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  • Because of the deaths at the end, perhaps?

    And the manga is better than the Anime. Berry Shirayuki ftw~
    Gallery for avatars? Where might that be?
    You were just about to ask? Well I'd be perfectly willing; I like doing these and they're nowhere near as time consuming as the sprited ones.

    Early access...?
    Well I'm gonna do them for everyone, so.

    So far I have Atnura, Bas, Sheila and Fafneer. It was gonna be Ed next but I can't find any good-looking card artwork for Persian that I can air-brush on Photoshop and make shiny and awesome.
    Here's that sprite you asked for a few days ago

    And as an added bonus, I made this and I thought you might like it.
    Well what I meant was, all 151 or...?

    If it is, it may take a while if I'm not allowed to use the same sprite for each one.
    But I can do it! :D
    Ohhh, I getcha. Sounds pretty good. :3

    And yeah, stuff like that. You know, I am in graphic and web design as a course and I need to keep in practice for next year, so.

    And by the by Chaon DID post a profile. :v
    I've got a couple questions about that site you're making.

    1. I know it's like, an RSP forum, but will the RP itself be there or what?
    2. Would there be any design specifics that you would need done other than the sprites? I'd be willing to do them if you wanted. :3
    Alright. *crack knuckles* Time to explain.

    Rinna: She is a shiny Umbreon with Blue eyes (<-important). She was basically created to nudge Edward into being a better person, but later became Halan's little sister...half sister actually, but that's not really important. She is a sweet, Naive Umbreon that will only be around for a few appearence. She'll be the mother of Ed's kits. So in short. She's Ed's girlfriend. She also has a twin named Zarin, He's a Espeon. He was in a fight after being captured by the humans with his sister, and his forehead gem is cracked. His special attacks are now stronger and more random since the gem was his focus point.

    Demeter: She is a old Ninetails that took care of Halan when he was a pup. Fafneer would know her. She is wise and strong, and the reason why Halan has a soft spot for Ninetails. She's like Halan's "mom" figure.

    Xqui: A old Absol that used to live on a Daycare. He was around in the times when Trainers would go out and fight in gyms and stuff. He is strong and has a dark appearence. He is the reason why Zarin will have a scar on his face and the cracked gem. He is also Demeter's new man.

    Remus: He is a human that runs a day-care..or ran one before it got invaded and alot of his pokemon were taken to fight. He still has his closest pokemon, expect Xqui, and is hiding in Hoenn in a run down daycare. His old daycare was where Rinna, Zarin, Xqui, and Halan (*gasp*) came from. He is an old trainer from back in the day of Gyms and Contests.
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