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  • Pictures: If you're ever on MSN, i'll totally send them.
    School: My classes are mostly good, but i've got a bad case of the back-to-school-blues.
    Buffy: I like it so far, but does the willow actress get... better? All her lines sound kinda forced. (Although i LOVED the ending of the internet demon episode.) She also reminds me of you for some reason. o.o My favorite character is probably xander so far, i hope they expand him in the future.
    hey, I'm painfully curious, where is everyone getting these upside-down blinking avatars?
    We should start our own prison where the uniforms are rainbow!

    Oh, duh x3 When I here veggie-anything, I think of vegetables, not lack-of-meat x.0
    And wow, someone who feels the same way I do about instructions >:3 I break tradition, that I do. I would like to make a spicy cake one day. I just need to figure out how to not burn down the house when I touch the stove x3 If I ever find a working recipe, I'll make sure to give you a copy so you can try it~!
    Lessee... I've got XII:Revenant Wings, IX (nearly finished both of those :D), VIII, Anthology (which contains IV and V), III on the DS, Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time on the Wii and XII. Oh, and I got VII yesterday and played a little bit of it today. So far IX is my absolute favourite. Vivi and Quina = <3

    A pet chocobo would be BRILLIANT. Kwehhh

    Well, I was thinking of a combination of the two. I'll write something from the Wikipedia plot summary tonight, so at least I have SOMETHING, but come clean and tell her I didn't read the book (peh, it'll be obvious really) but lie and say I left it later than I should have, not realising the book is as long as it is (752 PAGES according to Amazon), and so I didn't think I'd get it finished, but look I researched it on the Internet, look how resourceful I am, please don't kill me Miss Denny. I'll still get bollocked but hopefully with less severity :3

    I'm definitely studying Law (best/favourite subject), and I was considering Gloucestershire, Reading and Oxford Brookes so far. There was something about Reading and Gloucestershire that I liked though I don't remember what, and Oxford Brookes is kind of a failsafe because they only want three Bs to get in (even though I'm quite sure I've got like 75% of the points I need for one of the others from AS grades alone), and also it's close enough to go in every day instead of living there, in case I somehow manage to change my mind and decide I'd rather not stay at Uni where my parents can't yell at me for lazing about ^^ Still need another two options though, and most universities seem to want at least three As to let you study Law and no way am I that unthick.

    I'm an Upside-Down Goblin too now yay :D
    Well, i was on vacation the whole first month (I still have pictures that you asked me to take!) and spending time with my girlfriend. School gets back on the 8th. Also, I lol'd at the 7 periods thing. And I started watching buffy! Only on episode 4 though.
    :o Have fun with the killing thing. Remember, don't get caught! You don't get to wear rainbows in prison D:

    ...Veggie food? I... I cannot recall ever eating macaroni and cheese with vegetables in it o.o Nor can I ever remember using microwaves to cook it.
    Haves funs with your ovenly thing x3 And try not to burn down the house >:(
    But yeah, I'm hopeless in the kitchen x3 Glad to know that you're horrible too. Uh, not that that's a good thing but uh well yeah *inserts foot into mouth*
    Sometimes I think I'm like a real-life Raine in that respect. Remember the Z-Skit where Raine wonders why people don't make spicy cake? I've always thought that that would be tasty.
    Summer was fun :D Did very little really... sat at home sleeping til 4 every day... got into Final Fantasy, bought a SNES... never did that book report that's in for Monday and now I need a REALLY good excuse unless I can get hold of a copy and read it from cover to cover in the next thirty-something hours... XD I also ignored the UCAS site, which is a shame cos I should really get round to sorting out my uni choices and booking open days and such.

    How was your summer? :3

    (I see you've joined this upside-down-people-in-our-avatars fad XD)
    My summer as been pretty great, although i'm really dreading school. Among other things, we only have 7 periods this year, meaning we have less lunch and I don't get a free period. ;~;
    Oh, please don't feel bad! I'm sorry! And it's not too bad after the first month or so x3
    And good luck with that because if you do then... well, I'll be laughing but you'll be "ah" and that'd just be horrible and yeah. (Sorry, brain no worky today @@)

    And I do know what you mean about the breakfast thing~ And as for cooking? Well. Let's just say that I've attempted cooking, and the results were... heartburn-inducing macaroni-and-cheese level horrible... so I just stick to cereal, toast, and other such things too.
    I gotta get up that early because school starts at like 7:45 and there's no homeroom or anything and if I don't get up early there's no way I'd be able to understand what the teacher's saying x3 Plus, I'm a very skinny girl, so if I don't eat breakfast, I don't even make it to my first class without fainting.
    Four months is how long it's been. ;-; That's a third of a year.
    Did you eat another box of rat poison? Because that would explain the like... several month absence
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