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  • Aaah, I didn't get much. But what I DID get was awesomenocity, I got a laptop~ Though it ain't coming 'til January. Still though, it's pretty freaking cool~ Happy Holidays to you too!

    I've had my better days, but I'm doing okay~ (Will post in the RSP shortly, just need to catch up.)

    What about you? How was your Christmas and what did you do?
    No prob~

    So. Did FMC note you about a event to do with Halan and a Latias?
    Ah. good then ^w^
    We are so close to Lavender Town *squee* Ming is waiting for us with a little Meowth and a Special Delcatty.
    *laughs* that's good to hear, my dear.

    Now...as you might know, Halan wants to talk to Fafneer about Basaina
    It was Grand. I got a New DS, since mine broke this year and the complete pokedex book with all the pokemon. I got art supplies up the wazu as well.

    The highlight was getting stuffed with food and smuthered with family.
    I'll do everything in my power to get this reffing up, hun. Don't you worry.

    So...how was your Chirstmas?
    I'm at my Grandma's. the Reffing isn't on her computer. So...i can't send it if i don't have it with me.

    Sorry for that.
    Why thank you *grin*

    Ah...I get it...but you never know, my interenet might be fixed tomarrrow *chuckles*
    Hold your horses. The gifts won't be given out until Negrek says that their being handed out.

    Thanks for the offer though
    I have the first reffing all reafy and tyoed out. I just can't post it.

    But it's up to you if you want a E Ref or not.

    On another note, have you gone to the gift exchange on ASB yet?
    The voice is telling her to! XD I think once she hurts enough of the RSP, she'll calm down, since it'll roughly equal the amount of humans who got hurt/killed... Or something. :P Or, someone might snap her out of it, and then she'll feel incredibly guilty and try to leave. XD I love torturing my characters...
    Eh? XD

    Well, considering she's thinking of him as someone who threatens the balance, he's not really in the position to drag her anywhere... XD Lemme see how I can edit it. Basically, she's running around and breathing fire, busy attacking various RSP members to even it out... Maybe you can edit your post, or have it that, since she was sort of hidden by smoke, he didn't pull her to the PC? XD I don't want to mess up all this epic fighting. XD
    Alright. All the calculations are done for your battle. I just need to write the events that happen and you will have your first reffing.

    Sorry for the wait. It's been a busy time fir me ^w^
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