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  • Checked. Also I have given up on telling you guys not to call me adorable.

    Isn't it amazing :D Mai and I told you you wouldn't be disappointed! And don't worry, there are only 17 chapters; you're at 12 at least right? Shouldn't take all that much longer.

    Uhhh. My Black City is dead, haha. But if you were referring to something else then sure, go ahead.
    I hope the me IRL lives up to your internet expectations :P

    I brought my DS and Black version, though I hope you don't mind if I throw EV trained, IV bred, lvl 100s at you.

    Also shush.

    ... ... :D :D :D

    That chapter was actually the most difficult one for me, but. :D Carry on.
    I enjoy watching people go on like this but I'm not sure what to say. Hrk. Go on a couple chapters so I can see how you explode!
    Judging by how you put the word "evidence" in quotation marks, I assume you don't believe that happened. Correct?

    And yeah, that was what I meant.
    Have you seen

    (Posting in spoiler tags is useless for you, but think of the stalkers!)
    We stopped taking the I-5 after Eugene, as we decided to see the coast. We ended up getting to Eureka, California for the night, which was kind of a lame town. We went through San Francisco yesterday, which was awesome until we got horribly lost in San Jose. Now we're in a hotel in Monterrey, California, and we're planning to be in LA by this evening.
    What happens in serious biz stays in serious biz right?

    It's like Las Vegas except it's really not a secret cause everyone can see it and stuff, BUT IT NEVER HAPPENED, RIGHT?
    Well she's adorable to me because I adore her very much. D: And her flight was delayed?? What's her flight number and stuff /stalk.
    I forgot to mention thanks for the help. Also! I probably won't be talking to Blazy in a while so when you meet her tell her I miss her! :o Thanks!!
    If I am hiding behind my sleeves, sure.

    Also isn't it past 11 there? Didn't you say you always put things off after eleven? Tsk.
    (nevermind that it's 2 here! well I'm going now anyway.)
    But surely it should've been a stray from a /set/ of watercolours? And white is a very important colour! Why would it stray from a set?

    augh what no you really know the best ways to get on my nerves don't you DD<
    (haha don't worry I won't throw a fit or anything. I'll probably just be torn between indignation and amusement)
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