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  • Ehe, yeah; guess I just didn't get around to it. :S Or something.

    Yeah, it looked lovely. I like all the greenery and the layout of the uni seems nice. It was kind of strange to think that you go there. x) Well, not strange, but sort of interesting.

    I'm about as likely to come there as I am to the other two I liked best. Which are Nottingham and Reading. I also have two choices which are the potential back-up choices. I haven't received an acceptance or denial from Kent yet, but if I get a conditional offer, I'm guessing I might be travelling there again to check out the place in more detail - I don't know.
    I suppose I'm a bit weak to the taunt of an updated console; I have my Brick, my Lite and my Nintendo/Apple crossover console. <:D

    Off topic a little; have you ever been to Wagamama's? It's this westernised restraunt that does really good food. They have a White Chocolate and Ginger cheesecake that's really yummy. :P

    Yeah, for the majority of the year, I'm 5 years younger than you.
    6th form looks really good for me because my school's part of a 6th form centre, which is two local schools together and that presents about 40 different subjects to study. I know what I'm going to take, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Law.
    I have a friend who was going to take sociology in the 6th form; he's part Irish, he's a complete nutter and has a startling resemblance to David Tennant. C:
    As for the variety in Unis, If Bristol is better then I aught to aim for there. Also, Banksy :3
    nooooo i hate it when people apologise like that because then it makes me feel guilty for making others feel guilty and then everyone feels guilty when there's nothing to be guilty about.

    Aww, thanks. But I think that you're right, I am seeing an improvement in my drawings and It's picking up quickly. With age comes experience, I guess. eheh.

    If you have a DSi (which i doubt because barely anyone i know does) then you can get Flipnote Studio without having to spend any points. It's a pretty awesome app, IMO, and it means that 5-min doodles can become full pieces. I'm really happy because I've made it to the top 100 posters.

    It's good to hear that you go on the saturday, because that's when Hood and I get to spend the most of the day. We're either getting a hotel right next to the centre, or my granddad is going to get us somewhere to stay.

    Ahah, Danni, I haven't even been to a 6th form open day as of yet. But it's one of the places in the UK that does Forensics so I'm considering it. There's also the Uni of Bristol, If I'm not mistaken. I have printed sheets with all of the unis on somewhere.
    Yes. Yes, I am. We're almost done with it, actually, amazingly enough; we've basically been watching all day. I just made a huge post in the Buffy club rambling on about it and the amazingness of The Gift, so. :D

    I can't believe I'm soon going to be watching the last season.
    You should totally go post something in the Buffy club so I have an excuse to post again about the rest of season five. :o
    You still enjoy inanimate objects with faces, then. X3

    I know! And I thought lecture theatres were amazing when I first walked into one and instantly noticed they are just like cinemas. But an entirely purple one is just too brilliant :D I probably won't have lectures there, because it's not in the Law building, but I'll sneak in or something <<
    I believe this will be enormously relevant to your interests. :D

    (also I went on an open day to Anglia Ruskin on Saturday and they have a lecture theatre that is ENTIRELY PURPLE. Wolverhampton and Buckinghamshire'll never beat that <3)
    Ohey, me and Hood have planned to book the Premier inn on the east side of Expo. Which entrance will you be coming from? And which day are you going on, 'cuz be and Hood are going on Saturday.
    Don't worry; so am I. XD

    That's fine, a lot of other people have already disbanded from their blinking avatars, and your new avatar is just as adorable.

    Yeah, getting exams done early means less stress in the future. Went in for AQA English paper A today, wasn't happy with what I'd done and I'll be lucky to get a B. And when you're coursework is Bs and Cs, I really need to get As to boost my marks. And I still don't have anyone to perform with. :c

    It's due for tomorrow? Well I hope that you've got it done and if not you're working on it right now. You do have a point there, but a problem arises when you're asked to remove chunks of quote and you don't reach the target words anymore. I'd still rather write to a brief than write an essay. I like the Persuade/Describe parts of the English Exams, but not the anthology and insert stuff.

    Me and Black Hood were planning on getting a double at Premiere Inn (Amai is going with her parents) but It'll be about £30 per night. So yeah, lots of friends.

    graagh meganium sunny day and synthesis why doo you do this to meeeee~

    If that essay is done, hop on over to the OSers right nao. If not, finish it first and then go.
    A month and a half?!

    You are braver than I. XD Good that you're all settled in now, though.

    You're making me hungry. :c Stirfry, bologniase, lasaaaaagne omnomnomnom <3

    Hurr; I've started NaNo now so the essays are suddenly miniscule in comparison. S'all good, really. But hiss, uni essays; begone! D8

    (XD Aww, but it sounds like so much fun.) I saw your thingy in the LGBT Club about the LGBT work in your Amnesty society; it was really cool. :D Do you have all these clubs and things on campus (... campus? Is that the right word my university knowledge bank is the size of a peanut)?

    I would be way too scared to go to an LGBT society. |D; At the moment. It would be a cool place to meet people and stuff though, even if you didn't fancy the going-to-clubs bit. And they might give out free rainbowy stickers etc.! (Stickers make all clubs/meeting so much better. Law.)

    Ahh, I'm fine. Pretty busy juggling schoolwork with NaNo and trying to find time to draw and fit in at least some slobbing about, but I'm doing okay. I might just crash through most of the Christmas holidays, though. :D Oh, sleep. <3 Your sister's in the same year as me, isn't she...? How's she managing? I get visions of frantic seventeen year olds all over the country whenever I consider life beyond my own school. XD
    I love knowing that if I'm online during the veeery early morning like now, I'll probably see you online. XD
    Mwahaha! >D I finally have my revenge on you for all the times I've woken up recently with I'll Never Tell stuck in my head. (Or Walk Through the Fire, or Standing, or Under Your Spell, or Where Do We Go From Here, or...)
    :c you didn't reply to my last vm.

    Just a heads up, the Obsessive Scribblers has been revived. :D

    Oh yeah, nice profile pic. I wonder who drew that. XD
    ...XDDD Oh my. We are /bad/.
    Your subconscious mind is both very cracky, and very, very, very awesome.
    ... Your bio told me to talk to you. I couldn't say no.

    Also, I kind of ninjaadded you on Twitter a few days ago. :BB I know you're aware, but yeah. You are an amazing chick \o\
    I like Vivi and Steiner's characters :3 I think they both develop quite interestingly. And they kick bum in battle. As long as you don't get so excited to try out Doomsday so that you use it without equipping anything to block/absorb Shadow damage and killing yourself, like I did :<
    I'm not a fan of Zidane, since they were all YOU MUST HAVE THIS GENTLEMAN IN YOUR PARTY FOR THE WHOLE GAME OR ELSE. That's why I love Memoria.

    The fish has eaten France, Danni, and we need to stop him before he eats us too. See, he got the Isle of Wight already.

    It does seem a bit of a pointless subject, but then not many people will grow up to be a yacht. :D

    Your percentages appear to add up to 105%. xD 50% of time sleeping does sound fun though~ That's about as much time as it consumes in my schedule during holidays, but otherwise I only get to do it for seven hours a day D: On weekdays, that is.

    When I first got Platinum I named my team after philosophers; no idea why. This time I started off naming them after FFIX summons (Ifrit the Monferno, Fenrir the Luxio, and Leviathan the Magikarp among them), but in the end I dropped that and went with whatever dreadful names I can think of.

    I'd so play that :D What would the titular sociologist be called though?

    Ugh, I know :/ Still, it gives me time to get work done if I have any, and to otherwise mess around if not. I have five frees a day on Tuesday AND Thursday D: I blame Law.

    I think that would cripple your British geography skill even more, but I appreciate the sentiment :3

    (Yes, I caved. Donaldavvy ftw :3)
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