I'd be laughing maniacally as I plot Arceus's downfall!

    I was weighing a rather inappropriate response to that, but I decided not to waste the brain bleach. :>

    That's incredible! :0 Dahhh why does your evolution line have to be so pretty? Though I am curious as to where that extra pair of wings went.
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