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Arylett Charnoa

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  • It's not all that complicated :o If you made a picture with one layer on top of another, saved it as .gif, it's be turned into an animation with those two layers~


    ...Aww, I can't do the colormap trick with my Scyther, since I only want to put blood on a section of its scythes :c

    I've learned that layers in .gif format get converted to animation frames! :D

    Yep! You're allowed to make custom sprites for your team!
    It pays. And I get a bunch of porygon.

    No. That means that you are a banana grabber. Which is arguably worse.

    Oh, you've already seen it? :o

    In GIMP, I opened up the animated sprite, along with its colormap (a window pops up that allows you to manage all the shades and tints in the image.) I mixed the colors, and eventually found some that went together.

    Aaaand the end :D I made it for my ASB Profile.
    Certainly. My colleagues and I have traveled there dozens of times. We have only been ambushed once by the natives, but they are quite interesting if you get to know them. And there's a trail leading straight through the range. Near the end is detour where treasures are said to lie. However, I've never actually found anything valuable there.

    (warning: this is painfully random D: ) I recolored Pichu's animated B/W sprite!

    I understood it...


    And then if I think about it, that letter equates somewhat to how I feel.
    Right now, I'm trying to still understand it and wrap my mind around it. It's harder to process so much text.

    Initial reaction: Whoa, she's...acting a lot differently! :o
    Secondary reaction: Wow...I...that's really deep...I never thought of it that way...

    I'm also surprised by just how villainous life could be rendered...
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