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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Yes, I know. I knew that it would be far too ridiculous for there to be an actual elephant. It's just that the imagery of the whole thing heavily amused me. And that sentence is five times funnier thinking about it being an elephant for real.

    Nay. I wouldn't touch a shoot-em-up. I suck, have horrible aim, and hand-eye-coordination. I just tend to mash buttons and shoot in all directions.
    ...Ah, you must read TV Tropes more than I do. I've never actually played Halo; I just found that amusing. The thought of imagining an elephant flying and pressing buttons in a video game amused me muchly.
    Aw man, Fairly Oddparents. Fans of that show are even weirder than Zim fans. Have you seen Zim 34? Crazy stupid shit.
    oh gods noooo
    I've actually never seen Barney 34 but I have seen like... Winnie the Pooh and every Nickelodeon show ever, crossed over with eachother.
    Well, some things have surprisingly little rule 34. I have a theory that the sexual content of something is inversely proportional to the amount of rule 34 you'll find of it. Revolutionary Girl Utena has like no rule 34 when the villain's strategy in the show is literally to make everyone bang everyone, pretty much. But then you have every children's show you ever grew up with that has tons of rule 34 of it. It is perplexing to me. D:
    Hehe, if you had 15 seconds of free time, you could join if you wanted ;) No difficult, multi-paragraph sections to the signup.
    I still don't know what starter I'm gonna use... Depending on what their evos look like I'm either going for Smugleaf or... Bawwter? (guessing what Bawwter is here) The leaked sketchy things both looked like crap so. >:

    I do know which player I'm gonna be though. I'm going to pick the dude and orchestrate a triangle between myself, Cheren and N in my head. It's gonna be boss
    :D Why thanku~

    I seem to have an inability to create anything within a reasonably simple standard, yus yus. ZE EYES, ZEY... CONFUSE SPRITERS!!
    uh... wait wut when did this happen. o:

    sure go for it I am bollocks at spriting so I care not to even try. Thanks and stuff then. :3
    ... I saw it on facebook and thought it was funny. But apparently they've blocked the oilspill now anyway, so
    But if housecats are deadlier than snow leopards, than the comparison means that turkeys are deadlier than cassowaries. Which does not make sense.
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