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  • Hopefully! It'd be... probably pretty terrible for you if you keep asking me questions when the game starts and I'm mafia xD

    I will be doing my first NaNo this year! It'll be a Homestuck fanfic, though. ^^;;
    Aww I actually like that picture tooo xD
    I CAN GET ALLYKIT TO AGREE WITH MEH so yay i haven't missed anything :D
    ...well I dunno how I can show it to you without you getting on facebook D:
    NUU THAT'S A LIEEEE did you post it yet
    The point is to put it on subtly enough. Eyeshadow is supposed to make your eyes bigger-looking, thus more elegant. Lipstick is supposed to make your lips fuller-looking, and thus...I don't know. And blush is supposed to give your skin a "healthier" tone. And plus, it's fun! (Well, for me at least) I'm so girly~
    *sigh* I think I'll tell them when I turn thirteen, as part of my "I'm a teenager nao" speech. Also, I will start wearing makeup. My mom says I can now, but I feel like turning thirteen is a kinda rite of passage.
    My location is Stalking, and my age...I guess I'll hide it. My gender, I don't need to change, I guess. Good advice.
    I'm worried~ My bro is threatening to tell my parents about dis place and if they find out I'be given info about myself I'm royally screwed. I deleted my announcement thread, so I should be relatively safe, but.
    *sigh* I hate how the song lyrics match my feelings. Except about friendship.
    You'll have to cut it up and sew it onto a hoodie, but okay!


    I heeeeaaaard that chur dreeeeaaaaams came trooooooo~
    This is going to sound completely unrelated, but... I need to write that Mechanical Animals-inspired ponyfic sometime.
    Well, some ponies tell me that I need help or something, but I think they just can't comprehend the awesomeness of the show. So I just tell them to stop their petty comments and join me in watching an episode of technicolor ponies. That'll teach them.
    S'kay. Psst, If Flyte still wants to learn to fly, push him off a roof! (it worked for Dylan)
    Most of just say "Welcome to the herd!" So there's that. I call it accepting the glory of poni.
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