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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Damn it, I misspelled "strike". >:U

    Chruggles...? Haha, I love it! :D And you're coming tomorrow? Whoo! Do you happen to go anywhere near Palmetto Pines? If you do, I'll be thrilled~ What would be even better is if you could stop at Loggers' Run Middle School at around 3:55 and say hi? :D


    Haha~I actually do like eyeliner, because that Halloween where I dressed up as MJ my mom let me use eyeliner (since MJ used it) and I fell in love~ Though my dad doesn't want me wearing makeup. Eyeliner is the only think I like out of all makeup products. I know right? For Phys. Ed, I use boy's running shoes and they're amazing. High heels suck. :U High heeled boots are fine as long as they don't look too girly. >:U I could never pierce anything on my body except my ears. If I had a choice I wouldn't have pierced my ears, but I got them when I was little. :U I hate earings so I don't use them, and my ears might have actually closed up right about now. Lemme check. *checks* They look sorta closed, especially from the back, but I'm not sure. D: Hurr, Gamestop is amazing~ What my mom does is straighten all of my hair and then get the lower part wet so it's straight on the top and wavy on the bottom~ NO HE'S MY FRIEND WITH A BENEFIT >:U

    (Gimmie the trophy. >:U NAOW. <3) Like, yeah, it's be a Thriller~ ...See what I did there? :D

    I won't bite you~ Don't be a Worrylett! <3

    I know right? And why did I use ; instead of ' arrrrrggghhhh misspellings and grammatical errors I hate them.

    Haha, really? I wouldn't be able to do that, though. My mom would scream at me to forget it and go to sleep. <3 But actually, Mooncheetah's mom got a lot of information, and now al Mooncheetah needs to do is type it out! My mom basically did my whole project for me when I only asked for help~

    *gets punched*
    I didn't mean it MJ! D: I love you, seriously! Don't kill me! D:
    ...Its' your fault I'm going through this, Arylett. D:<
    That's good. It allows for spontaniety. :D

    Haha, that's probably the last thing you'd expect when kissing someone! If you write that scene, you should definitely show me it!

    You're welcome. Light panels sound awesome too! Will it still have good energy, say, in the darkness, where it can't collect energy?

    I've seen your writing for your comments about your creations on deviantart, but that's about it. So I like what I've seen! You should show me some more of it, though!

    Oh, okay. Your avatar is based off of a dog, right? You did a pretty good job with it. :) I've had trouble drawing dogs standing, I think just because of how their legs/paws are constructed, but I should improve with practice.

    I like the idea. I think I will make it a counterpart!

    My fanfic is pretty...complicated. There's a boy from our world who is transported to the Pokemon world, and he starts his journey living his life half there and half in our own world, so it's sort of a double life. He then embarks on this elaborate treasure hunt, while facing multiple villians who want the riches for themselves. One of these people is a worker at a company that sells illegal battle items. So it's...sort of confusing! I've written the prologue and chapter 1, and I'm about halfway through the second chapter. I've posted it on Serebii. I might actually post it here, but it's really long and I don't know if anyone would want to read it in its entirety.

    Also, I saw some of your posts in the grr thread. I feel bad for you...if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll try to be online. :) Assuming school doesn't get in the way, which it often does. D:

    That a lot of 'Etts you have there my friend! A lot a lot a lot of 'Etts! Ah, I see. :D You right away you could tell my age~ PRAISE YOU! <3 *bares blood-covered fang* RMJAJDKSNDJSNSJS Oh yes you do that. C:

    You must come to Boca like right nowwwwwwwwwww dangit! That way we can striek fear into random people's hearts and moonwalk out the windurrrrrrr! <3

    MJdoggie: RAWRFF <3

    A very beautiful thing~ <3

    Ate with my cousin. C: My mom;s cousin couldn't come over because they were stuck at the airport, which sucked.

    I WILL~ <3

    Yus! And yeah, the project's due December 10 but I haven't even started and this project is reaaaaally big. I'm gonna fail becuase I always get off-track. :C A MJCERBERUS?! I WANT ONEEEEEE <3
    Oh ok. That's creative nonetheless. Some of my Fakemon I can't remember how I came up with the names either...

    And random explosions? That is awesome! :D It sounds really funny; I can just picture her exploding at the most inconvenient moments, haha.

    That's a really good design! I like the mane, and how it has claws on its tail. And the female's color scheme looks nice.

    Oh, you don't like revising writing? I think you're a pretty good writer, though. :)

    Yeah, cats can be difficult. And dogs are really a challenge to draw (which is why I usually don't draw them! Haha.)

    I haven't figured out how Fog works in terms of weaknesses, resistances, etc. yet, but it would be a good counterpart. I like the idea. And glad you liked the type!

    The outerspace idea is an interesting concept! I'm planning on using the Fakemon in my fanfic sometime, actually, so I may utilize that! Yeah, it's definitely one of my...stranger designs. :)
    (Psst Arylett! I've voted in the OScar thread but apparently my post is invisible to the forum so I just thought I'd point it out. :c)
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