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  • If the moves get approved, I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle.
    And each of the firing only one color was to balance it.
    When I come up with Drives and Keychains for my character during the RP, I pm it to you before adding it to my profile... ?
    You are copying sig moves and attributes. My Pokemon can shoot portals, and BRCB's Porygon is GLaDOS.
    Perhaps Takida was asked by Angel to kill a trusted ally of Rafael's, which would easily disrupted Rafael's movements. (I think it'd then be in character for Takida to immediately go to help Rafael in some way)
    I think that once Takida starts making arrangements with Angel, it should be brought up at one point that Takida has worked with Angel beforehand - it would be natural for the two to have done business before, wouldn't it?
    Ohmigosh! I'm so excited about Alabaster getting captured! =D ...eh... well it's not a nice thing to say about my own character but Angel is really cool.
    Uh something along the lines of calling for his aid, I dunno you just joined the instance with Lireis and Greaser. Could also be a request to send a message to someone.

    Be creative
    23. BLUH BLUH I'VE SAID THIS THREE TIMES IN A ROW IN A PERIOD OF TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS. It seems great, really! Magical and fun with a nice story. I HAVEN'T PLAYED IT AND PROBABLY WILL NEVER DO SO. Just like your so-called avoidance of ponies. I'm almost tempted to buy a manga of it or something, just so I can use the idea of that to bribe you to watch ponies. But that would cost money, and ponies are free. Join the herd sometime, Coroxn. And play Drawn To Life as well.

    24. IT'S AN OKAY BOOK SERIES UNTIL YOU THINK ABOUT IT. I used to be /a riduculously obsessed fangirl/ but then I reread the books critically. It did not seem that good. So yeah; I suppose it's entertaining but at the same time I don't like it anymore. It's enjoyable, but not amazing or even that good.

    25. ONLY TWO PEOPLE. IT DOESN'T REALLY MATTER. Well, I told Silver (used to be Alice Liddell). And then I told Skyman that I relieved that I finished the whole thing. I told no one else, however. I plan to make my silly bragging official; I do not want to have lied.

    26. OH HELL NO. I'm not going to lose this, Coroxn. I'm going to ramble on and on and on and on until I win because this is stupid. I cannot lose something stupid. You cannot beat me in an inane ramble-off. I am simply the best there is until I run out of time.

    27. OH HELL NO. My words speak for themselves. I'm not quitting now.
    19. You won't write anymore? Well, that's a lie! xD I see several more long paragraphs in front of me that I'll have to reply to. I sort of enjoy this. It's okay, in the way that I don't hate the time I'm spending on this anymore. I've accepted it. In fact, I've embraced it. I still want you to quit, though. School starts tomorrow and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up; I'll still try my very best at the least. I'm doing everything I can. I can't allow myself to back down now. Maybe it would be acceptable if I didn't have the time to continue this. But maybe not. It would be an embarrassment. I'm not going to allow that. I have six thousand fifty-eight (6058) words right now and it would be pointless to quit. I want to win now. I really do, so I'm doing my best at wasting your time. I hope it's working, because if it isn't that would honestly crush me. I don't know if I want to make my paragraph longer than yours; there's no reason to and it's just filler. Filler, filler, filler and filler. I'm not going to stop the filler. I really can't. There /is/ seven boxes. Obviously. So am I, except it's not even enjoyment. It's more like occupation. Some thing to do that I don't necessarily enjoy. I'm going further, for no real reason. I guess I tried; but that's only if I lose. I don't want to have just tried. This probably sounds like a villain song right now, but that just might be accurate. I. Don't. Want. To. Tryyyyyy~

    20. I want to win/ I want to have victory in my grasp/ I don't want to fail/ I can't allow that metaphorical jail/ I need to win/ But most of all I need this just to fin

    21. You /can/ say one more thing? How... wonderful. I was working on that pointless villain song. VILLAIN SONGS. And, sorry. It seems that both you and Skyman like Kingdom Hearts. But I've never tried it. I've heard countless things about it, how it's a great story despite the whole Disney thing. The whole thing is I don't know how to start. I heard it started on the Gameboy. What happened there? How do I get into such a long-running series? What should I do? Do I hunt down a rare and probably expensive copy that has much worse gameplay than the sequels? Do I read a dramatization and risk not knowing everything? Is the knowledge of old games really necessary? I don't know, and therefore I don't know how to start. It's sort of like Final Fantasy. No matter how many times I think that it might be awesome, I realize that I know nothing about where to start. So I don't buy it. Sorry. It must be really great, considering the whole ramblerant and the roleplay being considered and everything. However, as I said earlier I don't know when and where to start. I must sound quite odd, but now that you talked about Kingdom Hearts I must talk about Drawn To Life. I really hope you played that. Sure, the gameplay can be irritating at times. But the music! I don't even know how to describe it. I only played The Next Chapter, but it doesn't matter. The story is amazing on it's own and I cried several times. You can create the appearance of your own character and many things in the overworld. It is. So awesome. You have to try it sometime, you really do. The story. D: I love it. It's so depressing. I want to reset it and play it all again, so that I can experience this wonderful game again. The ending is so perfect, but at the same time...
    I can't stop crying. ;_;/SPOILER] Please tell me you have played this game.

    22. I was a wall before I thought of Drawn To Life as well. I was at a loss... and then I found you. There was no disguise before, don't worry. I don't blame you for it, anyway. I will reply to those questions. And I will lengthen them! It will be epic if I can make a paragraph out of your sentence. If so, I will be very, very fortunate. And tired as well, because this is getting old. Yet at the same time it is almost getting young, because instead of replying to a huge gargantuan paragraph I'm planning to make just a normal one myself. To top your two-sentence paragraphs. Whoo, filler! Maybe I should see how far I can go with this. Do you think it is far? I think so, considering these last two sentences. Yes!
    17. Of course My Little Pony is brilliant! I only watch things like that when the plot is /so incredibly amazing/ that I couldn't stand ignoring it just because of my age. You must watch it, I insist. You truly must. I think you're being a paranoid, there. Just watch it alone. At home. When no one is there. With headphones on. There are a lot of closet bronies! I think we both know you're being crazy; pony stickers on your coffin? /Really/? You would live it down. You would make them watch whatever episode you were watching and they will believe. At the very least you could blackmail them. I do see (the ridiculousness of) what you are saying. but I disagree with the idea that you would dislike it or be /too/ needlessly persecuted. Twilight Sparkle is a typically girly name, but as you said it isn't that bad. The risk is very much worth the reward, and you know that. PONIES PONIES PONIES. They will not put them on your casket. Seriously.

    18. Oh, well that's fine. I personally love them, but that's probably because of these two hugely important ones that I love. You can even spend /hours/ on one of them! Of course that's a while from where you are now, but when you get to it I think I'll have to fangirl with you. Because it's pretty hard not to love it. That's true, none of them have parents! ...
    It's an interesting theory, that's for sure! I don't actually understand all of the time travel mechanics in this, hahaha. Jade's grandfather, you say. Well.
    If by the grandfather do you mean Colonel Sassacre? Links would be appreciated; I don't remember a lot of things. However, you said you're in act four. Didn't you? I think you did. If so, that's pretty amazing. You're two and a half acts away from being all caught up! That will be great, especially considering how we can talk about the parallels between Sanctic and Homestuck. (By the way, don't look at my VMs with Skyman if you don't want to see spoilers.) Sure, I put them in spoiler tags. A lot of those questions I can't answer at all if you don't want spoilers! Also, this is fairly spoilerly but at the same time not /that/ bad:
    If you don't want to read that then it's fine.
    15. Sure, if you want. I'll sign up as soon as the page is made and start helping out. We probably should have /something/ as a start, though. That would help take people in, to have a huge trope list within days of it being made. I like the idea, actually! I remember TV Tropes being big on There Is No Such Thing As Notability, and several fanfics have their trope page. (As an aside, have you read the fanfic No Antidote?
    It's a ridiculously great fic.) I don't see why roleplays should be different, especially considering how ridiculously long this one is. As you said, it's not exactly like they could (or would) bother to stop us. Why not just let the obsessed fanatics try to drag people into a time drain? Ah, yes. Rebecca's become that with her charm move, hasn't she? It's almost like mind control. x3 I'm just replying to you, so I actually have a lot to say. Perhaps not too much, but I can (and have, I believe) outstripped you. Ugh. I asked Silver for you, but I guess she had to drop out. :( And she was going to be my trump card! My spy! It would've been so fun; it's been a while since we were both in the same roleplay. I think the last one was Splices Revolution! Nope, she's pretty dead-set against working with Angel. She's completely terrified of him, really. So convinced he knows she's shiny. And with his deformities it's even worse. It's like she thinks something like that is contagious. Ahahaha, that would be great to write. I can just imagine her, sitting alone in her room with the orb. She would think it was a video camera or something, used so he could spy on her. And then she would try to use it... I think I'll make it show her as a shiny huntail just for the mindscrew. She'd hate it, she really would. What /could/ she give to him? That's the question. Well, you can go forward now. Pretend she doesn't exist, or ask for permission to say she swam off without giving an answer. I'm not sure what you should do, so.

    16. Oh, wow. You almost got me there, and for a reason you really can't control. I was finishing up paragraph fifteen when I suddenly had a terrible, terrible migraine. I could barely think, couldn't even stand the any light in the room, and even with that couldn't sleep. I was extremely irritated, and honestly considering the idea that you put a curse on me. (Well, not that seriously.) :/ I was ready to quit. But seriously. It's been paragraphs and paragraphs, days and hours put into this. I don't want to finish this. I have a higher wordcount; I could just stop now. But I won't. I think I'm going to charge forward, and if I'm not going to make a new useless paragraph I'm going to expand the hell out of my reply. You'll have to quit. You really will. Because if what you say is true, then you will have to make 7+ pages of reply just to spite me. And I'm determined now; determined like a shuppet. (Lolwut?) According to the pokedex, they feed on negative emotions; I'm tired with this and negative about walls of text. But I don't care in the slightest. So there, Coroxn. It was an interesting metaphor, I'll have to concede. But what about Midnight? Once he's all up and married to pacifism, what would happen if Midnight happened to become a sadism prostitute? What if he goes into his mind again? Or will that just make him determined to be kind? He's your character as well, you know. WHAT DO???
    14. Holy shit, really? You've got to be kidding me; this is seriously ridiculous. I can't believe I'm actually doing this--oh wait, I can. I'm just extremely stupid and cannot turn down a challenge. This is completely pointless, why are we doing this again? (Because of my stupid arrogance and decision to make it so that it will not be out of place.) This stopped being a lengthy way to get to know each other once we topped six VMs. And yet, I'm still going to continue doing this. It's silly and time-wasting. My favorite songs are starting to lose their inspirational-ness, although now that I've started to listen to Wicked songs my willingness has increased somewhat. It's still disappointing, though; I can't believe you managed to write this in the first place. I'll keep up, but at the same time I'm not exactly excited to trail blaze. Are you still so excited to defeat me that you'd top this all again? I truly hope not. It would be quite depressing, this becoming our normal mode of communication. I'm holding out hope that in a few weeks we'll all laugh about this and how stubborn we are (particularly my stubbornness being enough to stop this fiasco from repeating.) I'm up to four thousand, fifty-six (4,056) words. This of course has been surpassed by me merely by stating the same thing. I am sure that if I tried I could figure out how to make that to make that completely accurate, but I don't think I particularly want to. I'm very odd, yes. I'm not counting the characters (how are you doing that? I don't particularly want to think right now, just type); I'm pasting my document into Microsoft Word and seeing what it says. My message is six pages long; isn't that great? Of course, yours is probably the same; you have four thousand seven hundred and eleven (4,711) words. But I will top that, I'm completely certain I will. I wasted too much time not to do so. In fact, I'm almost there now. Six hundred more words! So close, I can almost taste victory. I can't help but wonder, however; where did those words come from? Did I not make a large enough paragraph once or twice, or is it the fact I haven't replied to everything yet? I truly hope it is that; like I said I don't want to make yet another discussion. I don't mean that in the way I don't want to talk to you; it's just that if I do so in this contest it will turn into yet another roadblock on the route to victory. Or will it? If I overwhelm you, will you quit? Or will that just make you want to rise to the challenge? You said you were prepared to strike me down every time I got over your wordcount, but was that a heat of the moment slip? Are you truly prepared to face me? Am I repeating what I said earlier? I can't remember, you see. My individual comments have been lost in the flood. Of our comments are obsolete. Everything is obsolete. At this point I am only replying to increase my wordcount. I don't care. I'm extremely frustrated. I have many, many things of yours to reply to. And because of that I am in a rage. This. Is. Ridiculous. You will ramble, I presume? Of course, I actually read this in advance. I already know what you will/have do/done. So there. (Also, I accidently replied to this before I replied to paragraph thirteen. So, my wordcounts are way inaccurate.)
    12. Oh, okay. The whole thing about Sentient Blades always bothered me. Unless they were complete Blood Knights, they'd be traumatized from being used to kill people all the time. BLUH BLUH SONG OF ICE AND FIRE SPOILERS GOOD THING I'LL PROBABLY FORGET BEFORE I READ THE BOOK. IF I EVEN DECIDE TO DO THAT. I PROBABLY WON'T, BECAUSE I HAVE A TON OF THINGS I PROBABLY SHOULD READ BUT NEVER WILL. I think the blade symbolized courage, or something. I've gone far past being eager now; I'm bored of this and dreading the rambles. Maybe after I eat this sandwich I'll feel better. I hope. :( It is pretty cool; I have to admit that. Seems ominous as well. I miss my friends as well, but at the same time I'm sort of nervous about seeing them. I guess I'll just have to see what happens. I'm pretty sure you'll need at least a large part of the math skills. Then again, I don't know what you'd actually try out for. Like, just playing the songs? Because I think it would be fairly hard to get a job for that. Ugh, I know. I probably stress about grades way more than necessary. I mean, I've never gotten a B in my life. But still, I'm always insanely afraid that this year I actually might. :| I don't actually compete with grades; I never bragged about it (my brother was a valedictorian and will not let me forget it) and no one ever challenged me to a contest like that. So yeah.

    . THAT WAS SO SAD :(. I DON'T THINK I'VE REALLY RECOVERED FROM THAT. I never saw Doctor Who, but I've heard it's really good so okay. I can't show you my own bookshelf (too cluttered; impossible to organize), but I'll still comment on yours. I won't skip it; how else would I reply and get up to your wordcount? I couldn't, and that would make me lose. I can't fail this. I really can't. I've heard of Artemis Fowl, but never read it. (Also can you spoiler the spoilers?) I believe most people liked it, but I never actually saw it in a bookstore or library so I never actually read it. Oh well. The Lord of the Rings, eh? I never read that series; I didn't like the movie all that much (it was okay, but not that perfect or MUST READ) so I never wanted to pick up the book. Harry Potter is a great series. I have nothing to say other than that. I can't really remember what Beast Quest is about. Twilight was... okay. I read the whole series about a year ago. It was enjoyable at at time, and I went through a phase when it was one of my favorite books. But then I thought about it, considered it and realized that it was pretty terrible plot-wise. So... yeah. I think I'm done commenting on every single one of your books, but I must say that A Series Of Unfortunate Events was a great read. I loved it. That ending, though... it was quite a mindscrew. Maybe I should reread it. The Chingles? That sounds completely ridiculous, and I don't think I would ever read it. Even if it was a good book, which it apparently wasn't. Does the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series have anything to do with Harry Potter? It sounds familiar. Inkheart was something I considered reading but never did; I still like the concept. Percy Jackson always sounded silly to me. I don't know why, it's just that the idea repelled me for no reason. Whatever it was, I don't think I will ever, ever read that series at all. The Hunger Games series is truly magnificent, though. I love it.
    9. I suppose it is weird! I don't really understand getting into the band itself if you've only heard of a few songs, though. How do you know whether the rest of them are as great as you thought they are? That Yellowcard fiasco is exactly what I'm talking about. I worship the songs, but never the band itself. Mostly because of the whole fandom thing. Ironic because you're Irish, I assume? I have never heard of many of those bands, honestly. Maybe I'm weird. Actually, I /am/ weird. I've spent three hours on this and will not stop. Are you talking about the theme to Angel? As in the spinoff to Buffy? That show is great, it really is. I'm only on season two, but I think I need to pick it up again. Because that theme song is amazing. Buffy and Angel are really great shows, aren’t' they? I think I'll just shy away from the topic of songs for now and ramble on about Once More With Feeling.
    And now I think I'll go back on the topic of songs and recommend Kokoro. Sure, it's Vocaloid. But it's amazing, thoughtful, and every time I listen to it I cry. Just look at the subtitles, I dare you. You'll cry too.

    10. So am I. ^^;; I can't imagine Homestuck ending at all. It has such a large, intricate plot that it seems impossible to contain it with an ending. Do you know Andrew (the writer) lives off the money produced by this comic? Obviously it'd be pretty hard to keep a job with these constant updates, but at the same time it's still ridiculous. I mean, seriously. Think about working on a webcomic for a living. Could you imagine what would happen if you got writer's block? I have confidence in AH to keep this interesting, yes. You have real-life friends who read Homestuck? As in plural? Lucky. I could only introduce it to one of mine, and although he loves it almost as much as I do he hasn't finished it yet (as far as I know). I don't like the beginning that much, actually. It's sort of boring, and probably scared off a lot of people who were expecting an intricate story from the beginning. It does build up nicely, though. I understand what you mean by "players in the game". It's almost real. Hate Dave as a character or hate him as a person? There's a big difference between the two. I would hate him as a person, but personally I think he's hilarious as a character. "Out of whack?" You have a long way to go. Things will get worse, I promise. And it will be awesome. Anyway, I like Jade and John almost equally. Rose and Dave are the best in my opinion; although this has been influenced severely by more current events. They really do need to learn how to type, don't they? It's really irritating at times.
    Wait for the summary; that'll help. I honestly don't remember some of that, or I'd tell you. And even if I did tell you, I'm afraid I might accidently spoil something. I don't know entirely what happened by whatever point you're at, honestly. Hopefully you can get to act five soon, because that's where it gets great! (Or completely terrible, depending on your opinion.) I'm not that great with programming, so I'm not entirely sure. Still, I'm pretty sure Array, Queue and Stack have some use. I don't think Fetch has anything to do with it, though.

    11. You messed up the spoiler tag there, if you were trying to make it so you had to highlight. You just put "spoiler" in [these]. Ugh, my goal was to outstrip you in every single paragraph. But I don't think I can do it. Out of all the things I can ramble about, I can't ramble about Harry Potter. It's a great book series and movie, rest assured. It's just I can't say much other than that. I don't even know why, but. It's time to move on! Three and a half hours; I'm still going.
    7. D:! But PONIES! And PLOT! And CHARACTERIZATION! And FRIENDSHIP! That actually would be very offensive if I was a guy, but since I'm not I suppose I can temporarily forgive your horrible trespass. You see, I will induct you sometime; eventually I will go on #tcod shouting PONIES and we will all talk about them and I will link you to Youtube. >D That is my devious plan, yesh. But seriously; masculinity has nothing to do with it. You don't have to tell anyone offline; you could just erase your history after viewing ponies. You'd love it, I know so! Your masculinity can truly hold the ponies; in fact ponies would increase your masculinity severely. Nothing is more manly than ponies. They are very STRONG, yes.
    Yes ponies. Yes ponies. Yes ponies. Ponies. You would love them. Come on and join the herd, brony. It would be awesome. Ponies are the greatest things ever. Possibly even better than kitties. Come on you would love them. Not okay. :| But seriously, try it! Your masculinity will still be intact, I'm sure. xD No, Animorphs has nothing to do with anthro. Animorphs really is the best series ever, but it's a bit hard to find. I'm pretty sure the series started in the late 90's, and it ended in 2005. :( If you happen to find the first book, though, you really should buy it and read it. It's called The Invasion. The first six are going to be rereleased soon, so you should definitely check it out if you find it in a bookstore a few months from now. It is impossible for you to regret it (hey look I'm using my fangirl voice). It's a ridiculously long series, but that cannot discourage you because the outcome is so great it makes it worth it. It really is, isn't it? I can't believe how long it's gone on. Only two years, with so much content! It must be horribly confusing to write; I can easily imagine Hussie himself not knowing what he's writing. I must be a bit slow-witted about things.
    The carapaces are nice, but they definitely aren't better than the kids. Felicity (I don't watch Firefly) is a good Only Sane Man, but Dave's irony is so ridiculous. He gets even better when
    Holy shit, Jaspers. That was so ridiculously creepy. Even now, it still disturbs me. Also: that has nothing to do with masculinity. Go. Watch. Ponies. And read Animorphs while you're at it!

    8. May I say I have absolutely no idea what you're replying to? I really don't; this is getting frustrating. In fact, I think I'll start numbering mine. See, the first message you sent me? I replied to that first, so I'll mark it with a one. Then I went chronologically. Do you think this will help things? I certainly hope so, because at the moment I'm very confused. Can you number your replies too? I'm finished with the numbering; I'll reply to your actual message now. I wasn't particularly good at the experience system, no. I don't think I'd ever get around to level ten. I care a lot about writing well, but I never got that many points for it and eventually I just ran out of things to write about. I think if it was reintroduced, I might be doing better. I'm using more plot control and becoming much more active than before. Anyway, Psy was using the /Power of Love/ to angst his way to the hospital! And everyone loves angst! Just joking, but guess there was no real way Rebecca could side with Sayne while still being in-character. He was advocating for peace (before Sayne caused him to flip out), after all. Yep, pretty much! Although it doesn't take much for me to associate a song with a fandom.
    5. We have, haven't we? xD I just felt the trope links would be fun; and indeed the did speed up my writing processes slightly. Perhaps that's weird, but. ... You tried to introduce your grandmother to TV Tropes? I don't remember the exact name, but there has to be a trope about parents being terrible at the internet. But yeah... you seem to take TV Tropes a bit too seriously. >_>;; Sure, it's a useful resource and a fun site. That doesn't mean everyone that doesn't like the idea (even if it's a stupid reason, which I agree with) can be fixed or needs fixing. I sound like Rebecca, don't I? Whatever. That's probably weird, but I guess she wouldn't want Sayne to hit his grandmother. xD It's odd how you can find similarities to your characters, even if they're nothing like you. In fact, if I try I can even relate Beauty's fear of being revealed as shiny to my reluctance to tell my family about my atheism, TCoD and other political things we'd probably disagree on... maybe I'm weird. Everyone is, really. And while I'm scrambling for a topic, I suppose I'll just say that I'm considering HighMoon's roleplay. What about you? I can't think of a decent form at the moment, but the plot sounds quite interesting overall and if I come up with an interesting character I might be able to keep up with three roleplays. Spelling is probably my best subject, actually. Aside from writing itself, I mean. Sometimes I end up being a walking dictionary for my brothers. You don't want to end up boring, eh? That honestly sounds like Beauty if you twist "boring" into "shiny" or "ugly".

    6. They can, but it often happens that I don't always know how I want to develop them. Honestly, Rebecca was /supposed/ to start out normal, just slightly more optimistic than a normal person. And look at her now! Almost delusional, with optimism that could rival a thing that was programmed only to have happy thoughts (LOOK AT MY METAPHORS). This current paragraph isn't all that great, admittedly (maybe it's the fact that I know I have to face six more?), but either way I'm going to continue this until I'm done. Almost a third of the way there (look at myself being delusional), self! I need to keep going. I cannot lose. I cannot lose. I cannot lose to you in a /writing competition/. (Hey look another similarity to Beauty!) Oh, right. I just saw the social group thing and ended up saying trop page, because there wasn't a need for both. >_< Take that as my vote for which is the better idea, if you will. I suppose I just forgot who had the idea (yes, Skyman told me). That does sound extremely amusing; where was it? XKCD, maybe? Either way, if you see it again I would appreciate a link. Although the whole thing has been spoiled to me, so it may just be "okay so it happened like you said it did" in the way of appreciation... Taking A Level In Sadism? YES. Okay, so I just had the funniest idea. Imagine that he just took down Emile because he didn't stop to listen about his mother, or something. And Sayne is all like "okay we did what we came for let's go home" and Psy is like "we need to go save Anna now!!!" and Rebecca is all like "why'd you have to use violence :(" and Leo is all like "well I suppose it's okay because you didn't kill him" and Sapphire is all like "I wanted to fight! Grah :|". (That was the longest run-on sentence ever but I don't care.) So then everyone is congratulating him or something and then they say "now let's get to the hospital to Anna! Whooo :D" aaannnddd then Midnight says, "OH HELL NO. I'M KILLING HIM." and then he does an evil villain laugh and then everyone is all like ":OOO" because they didn't expect that at all. AND THAT'S WHEN REBECCA INTERRUPTS THE STORY TO WRITE AN AESOP ABOUT FRIENDSHIP. YES.[/] Okay maybe that was weird but I get odd ideas sometimes so there. What's Sayne going to do? Torture the ones in the helicopter with confusion? That'd be interesting. ... Writing a reaction to that would be /hilarious/. "Um, Midnight? What are you doing?!!! Let them up, please! I know you're angry and all, but this is unacceptable! Please!"
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