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  • Havent...started yet...I got to finish my Nuzlocke comic, well, part 3.2, and its almost done. Don't worry, after I do that, I'll sstart your pony.
    HEY THERE HOUNDOOM RULER. TALKING IN YE OLE ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE I SEE! (MLP FiM, season 2, episode 4 is royal canterlot voice)
    Great, you're back! Sorry if I sounded impatient. Anyway, I posted on the Houndoom society too.
    Thanks! If you'd like to get me something, just bring me some pictures of Future Trunks.
    Oh, the pony pokey at the gala!

    WWhat about the cupcakes song?

    All you have to do is take a cup of flour,
    Add it to the mix.
    Now just take a little something sweet, not sour,
    A bit of salt, just a pinch.
    Baking these treats is such a cinch,
    Add a teaspoon of vanilla,
    Add a little more, and you count to four
    And you never get your fill of…
    Cupcakes, so sweet and tasty.
    Cupcakes, don't be too hasty.
    Cupcakes...cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES! :P
    Well, I dont see a post by you on my nuzlocke on PB, xD

    Was the Pony Pokey with Pinkie singing "You gotta shaaaare, you gotta caaaaaare"
    By Nuzlocke thing, I don't mean the one in insanity, I mean teh Nuzlocke I actually made in Other Creativity, xD

    Giggle at the Ghosties is my favorate MLP song. I also love how Flutter"guy" sang 'evil enchantress'. Winter Wrap up was awesome too.

    When I was a little filly and the sun was going dooown. The darkness and the shadows they would always make me frown. I'd hide under my pillow, from what I thought I saw. But granny pie said that wasnt the way to deall with fears at alllll

    She's an evil enchantress, she does evil dances, and if you look deep into her eyes, she'll put you in a trances.

    Apples, carrots, celary stalks, colorful flowers toooo. We must work so very hard, its just so much to doooooo!

    I've been lazeing around and basically enjoying my time alone, occasionally checking here... Well occasionally isn't really true, I leave TCoD open often in my browser. You had disappeared, what are you doing?

    Have you seen my nuzlocke comics in the Other Creativity, or in subforum Game Logs on PB?
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