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  • He just said half an hour ago or so that he'd play it, but he actually hasn't started yet since he's somewhat sane and is sleeping now.

    Heh, it sucks, doesn't it? But when typing all of 200 words takes you 7 goddamn hours, you know you have a problem.
    Nope. He'd heard of it before but since Negrek sent me her copy, he figured he may as well play it too.
    Fine, enjoy your restricted access!

    Also did you even see my announcement
    That sucks. I get to go to California this year :D But it's like the first time ever our family has gone somewhere on spring break. Needless to say, I am excite.
    Why would I tell a secret to my own avatar..?

    Being sick. Anyways, doing anything for spring break?
    I know I'm really the biggest hypocrite, but could I get a DQ warning in my battle against Zhorken?

    ... is it? I'm not there right now so I dunno. I should be going to sleep, really.
    I have no idea. :D

    Nope, only when we get tons of traffic. As in new posts every few seconds and frantic refreshing tons of traffic.
    *flexes* Rain? Can't stop me. Nothing can.

    How else would I put it? I don't have anything I particularly want to buy except candy and ridiculously expensive things that I bother my mom to buy instead.

    Yes yes they totally should :D It would be my favourite and I'd name it Langlang and I would love it as much as the real Langlang <3

    bulbasaur nooo why are you relocating the spaces you've disrupted the balance
    B-b-but going outdoors while it's raining TT_TT

    What, no, I'm the kind of person who replays their games over and over and never gets tired of it! I get the urge to replay old games every few years, so you'd be waiting a lifetime to get Ghost Trick, then. :P At any rate I have a bunch of allowance just rotting in my wallet so I may as well use it on something.

    That reminds me of my lovebird. She nods a lot :D It's so cute.

    ........................................................................................ :D ?
    I dearly hope that is not true D<

    Yeah, I will. I'm probably going to find my own copy.

    Yes, because I totally get high my sniffing my pants. *nods*

    .......................................................................... :D ?
    You'll see in a week or so! ... wait damnit I forgot to call my friend aaa why so forgetful.

    But yes, Ghost Trick has the most plot twists I have /ever/ seen.

    THAT'S OKAY, DADDY BULBASAUR, I'LL HAVE MY PAINTS. *deep sniff* Awww, yeah.

    ................................................................ :D ?
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