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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • I can't help but feel there's something else. The way Mewtwo speaks, something big happened, I don't think we know the whole story.
    Blastoise, do you want to exchange your extra Kabuto for another wishlist pokémon?
    But the thing is, I agree with the Legends. We trapped gods, we kept them locked up underground and used them as toys. They have every right to want revenge, wouldn't you? By fight another day, I mean not getting killed today and serve the gods another day. I mean, I am all for avoiding mass destruction, but who are we to intervene in the works of gods. Is man allowed to manipulate gods? And no I know Mewtwo wasn't a natural god, we made Mewtwo, yes, but that doesn't mean we can overlook the power of the other two. They want Negrek? Let them have Negrek! Maybe then we can try to quell the monsters we've caused, one life for Asber?
    There is no escape? Do those shields not prevent escape? We're all trapped, and if we're going to be ruled by these legendary pokémon, I'd rather live to fight another day.
    I'm sorry, but I must obey Mewtwo. I'm sorry but it must be done, not now, but if I get a chance, I've been told to take it.

    Stop me if you will, I will battle you for the sake of the shields, just as they fight for Her blood, I will fight for my life.
    Oh now you want to start a smilie war?!

    Look I know who is going to win, I just want to chip in with the new rulers, and hope NOT to be eated by a flying, demension jumping, phantom dragon thankyouverymuch.
    Or stilts.

    Zebstrika is 5 foot 3

    I hope Lightningrod was okay for an ability, I figured it's be better since it makes it immune to them too. Maybe you can give it Motor Drive too with some signature stuff
    I don't remember, I thought it was Tentacool but that's what I gave myself. I'm pretty sure it was R1 because I that's what everyone got
    Yes, and Negrek got the For Blastoise.... Whatever it was. I thought the gift would still be viewable in our PCs like it used to be, so I mixed it up =p
    Hmph! When Her shields fall once more, and the meteors fall unhindered, you will see what I mean when I say your store will be utterly obliterated. Some minor damage and fire may not destroy the entirety of your wares, but when we are done with ASB Central, all that falls shall be rendered unable to ever rise again.
    It would be prudent to obtain as many berries as would be useful before we utterly obliterate the location where they can be bought, wouldn't you agree?
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