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  • urk, It's my turn to apologise for leaving this so late. Eheh.

    I imagine it would, though I've never seen the whole thing; just occasionaly sitting down and watching bits when it's on. Something about a red pill and viagra and a white rabbit and sunglasses and morpheus or something like that.

    Haha, confusing YuGiOh for the Pokemon TCG. I'm currently trying to get my little brother to collect Pokemon cards because I think he'll enjoy it, but also because I want someone to play the game with. XD

    Yeah, well there's never any tourists here in Trowbridge, so there. >:C

    Whenever we make our own Pizza, we use a garlic butter base. That along with cheese, mushrooms, ham and whatever else is in our fridge at the time is really quite nice. Almost all of our meals are home-made, with going out to places such as McDonalds as a treat. My parents are great cooks. c:

    I'm almost never satisfied with Coursework, I always think that I've written too little or that I've rambled too much. And when I've actually written enough, I find that I've rambled too much. It's infuriating.

    Yeah, we all like looking at your drawings as much as you like drawing them, I'm sure.
    Me and some friends once did a petri dish experiment and created a new life form while trying to cause bread to decay; it was black, had a reddish-pink underbelly and had little white hairs growing out of it. Sounds like a concept for a fakemon. Not to be sneezed at.

    Me and hood were thinking about waving a rainbow scarf instead of a bit of cardboard with your name on it to find you at Expo. XD
    I might be getting some shirts with stupid stuff written on them for christmas this year, from YuGiOh Abridged and Zero Puctuation.

    And your profile pic. eeeee
    I told my parents that my friend got it for me. :D

    but thank you so much~~~~~
    You should REALLY get on msn.

    I sure hope you didn't get me season 1 of buffy; that's what my sister got me.
    We haven't spoken in a while and that just won't do >:[
    ...So yeah.
    Uh, I'm having an awesome time at College. It's hard to believe but I'm actually preferring it over holidays. Lessons are awesome and I actually have IRL friends that are on the same wavelength as me now. The only problem is that we get so much more time off than we did in High School. I mean, two week after half-term we got a random study week that didn't serve much purpose. Now we have another two weeks in College and then we have two weeks off for Christmas D:
    We went to the IMAX cinema on Thursday to see Christmas Carol. It wasn't the best adaption I've ever seen (I still love the Muppets version more than any other <3), but the CGI was amazing.
    For Video Production class we had to make a three minute video, which could be about anything so long as it took place in the College. So of course I did something based on Death Note seeing as I got a replica from MCM. It should have been completed by now, but there were problem with space on the College computers (500mb for an Animation and Game Design student!? Madness!), but it should be done during the next VP lesson. I'll upload it on Youtube once it's done :3

    Uh, I'm having a lot of fun with ArtMo. Most of the drawing I did was for my comic and it wasn't often I just drew a standalone picture, so it's nice to put it aside for a while. Only problem is, doing a picture every day is hard. I barely had time to finish Thursday's picture (seeing as I was at the cinema with College all day) and I only just managed to get it done at 11:30 (albeit without any shading). But aside from that, it's good fun and it's nice to draw these characters whilst they're happy for once, before anything bad happens xD
    Speaking of which, one of my college friends is helping me with the sequel for my comic. From what we've planned already, it is going to be so much more awesome than the first and I really can't wait to start on it :3
    Come onnn, BBC, repeat it already! Aw, Ianto is my absolute favourite, he's brilliant. Best coffee boy ever. XD
    I know! XD I always wondered that if it weren't for the whole memory pill not working thing with her they would have dumped her a while ago. X3; Whoops, I released a sex crazed alien. Whoops, nearly got eaten again. Whoops, car! etc. etc. SHe is funny for that, though.
    Hee, I love Torchwood cause I live roundabout where they film it. |D About an hourish away from the Bay; every time I'm there I take great delight in trying to make the invisible-making-slab by the water tower go down. I live in hope.

    XD Well, having ideas is the important part. I frequently have nothing. My NaNo idea literally came to me about two days beforehand - I largely had no idea what I was doing. I am jealous of people with ideas. |C

    Heyyy, I saw your Copenhagen march thing on the news! Guessing it had a good influence. Yaay~ :D
    (If you found a way of keeping warm, please tell me. I'm doing a sleep out thing on Thursday to raise awareness/money for homelessness - I think I might actually be an ice cube by Friday morning. o_x)
    XD Royal Society for the Protection of Bananas; please wear yellow!

    Hurr, our discussion during the show was always something along the lines of "Ahh - no - what? D8" Afterwards it was a bit more developed, though.
    (Stopwatch. <3)
    PW's basically a book anyway D: But an electronic, interactive one with (awesome) music.

    I dunno how many people in the legal profession play PW, actually :o It'd be cool if they did.

    (On a totally unrelated note QI'S STARTED AGAIN <3)
    I'd love to hear her reaction. x3
    You'll come up with a name eventually, and if you don't I'll call her, 'she-who-isn't-named.' Once I get my scanner working, I'll see what I can do. If that takes too long, I can always use my camera. Thank you <3~

    I'm not a fan of homework, myself. Oh, what sort of thing do you wright about, and how specfic does your writing have to be the topic? Our school's midterms/finals are coming up in two weeks, so we're starting to review on our subjects. However, my PE's pretty cool, and we're taking a daily field trip until finals to a near-by bowling alley. It's pretty fun, even though I'm far from good at it. My highest score was 95 so far. The first day, I bowled a 55. D: After that we have Christmas/winter break, though it starts on the 23rd. That's probably the shortest one we've had, yet. It's all good, though.

    Tech-y stuff doesn't seem to like my family at all. D: I'm really weird, so I don't listen to enough music to bother with a MP3 player. However there's a local radio station that surprisingly has good taste and doesn't repeat its songs for at least a week that I'm fond of, but I mainly listen to talk radio. What kind of music are you into by the way?

    Aww, thank you <3~ You're very welcome.
    That'd be great. Tell your housemate that some random American she doesn't know would like to high-five her. Haha, that's sounds amazing, and oddly adorable. That's a bit like this snowflake-paperfolding-dog-thing I mentioned, except not.

    You're very welcome, and it's very much deserved :3 That's alright, you definitely should put your work before drawing, no matter how dull the work may be and how amazing the picture would be. I use drawing as a break method, and works pretty well. It'll be pretty nice to see some Danni-art again.

    Better late than never, right? I'm pretty sure Kai wouldn't mind, and on the off chance he does you could always put it up in your art thread.

    We finally got a scanner, but I have no clue how to work it. I've tried, and the scanner doesn't seem to like me. It beeped at me ;~; I'd use my camera, but since I have a scanner, I don't know what to do.

    Thank you <3~

    Good luck on your essays, too.
    That makes me very sad on the inside, just to let you know.

    I'd still like to see your doodles; I've found a lot of creative stuff comes from that.

    Well, don't say that; your realistic picture of your sister looked very preportional, and real-y looking. Don't hesiate to use a photo reference, when you're having trouble. Every artist has some sort of rut, when they think they can't draw, but they usually come out from it for the better. You're definitely right, when you say you need to think positively. Don't for a second think you can't draw, because you definitely can. (Sorry for the cornyness x3)

    Oh, a few doodles here and there. My best stuff comes from math class; I came up with a snowflake-patterned, paper-folding-inspired, dog-thing. (I don't really know what it is to be honest.) Uh, I'm in DraMo, too. I've drawn a Shaymin in it's Sky Forme, and an Ivysaur that fell asleep when it was snowing. Would you have any suggestions on ideas?
    I know. They want me to learn about double jeopardy from a book. Hmph.

    Of course, I could just lie and disguise it. Like, say I enjoyed learning about Law by studying the case of R vs DeLite (2007).
    I got my personal statement back from my head of sixth form today. I'm not allowed to write about Phoenix Wright.

    Your PS2 plays in green? Wow. That must be weird.

    butbutbutbutbut (plusle)
    And what in Yugioh would be cute enough to persuade someone to continue playing after they've grown out of it?

    Damn you and the tourists you get. The only tourist attraction near here is a bunch of million-year-old-rocks while you have a goddamn archbishop. Curse you and your famous christians.

    £8 Sandwiches? LOLWUT is prettu much the only thing that works in this situation.
    And I've disliked Tomatoes for a very long time. Tomatoes are in a lot of pretty cool things, like pizza and pasta and whatnot, which means I have to get them specially ordered, which is annoying.
    I can't imagine anyone not liking Mushrooms, and a lot of people don't.

    I'm predicted at least Bs in most subjects, but I've impressed myself in the GCSEs that I've done so far with some As and an A*. I'm more intelligent that I seem but I just do't put that much effort into schoolwork. When it's crunchtime, though, I'm up there.

    Was Mrs. Fuller that Art teacher that said thet you'll never get better by any chance?
    There's only one teacher in my school that would come to kill me, but that might just be because she'd crush me with her fat in an instant. XD

    So you wear pretty much the opposite of what I wear. Wow. Do you have a rainbow scarf, though?
    I will be very dissapoint if you don't.
    No, It's because my dad has one, and we go on that instead because he has a hugeass tv to play it on. c:
    There's still a few PS2 games that I enjoy playing; Disgaea of course, along with Yugioh, Duelists of the roses (I grew out of Yugioh a long time ago but I still enjoy the tactical element of it) and an awesome PS game that never got a sequel called Silent Bomber. Most games I play on now are either for the Wii or the DS.

    Wagamama's is cheap? I always thought of it as rather expensive. But oh well. It's still nice food.
    I went to Pizza Hut once for a friend's birthday and since I don't like tomatoes, I ended up getting a Pasta dish. And I've never been to Nando's.

    There aren't that many people who take language that seriously, though. I'm in top set for German and I can name three people who will likely fail. Bottom set just dick about all lesson.
    You got an A in french? That really is odd. I'm trying hard in my german lessons and I'm aiming for a B at most.

    I imagine that I'll be going to the 6th form centre at my school at the moment, because I have the chance to study Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Law. A friend of mine is going to a local catholic 6th form because (I don't joke, I've seen them myself) almost every girl there is a hottie.
    I've asked him to hook me up with one. XD

    I don't have that many t-shirts; I tend to go with long sleeved shirts. They look smarter, IMO.
    (is getting a beret for christmas. :D)
    Oh wow, that really is generous. I'd probably give my PS2 away if it still worked. <:P
    I wish I had people to play Pokemon with. My team hasn't been used in about two months. Maybe I'll find someone to WiFi with.

    I suppose that Wagamama's isn't the sort of restraunt if you're not a very noodley person. I've taken a few friends there before and they said positive things about it.
    And that cheesecake really is gorgeous. :'3

    Well, if it's any less wierd, for three months there's nly 4 years between us.
    Only one person studying French? That's a bad sign for linguists. D: Our school is a language college so French or German is compulsary for GCSEs. Guess which I chose. Es ist ein fantastisch Stunde. ;D

    I've checked the list of Unis, and Bristol isn't actually there. There's Teesside, The Robert Gordon, Glamorgan, Kent, Lincoln, Portsmouth, Strathclyde, West of England, Wolverhampton, Abertay, Derby, Huddersfield, Nottingham Trent and Staffordshire.

    oh god that picture
    i was giggling like an idiot for a full five minutes. XD
    *valiant attempt to make One Day today* whooosh

    Yeeaaah~! I didn't think I was going to make it. XD My brain is telling me to celebrate by sleeping a lot, but I suddenly seem to have lots of free time and a backlog of homework...? Dammit.
    Uhh, sure. It's this thing about this thing and a thingity thing thing. XD IT SOUNDS DUMB but uh. It was clichéd soup of a story about a writer who uses endless self inserts and Mary Sues and whatnot and gets yanked into her latest storyland via some psychic-y hocus pocus... ends up taking the place of her Sueish character, getting abducted by a pair of decidedly unorthodox kidnappers. The place itself is also a more complex than she anticipated (goverment/unemployment/economy failure/hellooo Wicked ripoff) Hurr, it sounds so silly. The point is that I got to poke gentle fun at all the fantasy clichés while getting to use them myself. |D

    ... pirate society sounds fun. 83 Weekly dress up yes please thank you~ They do sound like pretty cool groups, I have to say.
    Aw, the march sounds awesome. Are you taking banners and flags and posters and things? All so studenty. XD

    Year 12, yeah. :3 It is a bit of a jump from GCSE, but if anything that's probably better 'cause towards the end of GSCEs I was getting a bit... er, lazy. XD Good that she's managing, though.

    XD Haha, Kinova TV. I can't even remember the first series of Torchwood properly, I want to watch it agaaaaaaain. All I can recall is the finale - *shuts up* - and Gwen being a bit rubbish? Oh, and the fairies. Oh my, the fairies. o_x Be afraaaid.
    And ya for Heroes. :D Trying to figure out what was going to happen next was one of the coolest things about that series; the endings of the episodes are always so cliffhangery, too. XD I watched it with my mum and at the end of every one we were all OMGWTF ?? *rambleramble* It was fun.
    Sylar has eyebrows to rival Wilson's. :0 They're amazing. I was a little obsessed with his character in that series, though I do remember getting reeeeally irritated when he bumped off Charlie, that waitress lady. D: Ahh. Hiro is my favourite, though. Yatta~
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