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  • Great, glad you liked it! At this point I've pretty much cleaned the local library out of Miéville, heh. Just started reading Un Lun Dun today, in fact.

    It's kind of funny, Perdido Street Station is actually one of my least favorite out of the novels I've read so far of his... I don't know why, but to me it felt like it started to drag a lot in the third act, and I kind of lost interest in it for a bit. Kraken's the one I've enjoyed the most, but I've been pretty satisfied with all the ones I've read so far!

    Edit: Also, if you're not tired of me shoving media recommendations in your face, Derelict is a pretty cool webcomic I think you'd like. It's a story about a woman trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world where... well, it's not totally clear what all happened yet, but it involves the emergence of a variety of pretty cool monsters.
    Sup Byrus. I just finished reading my first book by China Miéville earlier today and thought I would rec him to you if you haven't read anything by him yet. I think you would really enjoy his stuff.
    creepy_k commented on my youtube channel somehow months ago, so i clicked his profile and that's his only uploaded video. i remembered it through my yt history so i linked it

    all he ever does on yt apparently is support muslim rights? the internet is a weird place...
    Apparently it's from Dream Drop Distance, but I haven't got far enough in it to confirm that myself.
    Oh, you should! The art is a bit shaky at first but it's the webcomic that I've been following the longest and I love it.

    (Oh, yeah, Unwind is good too.)
    I did! Mayyybe it wasn't the best idea considering how common reading it as "Miami" is, but oh well. It's better than "Maifia", no matter how much I like the terrible pun.
    Right I'm afraid I'm just copying everyone else by now but happy birthday Byrus! Also commas don't exist at all nope.
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