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  • In the animé, many things explode. In Anime-Styled Battling, even more explosions are caused.
    I usually use Kratos' scale for status effects, but for paralysis I generally assume that things will be moving last in their priority bracket unless it lessens at least as far as light paralysis. Unless there's an enormous base speed difference.
    I'm thinking about posting a Skaian battlefield ASB battle. WOuld you be interested? (whether it be in reffing or battling)
    No, it was called "Off the Air". It also had 1950s people with spinning pillars of heads. I think you'd like it.

    omg yes martha

    Donna's last episode is so so sad, though! I assume you know what happens?
    They are! I saw this trippy Adult Swim show this morning and there were daancing tiny spiiders. With background music!

    She is, she's like my favorite Who companion, too. but i love them aaaaalllll gigglegiggleha
    I'm fine with fleas, actually. It's just cockroaches (and to a lesser extent centipedes). Anything that wiggles and writhes that is also a bug tends to bother me, but cockroaches are the only ones that make me itch. I lurve teensy spiders, though.

    I had to! I was, genuinely, not bovvered at all!
    I've been thinking of reffing again, and I was hoping to retake Superbird vs. Karkat Vantas. I know you took it when it was up for E-Refs, but do you mind if I take it back?
    How do you ref EQ as working?
    Does the user jump up and descend, or is it just Ground-infused stomping on the floor or what?
    I usually make a month the maximum amount of time you can be excused from posting due to absence, but if you feel like you want to make it longer for his situation, perhaps two months?
    Alright, then :3 I'll get the contest set up right after November, and I guess I'll be the head judge. Which is not good if you've ever read my reffings, but I'll do.
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