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    So I'm really bad at responding to anything, but we knew that. I think I have some kind of three-month delay or something. :D

    Hurr so by now I'm guessing you've already moved into your house. How's it going? Has the bolognaise been a success? XD

    I haven't really watched much Joss Whedon stuff. :c Except Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, which is amazing.
    Hee. The guy who wrote those few Doctor Who episodes (the weeping angels, the sunbeam monsters and the gas mask children) is actually becoming the head writer for the next series so er be afraid. :D I can't wait.

    I'm doing English Lit., History, Philosophy and Ethics (now I know what you were talking about with Plato's Cave and the Matrix and everything ages ago XD) and IT. Soo many essays. o_x It's okay though. How's uni?
    Bluh, late reply is late. So so sorry I feel horrible aaah ><;

    :< Well, if you're reading this, it means you have internet x3

    Why didn't you paint x3 I've always wanted to take a wall and paint it in like a billion bright colors. Fufufu >D

    D: Those poor inmates! Even murderers deserve color! (And the fact that they have to separate inmates also makes me very, very uneasy :/ )

    Ok, good, I was worried we were talking about different foods x3
    I love Garfield and Peanuts, but my all-time favorite was and always will be Calvin and Hobbes~ Well, that and the ~1 billion different webcomics I read.

    I go off on spiels like that more often than is healthy for the people I associate with x3 But then, I do believe that's what Twitter's for xD (Note that I said not what it is for, but what I believe it's for)

    x] My Food Tech teacher, when helping a hyperventilating me clean up a knife after I cut myself (I can't stand blood icky icky eww aaah scary :< and I was bleeding like crazy), told me that maybe I shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen part of the classroom anymore x3 But I had to, as that was a required class... so yeah x3

    Oh! Part of the reason I'm dropping a line in the first place is because I had the wierdest dream! Someone plopped the plot and characters from RENT into the world and reality of Tales of Symphonia. From what I heard, it was partly played and partly performed. Most of the cast members were people I know. I was helping them all prepare. It was really really strange and when I woke up I was like, "I gotta tell Dannichu about this :o" so here I am. Or not, as this is the end of the message.
    Danni, you are on TV Tropes for your crack fic. CONGRATULATIONS. Oh and I've played ToS recently and Raine is my fave as well.
    I have decided that it is my duty to share this with you. And everyone else I know, actually.
    Hey, Dannichu; don't know if you'll see this soon, but I'm going to Kent's open day tomorrow. I doubt I'll see you, but yeah, just mentioning, I guess! It'll be nice to see the uni.
    I can get on now, thankfully.

    I still need to order expo tickets. 8D; Go me.

    Life in Espeonland is good, though I've been awfully tired recently. My cat won "patient of the month" award at the vets' recently. \o/
    She's been really ill recently but is nearly completely healed.

    I'l really looking foreward to meeting people at the expo again. :3
    "NOTHING CAN DEFEAT THE PENIS" looooolololol

    Nah, I saw the xander/faith thing, i just wasn't at a computer with MSN. Anwyay, i don't know if i'm w/x or w/o. Xander and willow are awesome, but so are oz and willow. I'M WILLOW/VAMP WILLOW.

    Yeah, i also find that much more appealing then i should.

    Willow: "I think vamp me is kinda gay. Good thing vampires have nothing in common with the personalities of the people they used to be."
    Angel: "Well, actually- *everybody glares at him* Yeah, you're right!"

    in closing: I LOVE WILLOW. AND VAMP WILLOW. and i promise i will write down my every thought as i'm watching them, kay? I miss you! ;-;
    Okay. But expect to get a whole ton of them when you eventually sign in next.

    also vamp willow IS the best character ever.

    I've been leaving you offline messages.

    I'm on season 4 now. DOPPLEGANGLAND=SO AWESOME
    Well, I wasn't originally feeling back-to-school/college blues but I am now, however that works. I think it's because I'm tired.
    Have fun in Kent! :3
    I really want to finish school and get to uni. Just can't wait to move on in life, though I'll miss a lot of the people here. I'm quite emotionally anchored, you could say. :P
    Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I'm great, thanks. :3
    Yeah, you're right it's been a while. I kind of has a bit of a "YAY DANNICHU!" spasm when I saw your random message for me. Pleasant surprise!
    How's life?
    I'm going for my associate's degree in arts, which I *should* get by the end of Spring term. Then I'll probably transfer elsewhere to study music education. I want to be a music teacher :3

    I'm not too keen on my history class this term, though...
    I've been good :D Busy with work and university mostly, though D: I missed TCoD, so I'm trying to get active again.
    (Yeep, sorry for the slightly-late response. Computers are FSKLJIowsff... But everything seems to be working well enough x3 Unless all you're seeing is a wall of gibberish. I hope not.)

    Oooh ooh ooh, and we could have like bathroom stalls instead of unsanitary ones in the cell with them and stuff and other things that are just awesome like that x3 And the walls would be in different assorted shades and hues of every color of the rainbow :D

    x3 Lasagna~ You know, at some point, I want to hang up a portrait of the former U.S. President President Garfield. Why? Because I love lasagna! :D (On a scale of 1-10 on strange brain processes, I rate Osaka. Or mabye Kobe? Or Wakayama? She was born in Wakayama you know. I think. I do believe that's what it said in the manga. Or maybe that's where she went to Elementary/Primary School. Uh. But Wakayama was mentioned. I forgot where I was going with this paragraph. But I swear it had something to do with Lasagna. I think I opened a paranthesis a while back. I think I'll close it now.) And I think you might have been talking about something else entirely now because you said 'lasagne' and not 'lasagna' but then that could just be a US vs England language thing. Or I might just be being an idiot again x.0

    Okie-dokie! I may forget, but I will try not to! And hey, as I say, you can't say you've perfected a recepie until you've tried all the possibilities ^^ (Something tells me I won't be getting into any cooking schools any time soon xD)
    :D thank yew. I've been rather obsessed with all the songs from Once More With Feeling for a little while. x3 (particularly 'Rest In Peace', 'I've Got a Theory' and 'Walk Through the Fire')

    I wish my friend who has all the Buffy eps still lived in town so we could watch 'em again, it's been ages...
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