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  • The math tournament will go on if Crazy Linoone will (just missing two scores from her). But since she hasn't been on in two months, I'm not sure.
    M'kay, I'll ref your battle as soon as Chief Zackrai confirms he's interested.
    Umm... with ASB being suspended, would you like your battle (Chief Zackrai) reffed in the meantime?
    Huh. Then I guess I... actually have never heard of it before! Looks cool, anyway.
    The person who forfeits gets no money, but their Pokemon still get EXP. All other prizes are distributed as normal.

    I had not realized that that was a thing. I feel stupid now.
    Yes, I think a forfeit would be good.
    Ehh, not really. I've pretty much lost interest in the 'battling' part of ASB.

    Oh, whoops! Forgot to actually respond to that.
    I'll give you all the time you want, I just wanted to remind you :P if you want to finish it that's fine by me, I totally understand outside things getting in the way
    What game is your avatar/signature from? I feel like I know what it is, but I can't think of it for some reason.
    yeah, so do I. random nonsense or not it was rather amusing. I actually ended up keeping contact with most of the people that posted there, haha. most of the nonsense came with us along into skype, lol
    Hey Byrus--
    Just wanted to ask if you were getting anywhere with either of the battles of mine you're reffing? God knows I have no place complaining about slow reffings (I literally dropped every single battle of mine for e-refs to pick up so I'm such a hypocrite)
    Oh um right I'd better get commanding. Uh would you mind if it's sent in tomorrow?

    Haha; CL says that RTB's appeal should work, so imagine it actually working when you judge.
    yeah, i enjoyed it. But then, Doc Scratch was my favorite character for a while, so call it bias if you will.
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