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  • I actually haven't seen Battle Royale's movie. Initially I had low expectations for the Hunger Games movie, but the new trailer made me think differently. Have you seen it?
    :0 but it's not hunger games without... hunger games! I thought them going back into the arena was pretty interesting and surprising actually. I liked the arena setup in both the first and the second. And the worldbuilding was great overall. The plot and everything was good, but, in light of the book's essence, it's direct plagiarism of Battle Royale, another great novel.
    Hm, I though the second was almost equal to the first one personally, but the last one kinda sucked. My favorite character was foxface.
    Yes it is. On Monday, in fact. I'll send you a PM with the location later.

    I KNOW, RIGHT?!?! I have Demon's Souls, and I'll be getting Dark Souls for my PS3 come Christmas most likely.
    A quick google search reveals... Skulduggery Pleasant looks epic. On the topic of favorite books, you a hunger games fan?

    Oh, where exactly does one go to get moving images like the one in your sig?
    I've started the RP. Please post soon, as I will not have us progress until everyone has introduced themselves...
    Quote from you: This virus was used as a weapon to infect things like power plants and oil grids, and shit these things down using holes in the programming known as "Zero Days"

    you're spelling it wrong
    The numbers were changed for health and energy percentages and all that, so we can still work with those.
    Of course.

    Maybe... I guess I'm just saying no exaggerated one?

    And Cascade is even better. :D

    I'm a Vriska, or Terezi if you include Ophiuchus.
    That would be worse than one of Vriska's doomsday devices.

    I think no accent Dave is best.

    Although at the same time I'm not entirely sure how she would react. I suppose it would depend on how he started the conversation.

    I see the Vriska killing Tavros! I always liked Wake, although I preferred Make Her Pay.

    (I tried to avoid reading that. ><;;)

    Irish Dave... hmm, I don't really see the appeal. Although I don't like the idea of a stereotypically Texan Dave either. (Which is where he's from, I think.)

    Hmm, I suppose you're right. Although I have to wonder whether trying to reconcile their relationship would just make things worse--she'd vehemently deny anything that would peg her as unstable or less than normal. Angel would have to work ridiculously hard to get her to just be able to sit in the same room as him comfortably.

    Thanks! I got them from a mixture of Homestuck-Gifs (really terrible layout) and Homestuck Panels. It took a while to find awesome ones that didn't need a scrollbar, though.
    Okay. I guess I'll just PM them to you--they're pretty obviously too long for one VM.

    Yeah, I know. It was just ridiculous, going off on tangents like that just to increase wordcount! I'd... rather not venture too far into the depths of our "conversation," honestly. xD

    And sorry, but I'm not very interested in that. I don't have a very good voice for any of the characters anyway.

    Aaalso Tides Under Siege! It's getting back so much life :D! I guess Angel's having a stunning revelation about Beauty; what do you think that'll do to him? I'm not sure whether that's heading into Angel giving Beauty a break (which may actually cause more trouble than intended), or maybe even messing with her more (which could lead into lots of fun character drama).

    Also, I have a new avatar! It's not very significant but it's been two months or so since I changed it. I think.
    ... You know what, sure. It's been ridiculous. I'm tired of it. I do have a few paragraphs done, though, if you still want to see them for some reason.
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