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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Then we shall respectfully agree to disagree, a settlement to our differences.


    Hisssss ahahahahaaa, evil, italics are always indicative of evil mind rape!
    Yeah, but... I don't know. I just don't like the appearance. Maybe it bores me, it's too SKINNY! I like fluffy things. Big fluffy things. No fluffy. It makes me and my horrible hair sad.

    Then the credits come on too with bonus material involving bloopers or highly amusing highjinks.

    Then allow me to unsettle you more
    I shall have to look into them. Although they're the two canine Pokémon that I've always been uninterested in for some reason, despite being two of my favourite types. Must be the appearance.

    It was frustrating, but I was more awed by the sheer originality of this strategy that I'd never seen. By the end of it, I was like: "...Whoa, that guy got me. He's good."

    >: That is true. But they'll be getting out very soon, I reckon. Ha ha, and it might even involve her.
    I should look into it sometime... what other Pokémon learn it?

    Oh no... no... it was much more brilliant than FEAR. I can't remember exactly what happened, but it involved lots of status effects. The guy used Swagger, paralyzed me, and pretty much anything to reduce my chances of attacking to IMPOSSIBLE. I think there was also a healing move somewhere in there, he had Rest. So even when I managed to get it in a hit, it triggered the Sturdy. He used Rest, and regained HP whilst my Pokémon could do nothing. Then my Pokémon kept attacking itself in confusion and not moving until it fainted.

    Thank you! Ahaha, yes, with those vines all over the body, it certainly makes it hard to do damage.
    ...A move that bypasses Sturdy. Beautiful. I've had so much trouble with that stupid ability... on Random Matchup, a clever Japanese guy used it to his advantage and totally shocked me by kicking my ass with a level 1 Boldore.
    Yeah, that was... completely unintentional. I didn't... actually notice all those S's until the team was done.

    I've never used it... because I've never used a Pokémon that has it as a move.
    Good, good. Doing some plotting, getting antsy because I'm going to a medieval martial arts class tomorrow and I'm nervous like crazy. D:

    And you?
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