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  • If he doesn't, you know have a Heavy with him or if he's Ubercharged.

    If so, I valk away
    Oooooh now I see it. Is beautiful. :O

    She is cute. Too bad she's also psychotic....

    "Do YoU wAnT tO mArRy It? WELL I WON'T LET YOU!....hOw DoEs ThAt FeEl?"
    Hi FMC/Scout, where did you and Dwagie get your avies? I was looking for one but Medic instead.
    Indeed. Sizekink ftw.

    Although I will say I'm getting a little burnt out on Sniper, though, because he's EVERYWHARE. (So are Spy and Scout, but Scout fills my cute!boy kink and Spy is...well, Spy.)
    I can understand the Demo love, and I for one think that he is sorely, sorely neglected.

    Oh well, that's a relief then. I never want to be a burden. :3
    True, there is only nine. Still, that's still far more than I would fangirl over normally.

    Awww I am sincerely sorry if I'm derailing you. ;_;
    And it's not just that it's just one or two of the characters either. I have some kind of kink for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. And I'm not the fangirl-y type, so it feels strange...but wonderful :D

    Also, TF2chan is warping mah mind....@_@ It's been years since I've fangirled over a series so hard. YEARS.
    So I herd u liek engibees?

    Here, have a pile of them.

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