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  • mmmm, I don't know I don't have much time on my hands these days. I'll give priority to my "official Battles" and if I have some time left I'll try to stick it in.
    I don't know. Baltoy, maybe? Thanks for thinking of me!

    It just now occurred to me that I should have posted in the birthday thread at some point.

    I was thinking about some kind of heat control, like Buddhist monks can do. Not sure about that yet though. Also a specific martial arts move that strikes pressure points and causes a pokémon's body heat to skyrocket.

    I'll be nice though and not DQ him for now. I'll give it another week.
    Actually RTB decided he wanted to ref your battle so I'll leave it to him. Him you have another battle in need of an e-ref, feel free to ask :D
    and it is odd that they decided to do that in the black and white versions!

    It's probably an entirely acceptable pun to make in Japan.
    No; the song starts before the round begins, so the damage would take place before either pokémon could move. Which, I guess, means that there's no point in asking them to give commands; their pokémon will both get knocked out without any opportunity to do anything.

    Instead, you might as well just set up the next round for sudden death: both pokémon at 10% health and 20% energy, returned to normal status (no stat boosts or status effects, etc), cancelling all prolonged effects (delibird stops flying), all songs ceased, they PM their commands to you rather than posting in the thread.

    And hopefully they won't manage to tie out of that situation as well.
    Hoppip makes me think of cotton, not berries.

    Which makes me think of a fact that my friend pointed out that I am 61% sure that you already know:

    Whimsicott is a dark-skinned cotton pokémon. Lilligant is a pale southern belle pokémon.
    I did? Helium would have been gone two rounds ago if it were not for the good luck in that round and the one before.
    I took a cold shower and have determined that I am most definitely not dreaming. What a stroke of luck! :DDDDDDDD
    ...Am I having one of my nightmares where something like this happens and I get all excited and then they go like "LOL JK :D"? This comes as too much of a shock to register. I'll have more appropriate emotions in the next post. But for now,

    If you want, sure. I could get a reffing up in a couple days if you could wait, but if not, I'm fine with getting the round e-reffed.
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