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  • It's decent. I like some. Dierks Bentley and Toby Keith come to mind. :3

    It was a great choice, considering what battle you're in. :P Can't recall the name, but one of the recent Billy Currington songs would fit perfectly. (It's something like "I love the night life, I love my bud light, blah blah, but I'm pretty good at drinkin' beer!"
    'She'll start by kickin' out of her shoes~Lose an earring in her drink~Leave her jacket in the bathroom stall, drop a contact down the sink'

    Them pantyhose ain't gonna last too long~If the DJ puts Bon Jovi on~She might come home in a table cloth, yeah tequila makes her clothes fall off~~~

    You are just awesome. :D

    Joe Nichols is one of the few country singers I like. :3
    Well, I have a whole region in the making, so, there are still plenty of other fakes I can submit. So, it's not a big deal.

    Coloring isn't really necessary, since there's little about them that's not white.
    Looks as though I was beat to the polar bear fakemon.

    How far along are you in my request? Because, if you didn't get very far with it, you don't need to finish it.
    holy engiebees ilu

    every time i got a notification i was afraid it was going to be you yelling at me :c stupid paranoia
    okay, that is beautiful :3 but i still wanted the name and version part, just no friend codes :x sorry i didn't clarify that. just put chris/ss if you can. D:
    just like yours, except without the friend codes section, and instead of saying 'remember the name', have it as 'no time for losers', and with the pokemon in my sig. (left to right - metooth, parappa, sykle, ei, screem, eclipse.) thanks!
    ...Okay, I'm sorry, but i lied about the picture. I had completely forgotten that I dismantled the headset I already had so I could make the new one, so it would just be me in a hat making the face, lol.

    Also AHAHAHAH you posted the sketches from our rp on TF2chan? Tee hee hee I love you. <3
    And not just that, I just noticed its filename....you win, Kat. You win. :D

    I'll be home at about 10 and if I remember I'll make that picture. :3

    Now that I'm actually awake, I can't stop staring at your Sniper!back picture. DOSE SCARS. DOSE HANDS. DAT POSE...I'd hit it LIKE THE FIST OF AN ANGRY GOD. If I didn't have to go to work in ten minutes I would actually create a "DAT ASS" reaction picture with my Scout costume.

    Just wanted to say awesome job. ;D
    so if my meowth assassinates your shinx do i win :3
    *readies the poisoned cakes, knife, gun, river, and whatever the heck else it took to kill that crazy monk*
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