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  • /Apparently/ he's seen smaller writing but I don't believe him.

    I'll probably need a lot of time to catch my breath. And sketch, of course. And are there flowers at this time of the year?
    ... me neither, hurr. I suck with digital stuff.
    It's reallllly tiny. It's about the smallest you can get for tablets!

    You'll get used to it, trust me!

    Also am I going to get back to my friend's for dinner?
    I actually do have a Wacom Bamboo tablet, haha. It's tiny, but it serves me well enough. After all, to me, digital art is traditional with the undo button!

    Reasonably well enough! We've known each other for years, after all.
    I'm a doctor specializing in resdisease and blazhydisease, yes. I am totally trustworthy.

    How dare you, bulbasaur! That was /my/ tablet! *disowned*
    ... you'll get used to it. My classmates have!
    Here have some medicine. (label reads: resdisease treatment)

    Yes you are! *brandishes palette*
    ... that's normal for him. I also take after some of his behaviour. Please don't be freaked out if I hover at your shoulder while wiggling my fingers; that's normal for me, too.
    Oh right and when resdisease encounters blazhydisease the two fight to the death. It might have some nasty effects on you.

    Yes you are! *brandishes markers*
    They just barge in, huh? xD My parents leave me alone, but my brother likes to stealthily open the door and peer in like a creeper.
    Well obviously resdisease is more contagious.

    Yes you are! *brandishes colour pencils*
    ... oh wow. o.o I just draw signs and tape them to my door if I /really/ need to keep people out.
    ... oh. Derp.
    Is this blazhydisease?

    You're more Asian than me! *brandishes paintbrush*
    (do you actually tape your door shut...)
    ... you use harumph too?
    Where did you hear that from?

    What a waste of tape D< You are Asian! Use it sparingly and only when you /really/ need it!
    Yes, it was amazinggg. :D I wanted to go to the park so badly, but I had too much work to do.

    It'd easily get ripped off, though.
    ... OTL My family is lacking in all types of adhesives. The best we have is some crappy masking tape.

    I should buy some better tape next time I go to the art store.
    My parents really hate it when we even close the door. My mom'll open the door just a crack for "ventilation" or something. Even then the locks on the doors are shitty and you can open them with the corner of a ruler or something. :P

    I like projects more. I always screw up on quizzes and tests.
    idk if you'd call it /dedication/. We both love to mess with each other and one of his methods is poking me awake at 6 in the morning when I usually sleep 'til 12 on weekends. Then he giggles and runs away before I can retaliate.

    Feh, that's still a lot of quizzes. Come to think of it, we don't have many quizzes at all; mostly just unit tests.
    LA, but we're driving down, so we'll go through San Francisco, the redwoods, and some other places. We're going to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and a Ducks-Red Wings game.
    My dad's a morning person and he likes to wake me up early on weekends! It sucks. ;~;

    ... really? o.o That's a lot of tests.
    I actually stayed up 'til around 2 looking over my notes, slept, and crammed during first period (test was in second period). I actually didn't do that bad! I don't think I did, at least.
    Uhhh can I convince you to push the DQ back... another twelve hours? x_x My commands are nearly there but I can't think straight anymore; need to go to bed. Past few days have been stressful, sorry.
    Mmhm. I fall asleep almost right away too.
    Morning person, are you? :P On the other hand I suspect I'm turning nocturnal.

    At least you did complete the reffings! I haven't reffed in... ages, really. Ugh.
    You have tests every day? o.o Anyway I'm not sure if studying or sleeping will benefit more for my biology test tomorrow.
    I feel like hell in the morning. Remember how I said I can never sleep in moving vehicles? Well on the way to school I can, now. But by third period I feel relatively awake (especially since it's art :D) and from then on until 1:30-2 ish I'm okay. There's always this vague nagging sleepiness, though.

    Pff you finished it too early then! Where's your procrastinating spirit?
    What a square, haha. Before my sleep schedule screwed up I usually went to bed at 11:30.
    I consider work more important in most cases. You can get sleep back, but you can't get those deducted marks back.
    Sleep isn't though. *yawns* Surviving on 5 hours a day isn't fun.

    How much work was it? And when was it due?
    I still make due dates, at least, but I'm so exhausted that I feel like I'm going to collapse. I can't wait for March Break to come around.
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