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  • Wow. You really are into the entire tag team battling thing.

    So, uh, I'll get the next round up by Saturday. I can't do it tomorrow or Wednesday, I might be able to get it done by Thursday or Friday, but for now I'm thinking Saturday.
    I know I know.

    Have you seen the Dragon Quest thing yet?

    Oh..and you never sent me the list.
    Also. One little change to the Dragon Quest.

    I've added two others. A Gyrados named Red and a Charizard named Roy.

    Blade will be the one blessed by Charizard, and Rosie by the Gyrados.
    It's coming. I finished my exams at school...also, I'm doing house work too.
    The Dragon quest is one plot that will be will spread through the regions. It starts in Hoenn and will be spread from the to the other remaining reigons that need to be cleared.

    The timeline is how I'm keeping track of things. You already know about the group of old trainers, and about Halan's Sister Rena. The rest in there are small things that happen. Like Halan meeting the fmaily he never knew and devolping his aura skills along the way.

    ...hm...I may have made this sound complicated. Sorry about that Hun
    I hope you don't mind, but as I keep track of what I want to happen in the RSP for Halan and add new things I'd like to PM you the updated timeline of events.

    I find this alot easier on both me and you and if you knew what I've been cooking up for your RP.

    Also. The dragon quest that Halan will be on during the RP will include 10 other people, one of them being you. I hope you'd like to be in my plot.
    I'm just glad I didn't have to DQ it. That seems to be the theme for my refs at the moment.
    >< Yes yes sorry sorry sorry. It might take a while to get it up, I'm trying to think out what exactly is happening, and now that it's not the weekend I don't have the greatest amount of time. I'll hopefully have it tomorrow or Wednesday.

    Sorry ^^;;;
    That's cool~

    I hope you had a great year, and have a good new year ^w^
    *starts to laugh* Silly Negrek. She extended the Chirstmad shopping until Jan 1st because she had to sort out her gifts for people as well.

    An't she silly?
    And you got some gifts at least!


    I'll post when I have time, I promise. Just a bit busy with a few things, but it should be soon.
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