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  • Maybe.

    And poor T-Dog.

    I mean where was he this season! He was there, but not there. I think I can count how many lines he had on my hands.
    It's not spoilery, over season two she's become slowly the outcast with Shane. Remember when they were wanting to leave together? Her sister's dead, Dale's gone, she has no one she's really close with anymore. Plus, everyone thinks she's nutso because of the suicide thing, both hers and letting the girl try to kill herself.
    She was pretty epic on her own, but I worry about her rejoining the group, she's even more of an outcast now.
    I read the comics, so none of it's a surprise to me.

    I was soo happy they didn't kill Andrea off. I was worried she was going to be killed.
    *Shivers from memories from "The Walking Dead" finale*

    Hey, I'm alll over this forum. Mafias, ASB..... pretty much everything BUT the Pokémon threads.

    Yeah, just a time jump to the first "safe" place, and/or clearing out said, "Safe" place.

    GM gave me the go-ahead.
    Eh I'm just all worried cause this is my first RP.

    Haha, and yes she is supposed to be a tad preachy and have a hair trigger. Alayne's all about survival, and anything that could potentially make her dead, especially stupidity, yeah that's a good way to get a rant from her.

    I will remake the post. I've been thinking about doing a fast forward, or at least talking to the GM about it, except the place has been dead. :/

    Cause if you think about it, we won't run into them for a while, I'm sure the city has some sort of 'safe zone'... you know what I mean?
    Regarding the trope you gave me... That. These zombies can be equivalent to that. They'll just keep going, going, going, 'til they get what they want.

    1. I don't really think they can. These lame brains aren't that smart, and I think I'll just let them drown when they go underwater. Also, if they could breathe underwater, that would probably contradict with the storyline. Remember how the other countries blockaded their docks? Well, if zombies happened to be on the ship that left before that blockade and they threw them overboard, they'd still be alive, and mass chaos would follow.

    ... So I guess the only other thing that can kill them is their lungs filling up with water?

    2. It's very likely, no. It's only contagious from the mouth. If you were to get blood on an open sore, it won't do anything. It's only from a bite, or rather, the bacteria from the zombies' mouth. In other words, the bacteria is mainly dominant in their mouths, more specifically their teeth and jaws, and the scenario you gave would probably be safe from Infection.
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It looks like he has an absence sheet post though, so I'll just poke him about it and he should hopefully have commands up soon.
    Hey! Speaking of zoms in cars, I had this idea where we would pass over a highway on the way! It's... ingenious now! So yeah, I guess you're right. Zoms in cars, scary! We'll need to be careful, indeed.

    And not at all, not at all. In fact, it's something for me to copy and paste, so I won't have to think up all these questions in my head now! Thanks for that. ;3

    Alrighty, lessee... Decay rates, huh... Hmm. Well, I suppose the Infection could've slowed that down, at least by a tad bit. So yes, they do indeed decay, although it's much slower. I'd say after a year or two, bacterium starts working its way on the zom's skin, so zombies dating back to the beginning of the Infection will probably be really close to being walking bones and a few threads of skin hanging on them or something. Scary, I know, but hey, it's just realistic that way.

    Again, thanks for the questions. It's definitely helping with the plot, and I'll try extra hard to get it posted by tonight, if not by tomorrow morning.
    Infection spreading= biting. Anywhere on the body of the victim. Usually, the Infection will kill immediately and convert the victim into a mindless zom instantaneously, but in some cases, it takes a longer time (eg. a few days).

    Physical strength= eh, I guess it depends on who they once were, really. I mean, they can grab you and stuff, but more than likely you can escape before being bit or something. Solely because you're faster and overally stronger at the moment, but I suppose it depends on the situation, too. So, I guess bluntly, they're not really stronger than humans. If anything, they're weaker.

    Brain function= ... There isn't much. At all. When I put "mindless" as an adjective in front of the word "zombie," I'm being quite literal. There is almost nothing other than getting their prey in their mind. Doors, ladders, fences, etc. are practically impossible for these zoms, and are obstacles that, in the end, they simply can't get around.
    Their hearing is enhanced, however, which is why we need to be very agile and quiet when stalking through the woods and such. Sound attracts the zom, the zom attracts more zoms, and before you know it, we're all dead, so yeah.

    I think I'll wait to post the main thing until I get all this zom business straightened out, which I probably should've done earlier, but it... slipped my mind. I'll be sure to put this in a separate post for everyone to read.
    Nice questions: I might note this stuff on the OOC thread once I get the main thing up in a bit.

    The zombies in this... Well, I wanted the roleplay itself to be... different. I tried not to copy anything I've read from zombie apocalypse novels prior to now, so if I did, I really didn't notice. Basically, they're like most of the other zoms, tough: dreadfully pale, soulless back eyes (like, everything other than the sclera, AKA "the white part"), slowly shuffling but quick to strike once they have a hold of their prey, low moaning, etc, etc. The only real way to kill them is to sever the brainstem, like most others, or I guess blowing them up or something, which I doubt will happen. ... Does that cover most of it? I can go deeper if needed.

    As for the second question... Umm. I might just be because I'm having a derp moment, but I kind of got confused by it. Do you mean what we can do to them, or what they can do to us? I don't want to answer until I'm clear, because I don't want to supply you with the opposite of what you want, so, yeah. ;~;
    Sorry about that. I have the first post ready now, and I promise it'll be up by tomorrow, if not by later tonight. I just need to do a bit of proofreading and final touches, and it'll be ready to go.

    Thank you for reminding me; I forgot to get around and reread over it. :O
    I just finished a game of Alter Ego after seeing it in your sig. I was a wise old man who got into college and relationships just a wee bit too late, but I was very happy and wealthy.
    I'd prefer to end it now, if you don't mind. It's because I plainly screwed up my commands have an arena idea that I want to make real somehow. I hope we can battle eventually, though :)

    So, do I contact the ref, or...?
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