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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Your Porygon evolved into Porygon2!

    Hey, you're not me! Or a girl!

    Stop being a female Shuppet somehow copying my action style and be a Blast Toys.
    Thank you. I didn't want to go on that tirade against Pwnemon, but he just took what I said, an innocent little comment about what I feel, and he insulted me about it, essentially. And I wouldn't stand for it.
    What!?! Porygon is evolving! *dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dun*

    HMPH! ;;Struts away in the girliest way possible;;

    *like a shuppet*
    Then don't use it unless we're in a life-threatening situation. Alright, Lija Trail should be only a few blocks from our current location. Starts at the town's edge.

    I'm too lazy to. More tedious than hard.

    ...it's weird how I have the energy to write a body mod, but not do this :o
    (Sorry I didn't reply sooner! Been busy and didn't feel much like talking to anyone.)

    And that's where the game relates to us, so many crazy people in this world. XD Oh those puzzles. How I hate them ;-; Especially the temples, like the one in Bevelle.(?)

    Unless they tell us... maybe we'll know both of those someday.

    It's okay! Yeah, even when RP's were made they didn't interest me too much. It's too bad some people are getting inactive and I think I have to wait to post, wait for Markku. If the need arises I will post before Spoils Day.
    I had no idea. It was just shiny and has a tag that said 'to be held by a Porygon'.

    Nope! Unless you dohave scurvy, in which case you hide it well.

    I do have a screen capture camera; I could easily make a video of it for you, if you'd like!

    I'd have to do it manually :c The colormap trick affects all pixels on the image of that color.
    Oh, an Upgrade, I get it!


    *wiggle shuppettongue*
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