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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Well, what does it not eat? Will it eat a bookcase covered in mustard and steak sauce?

    Everything... and nothing. Quick Forgetting allows me to switch between the two! Oh dear, do you think we might have a clone of the same brain?

    Ah, that sounds about right. And you are an Arylett(face), yes?
    O_O What does it eat other than sticks?

    Supremely superb, but am I Maiferika Zehernorhazirius ZA or MMMQ Maiferika Delanzoreneskasa Sheh Ko De? Or is my name Maiferika Zehernorhazirius Za Delanzoreneskasa She Ko De? I do think I have amnesia! Perhaps I am a Marshal of Majestic Making of Quick Forgetting?

    What species am I? I have no memories!
    They are there! There is a relevant quote: "In an infinite universe, the odds that everything one could concievably need will be living on a planet somewhere are enormous.
    For example, there is a small planet on the very outreaches of the galaxy which is primarily covered in forest. The trees of this forest grow ratchet screwdrivers as fruit. Once picked, they are shipped out to the rest of the universe, where they will generally lie unused in a dark, dusty drawer for years before their outer shell crumbles away, leaving an unidentifiable metal object with flanges at each end and a hole for a nut. This, when found, will get thrown away. No-one knows what a ratches screwdriver fruit is supposed to gain from this. Mother nature, in her infinite wisdom, is probably working on it."

    ...Is it weird that I can quote pretty much the entire series from memory?
    Maybe I can...
    ;;Plant manipulates so vines travel under muck and grab you;;
    Just.. Pull..
    Aww crap D: ;;enhances charms on boots;; Run as fast as you can toward the center!!
    I am aware of that. Tell him to form a tornado. A weak one with enough power to rip out plants or carry mud.
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