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  • ... my watercolours aren't that good either, actually. Pentel reinforcements? 8D;

    BRIH-tuh-nee. Most people pronounce my name like it's written as "Britney" though. Which is probably why everyone spells it wrong D<
    I have several loose Derwent reinforcements!

    Ugh jeez adorable bluzzyroo has /7/ syllables why can't you just call me Blazhy or my real name (which most people pronounce with 2 syllables, anyway)
    I have Prismacolour reinforcements!

    Right, I'll do that in a sec.
    Haha, The Toronto Girl. Also forgive me if I accidentally call you bulbasaur now and then!
    Haha! Your streaky Crayola is no match for my streaky Polychromos! >D

    Oh no, I'll have internet access. I probably won't be on that much. I do have your house number, though, so I could call you. Want me to PM you my cell?
    Because I prefer neat, layered, blended colour pencil. *brandishes high-quality pencil crayon boxes*

    Oh, I haven't talked with her to confirm it. If she wants to come, I'll ask her that, too.
    Aughhhh no you aren't /giving/ it to me are you I'd probably stash it in some dark corner and the "glorious" map deserves more than that, right? Right?
    But /you/ shouldn't have bothered getting something for me D:

    (I had a horrible thought over dinner. It's not that map, is it?)
    I could try! Otherwise maybe I'll just draw you a regular old dragon because those are easy for me. Do you like dragons?
    I MUST. Unfortunately I can't really find a listing of your favourite Pokemon... Quick gimme a list

    Hmm... could you wait a few more days? S/he browses on invisible but s/he hasn't posted at all recently, so.
    Eh, a trip to the mountains is special enough. I've only done that twice. Once was on a tourbus that felt like it'd roll down the side of the mountain at any given moment, and the other ended with a trip to a shady Chinese restaurant at the top.
    Hey bulbasaur today my mom checked the forecast for Vancouver and laughed when she was that the entire week would be rainy ;~;

    And apparently in Toronto the weather's going to be amazing for March Break! /The things I do for you (and my best friend)/
    Well, more like how I clicked on your profile after seeing the one from Polymetric Sesquialtera, and then ran into the most recent one there.
    Urgh yeah, I didn't charge for the last psychic apparently. Fixed.

    (Each psychic costs 7% energy.)
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