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  • Yes yes it is subjective. In my mind mooshy = sexy, yes.
    (but that means I'm not mooshy. No I'm not.)

    Yes, that's very different. Keep working on it, bulbasaur! You'll get it in no time :D
    ((Well of course! I mean he is my boyfriend. Granted he probably isn't what you'd call "sexy" [as an aside I like to avoid calling anyone that because it makes me feel awkward] but he is mooshy. :D))

    Haha! I knew it!
    (also make an effort to be creeped out less easily! It's not very fun when you paint this whole creative scenario and what you get back is a simple o_O)
    Clearly if someone sticks their good friend/significant other (I am actually very derpy I am really not sure which it is @_@) in a blender then /you/ must respond by sticking /your/ good friend/significant other in a blender. Basics of communication and socialization!
    Wh- why are you /happy/ that he got stuck in a blender? DDD:

    Or are you just happy that I'm making a Phootshop? Don't worry, ABCD will come out in several pieces. I should be able to reassemble him!
    I can make my legs look like a pretzel, but not put them behind my head! ... I have this weird feeling I was able to do that when I was a kid. Can double-jointedness just go away?
    And in /my/ opinion I am not adorable. ;~;

    Joltik, Bachuru, same difference. Except that Bachuru is a cuter name.
    RL spiders are fine! I love daddy long legs. Their body is so tiny but their legs are so looong it makes them seem so wobbly! Unrelatedly apparently my hands look like spiders when I play piano because my fingers are long. o.O
    And I have pretty good night vision so I'm not very bothered by the dark.
    No, whether something is adorable is a matter of opinion. It's like whether a type of tea tastes better than another, or something (I dunno, I was staring at the cup of tea on my desk as I typed this).

    Like heights. I'm not scared of the dark or spiders. Spiders are adorable. :D Like Bachuru.
    Pretty sure there's more than one person representing it D< And to call us mistaken is to disrespect our opinions!

    I don't care ;~; I'd rather not do public speaking. It's terrifying.
    And there's a third side that insists BLAZHY IS NOT ADORABLE FFF

    I hate hate hate public speaking. Or any sort of presentation in general. Standing up in front of the class is nervewracking enough; standing in front of the whole school? No way.
    Why are you happy that you made your teacher cry? D: Also send that one to me!
    I actually found the concept rather interesting. I could sympathize with the guy; there are so many Brigades and Dams in my school hallways that I want to take a battering ram to school and plow through everyone.

    It will. Don't do it.
    (I've written an essay and speech on cannibalism! :D If it weren't for the topic I would've represented my class, but. That's partially why I picked the topic.)
    "... And my essays would just invite flamewars, however well-written they are."

    That essay would /definitely/ invite a flamewar. Don't do it, bulbasaur!
    Also I read your story and it's not eyeburningly horrible! Have more faith in yourself. :D Do you want me to critique it or something, or just pretend it never was?
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