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  • i knoww but looking back it passed by likee wooooooosh. at least for meh. happy your back big bro :D

    definizly broseph, i mean tat meat wuz da booooooombii
    can't believe it was 22 monthss

    there was bro but den we used dem instrucshins for dis fiya so we culd eat dis crappeh piece of meat
    daww :'3 rejection suckssssssss

    yo dawg same here bro i mean i took da light bulb but ya can't screw the thing on riiight
    Confusing name changes are confusing! D:

    Buttercat greatly approves. Of Quilly.

    Oh oh oh I just realized that you're Cloudsong! I saw the lucky and I thought it was Darkie *slaps self*
    Yayy good Quilava :D

    *shot xD I'm totally gonna ask tomorrow and about the sword thing too, just in case :3
    :D BAM, fire

    ...I want to make a glitter gun o: And I wonder if they'd allow that in school xD we're supposed to be making our character for an x-men movie xD I could totally work this out though since I have ideas now :D thank you :3
    I'll get on your request this weekend. I have a four day weekend, so I'll have plenty of time.
    AmberWings teh Flareon :D

    ...that sounds awesome actually :D And I'm not sure what her powers will be yet, I gotta find all the properties and stuff and how it's used and then I'll know. And I'm thinking...villian :D (our teacher gave us the option to dress up too and I totally want to do that)

    I hope so, it'd be nice :D
    Although I'm having trouble with her last name and what she looks like :c
    XD I need a new name...hmm...ooh idea!

    it's very unlikely since our team sucks and we've only won one game in like five years and that was a few weeks ago Thanks :D
    But hey! Moving forward in life :D I get a fun project though, I get to make a super hero/villian using an element from the periodic table :D loli'musingsilver
    January? Why then? o:

    We have a softball game tomorrow too, and they tend to run after 5:30 which is when practice is over and ahhh. You're lucky you don't have school anymore xD
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