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  • Life is great! It's been really wonderful~ I might even get to go see a friend in England in about a year or two. Yes, things are very awesomenocity~

    What about you?
    Wait, Someone PMd me about meeting in lavender town. He's offline now, what do I do?
    I don't know when exactly, but about a week ago. They announced it on the intercom on Friday. We'll miss him dearly.
    Ha ha, I say that all the time!

    I'm fine, but some sad things have come up. A kid at my school(not really a friend, but we said hi when we passed eachother), died of a heart attack. Other then that, it's been cool.
    Oh poor Atty~ D:

    But the pain will lessen, gradually it'll grow lesser as she realizes what is happening to her and learns how to control it. And then, things will be pure awesomenocity, because she'll have some cool new ability~

    Being vague is fun.
    Yay, hugs! ;;Hugs back;; :3

    Atnura: :DDD ;;Licks back;;

    Done as well. ^^ ;;Rewards you with 10 Awesome Points;;
    Heh heh.

    I just started middle school, and I'm really tired when I get home, so I'm not really awake or sane or cool (as in the opposite of hot; it's an oven in there!) enough to keep up with the RSP, as well as work on my fanfic, roleplay on some other forums, and get homework and real life thigs done. I'm probably going to lurk until things get a bit less chaotic.

    Sorry about this. I know I must sound like I'm trying to avoid doing it by making up all these reasons, but I need to get used to the idea of banging my head on my locker because my lock won't open first. xD
    Hey KQ I need you to take over Yanatto and kill him and RSP.
    I can't keep up with it and he needs to be killed.
    If you can't kill him have FMC do it.
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