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  • Oh of course. ^^

    Might take up to a week or two though. Depends on if I procrastinate or get distracted.
    And thank you. ^^
    Aaaah okays. ^^; I sort of figured that, but most people seem to say Doubles for team battles, so I just wanted to make sure.
    Anyway, the thread is up. =3 Hope it's fun and I do a good job and such. xD;; (And happy belated too~ )
    Hey there,
    I just got approved as an ASB ref and plan to take up your B-Day battle (Eh... better late than never? xD; Erp ) - I'm just a tad caught by the format you posted. (3 v 3 Tag Team Single) Could you just clarify how that format would be?
    Single suggests one 'Poke out at a time, so one person per team would be active at once? but 3v3 suggests one person would only have 1 pokemon and the other two, so I'm not 100% sure I understand. So, just wanna make sure. ^^;
    Peace, love.

    I was hoping of having two pokemon show up in the Saffron ring. Both will be shared by me and FMC. One is a Ninetales named Demeter, she is the one that cared for Halan when he used to be in the fights. She like a "Aunt" figure to him.
    The other is old Absol named Xqui. He is old and wise in his own way..as well as be the cause for Rinna's twin having a scar on his face and cracking his Jewel. He's Demeter's new mate and he used to be owned by a old trainer named Remus. (The Day-Care guy that we'll meet in Hoenn)

    ...Can we pretty please have this happen?
    Yeah, I do intend to kill him off. In an epic manner.
    Adema's the same way, but has been defeated only once. By someone we'll meet later on. I can't get the one who defeated him approved right just yet though; I have a name but no species or other connection to Sheila. ><
    I haven't quite come up with such a gruesome way for him to kill though, but what I had in mind was that he will attempt to behead the opponent once he gets one little taste of their blood and once their dead, he will suck them dry of their bodily fluids.
    Whatcha think?
    It's more of a fight. Also with a special appearance.
    He's an Absol basically sent by the humans of Saffron City to find and kill Sheila (and anyone who might help her) after she killed her human. He was chosen specifically for what he does to any Pokemon that should have the misfortune of facing him in the ring. His name is Adema.
    It will be at the Mauville ring that this will take place, while the rest are saving the Pokemon.
    She has seen Adema before, and so has Melchior. It is Melchior who will tell her that Adema was sent to Hoenn with his human to hunt for her and get more money from the rings there.
    And yet another thing... I'm sure I told you about the appearance of an old Arcanine in Saffron real soon, right? He'll only appear briefly, but he's the key for something I have planned for Hoenn. His name is Melchior.

    Is this approved?
    Oh, I've been all right~

    Have NO idea what's going on in the RSP though, I feel so left out.

    And how have you been?
    And now it's time for another unoriginal greeting from Black Yoshi 99.

    Happy Birfdays!

    This has been An unoriginal greeting from Black Yoshi 99

    Aside from that... Birfday Present. You don't have to use it. It's just kind of THERE. :3 I think it would fit the forums, but I didn't take time to actually check.
    I think I'm making myself the official HBD guy. (happy Birthday)

    So yeah! Woo for being fifteen, eh?
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