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Arylett Charnoa

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  • I hope it covers everything you'll encounter - that's what it's for after all. I add new things if I need them, but I think I've mostly covered everything.

    I plan to get it online, just as soon as I find a host-server-thing. None of the ones I found so far are workable.
    Ahaha, yes, I probably should explain that. Well, the second-to-bottom table, quite obviously, has percentages. Each multiple of 5%, plus one- and two-thirds, are generated there; you simply look at the chance of whatever it is ocurring, then if it is "true" then it occurs, and if it is "false" it doesn't.
    There's also the "other %" box, which is for other percentages. You just use the process Zoroark described for that.

    Then at the bottom, there's some other stuff. First is the Metronome generator, which, obviously, gives a result for the move Metronome.
    Next is the Pokémon Generator. Useful for any time you need a random Pokémon of any kind.
    Then there's Hidden Power, which generates a type for Hidden Power.
    Present, Magnitude, Acupressure: all moves with random outcomes. The outcome is in the box.
    Multi-hit: Use for determining the amount of hits of a multi-hit move (Bullet Seed, etc.) by a non-Skill-Link Pokémon.
    Uproar and Rollout: since Negrek revised the rules, Rollout and Uproar last a random number of actions when not triggered by a trainer's command.
    Wish: pretty simple, it shows the amount of actions a Wish takes to be granted.
    Jack_the_Pumpkinking vs. Kratos Aurion: ignore this one, it was just for my convenience when I was reffing that battle.
    Plus, you would have to go through all the generations, checking each move to see if it was a duplicate, which my generator's already done.
    You see, I was afraid of that. Your 'Nothing' doesn't have an equivalent in any of my kind of magic, as far as I know. I can't fix it.

    ... Oi vey?
    Other guy agreed but said he wasn't gonna be any form of transportation, so he set off on his own. And fine, just tell him it'll have to be along the way. We haven't much time and Luckaga isn't exactly a one-class subject.
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