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  • That's the same amount of my letters as my current username! And it even sounds the same--it's not the best nickname.

    ... I suppose it would help pronunciation, though.
    You know, if "Mai-y"/"Maiy" didn't look completely stupid, I would let people call me that.
    You sigquoted Neggy?

    :( I already called Negrek neggy before I saw that. I'm probably going to look silly.
    As shown by res'... thing, though, there might be something different. Or it might just be res, eh.

    Soon, I won't need an excuse.
    Well, I already changed your timezone and locked you out of the forum. There's not much else I can do, short of banning. (Unless there is, and I'm waiting until you aren't online to do it.) And my intent was to be subtle, anyway! I can't stop until you admit that I can abuse administrating powers very well.

    It's an option you can choose! I turned it off; if you can't do it yourself, I could probably poke around your profile some more.
    Oh, I will. I won't stop until I... pull something off! Whatever it is, I have no idea!

    The forums do it automatically.
    Of course not. A thoughtcrime is death.

    That's never been a problem for me, but regardless, I was obviously malquoted.
    May I remind you that I now have some knowledge of a thoughtcrime?

    You'll love it.

    Why are you looking at me like that? I just said it was nothing!

    Pretty much.
    Oh, okay.
    I need to learn how to doublethink, though. All I can think about is the ending! :/


    Okay, so Ghost Trick is this really weird, really fun, veeery confusing game. It has ridiculous characters and an even better plot! Don't trust the game. Expect everything. Oh, and you need to think creatively on a couple of puzzles; I've stared at one of them for an hour before consulting a walkthrough. It's mostly just that one, though.
    The book is divided in two? Or do you mean chapter II? Also Wikipedia has already horribly spoiled the end for me, but oh well. It's my own fault. And I thought I stopped screwing with your account. To be sure, I'm not quite done with you, but I quit being unsubtle like you asked.

    Hopefully honored! I didn't mean to insult you; I thought Winston would be 16-20.
    I started reading 1984 today! It's surprisingly amazing. (Also I'm not quite as sure what to think of being a member of Big Brother in the secret place.)

    ... At first I thought Winston would look like a combination of you and headcanon!res. I didn't think he would be that old!
    Yeah, I'm in a hotel in Port Angeles right now. Tomorrow we drive through Portland (we'll stop for lunch there) and stop for the night in Eugene.
    I was right in thinking those commands were going to faceplant right?

    It just feels wrong. Idk.
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