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  • WAHEYYY by odd coincidence my best friend got S1/2 of Torchwood for christmas. :D So with any luck I can borrow that at some point. Until then I have the box sets of Life on Mars, which is awesome (I watched it when it was on TV, but that was a couple of years ago sooo). I've never seen The West Wing though, what's it about?
    Oh and GOING BACK TO TW (I am way overexcited will explain) uggh the end of S2. DX I was horrified. Whyyyy
    Oh, must've been interesting to see DW. The Master's a total loony, but he is rather excellent regardless. Also it featured the Ood,who I love to absolute bits for... reasons I can't quite figure out. They're just lovely. Also, since they're starting the next series with a new Doctor/assistant/lead writer you could totally just drop into it now...! :D </plug>

    XD Ehehe, sim-ruu. I am totally calling it that from now on. But it is understandable, the Welsh alphabet is a giant pain for pronouncing all it's letters differently and whatnot. My mum works at a primary school and the kids are constantly all 'whuhh?' because it's such a different language.

    Uh, like an hour or two of sleep. Most people didn't get any. XD But hardly any people gave up, so it was quite good really!

    Aw, the one with the original Jack Harkness is so sad. Now I think about it, TW's quite depressing as a whole. o_O But it's also pretty cute as an episode... and a series. Maybe that's why it's good. </ramble> Cool that he's a nice guy, anyway. c:

    Board games at christmas are the best. |D Top christmas activity besides watching 50+ cheesy holiday movies. My christmas and new year were pretty cool... if I recall. XD; Oops, that was a while ago. Should be more on the ball with messaging.

    SO CAN YOU TELL by the disjointedness of this I am thouroughly distracted uhurr. Basically I've just booked for a bunch of my friends and I to go see Wicked. 83 YEAAAAAAH far too excited. August 25th is way too far away, though. Ahhhh.
    x3 It is truly the most epic description of anything of all time.
    Gah, I need to play ToS more. Not that the same couldn't be said of... nearly every other game I own >.<

    (By the way, I drew the Pancake Day-themed Genis pic. You may see it about half a week beforehand, since I just found out we're leaving for Russia on the 14th of February and so I'll miss Pancake Day. T~T)
    ...Yeah, about that special. The people I made that with have made a new, slanderous video about myself. I feel like a fool. Watch it if you will.

    Thanks, I've got the results from one of my mocks back already, beecause we have an awesome humanities teacher (His name's Guy Leaf and he fought in three wars). I didn't revise for it at all, and I got a C in geography and an A* in History. How the hell did I manage that?!

    That's good to hear. I'm sure you're going to do fine in your exams, don't worry. Just make sure to get a good couple of nights sleep, eat a healthy breakfast and revise. It works for me. (that humanities mock was a stroke of luck, I tell you)

    Thanks. It was originally gping to me myself on Rayquaza, but I found out that the Leviathan was a sea monster. Plus it's Kai's Orca, so c:
    Whoo, mock exams over. I think I did well in all of them.

    *will continue to post random news until a response is recieved*
    XD Yay! Glad you like it~
    I've never animated anything before so I thought it might suck. o_O But hey, you can't go wrong with these two as subject matter riiiight? That was the theory. It took a couple of hours, I think; I was going to colour it but uh got lazy. |3; Maybe I'll do that at some point, Unbirthday.2 or something. Hee.
    You being on MSN is something that should happen. :D

    Cause I have neeeews~
    Oh damn, yeah you did reply to that. I forgot. I am so awful at remembering to respond to things, especially in multiple places... aaaaaaa. Why have I suddenly (or, well, not suddenly) become so bad at correspondence? I am unsure. I do know that it is bad.

    Organic chemistry is difficult, it's what one would do at university after taking ordinary chemistry. A lot of confusing names to remember and whatnot, but during J-term we really just do a bunch of labs (where we get to use dangerous chemicals!) and although they're a bit difficult, they're also pretty fun, and so it is generally a good time. I know the feeling of having absolutely no idea what is happening in a class, though... sometimes I feel like that in math this year. DX

    I made a felt cat, and I am working on a raikou! I took pictures, and soon am planning on compiling some of my more recent and various artwork and making a new art thread here. The kitteh and Raikou (if it's done) will be included fo'sho. India ink is... well, ink, that you dip a pen with a nib into, and you draw with it and you can make really interesting lines that vary in width a lot and it's generally really cool. I am also useless at pastels, but I hope to get... better? :D?

    DO DRAWING, PUT IT ON HERE, QED. I said that I might try to write some poems over J-term, and I haven't yet, but I have been reading a book about poetry writing, and it's really good and I think I will try and finish it tonight and write some stuff. Man, so much I want to do.

    Talk to you soon~~
    My Tuesday ones are yellow. I've never worn yellow socks before and they kind of suit me~ I don't have Saturday or Sunday socks, sadly. And women don't have good socks? Seriously? I've been round enough clothes shops with my mum and/or sister to know that's not true :o

    I've not seen any kopeks. Or rubles in denominations lower than 500. Given that one ruble is about 2p, I'm surprised they need a smaller unit really; they must have really cheap stuff there or something :/ I'm going to Russia on a school trip too- we stopped studying Russia last year but our school doesn't seem to care. It will be VERY freezing D: I may freeze to death, or get blown up on a train or be robbed or shot or whatever other horror stories my teacher's given us, but it should be fun nonetheless. I meant to learn Russian before we went, but I put it off too long because it looked hard, so I'm teaching myself Italian instead now. For no real reason.

    Aw, I wish I'd got more pyjamas. I only got the one pair, which were long-sleeved. Long-sleeved pyjamas are much more comfy than I remember, and from now on I doubt I'll want to let them get washed so I have to wear another pair x3

    It does actually. I was thinking of drawing him and his weird paddleball-esque weapon adapted into a saucepan and pancake on a string, shouting "IT'S PANCAKE TIME". ...well that ruined it.

    I am going to make the biggest snowman tomorrow x3 Even if there is school somehow. I will remain at home and build.
    :< sorry.

    I've never been away from my family for ages, except for a few occasions, one in year 6 when I went to Braeside, a sort of activity hotel in Devises, which I loved, as it was fun and I was roomed with a bunch of awesome people and one in year 7when I went camping, which I hated, as it never stopped raining, my tentmates were foul and the food had tomatoes. Guess which I was happiest to return to my family from.
    Not having to do your own washing sounds awesome. I only have to clear the table and occasionally dry up, but still.

    Dancing through Life just started playing on my iPod. :3

    Yeah, the Naked Gun is very much like Airplane. Have you seen that? Both of them are films I put on when I'm miserable, or really really tired.

    Which Mewtwo are we talking about? I have a deck based around the ones that use Psyburn and I really struggled against Ken and his normal types. But it kicks ass at most other times. Persian's also another card I use frequently, 30 damage and lowering your opponents next attack by 10 is fab. Even if it uses 3 energy. Having 21 Double Colourless energy never came in more useful. :D
    That deck sounds like it could work. Ratatta is good but only having 30 HP is a bit annoying.

    Oh wow, seriously? You and your friends are unbelievably lucky.
    I can't seem to eat many takeaway chips without feeling slightly ill for some reason.

    I think that the only bits of coursework left for me are my Art projects and my current E-portfolio for Media, but I don't really see them as coursework, to be honest.

    ...oh dear. :D Did you actually swear at him/her? If so, did you get into trouble for it?
    I never got those shirts in the end. Seems like everything else was too expensive, though I did get some nice gifts, such as PW: Trials and Tribulations and a new jacket and hat. What did you get?

    I'll get that link for you now, but it might be wrong because the DSi murdered CopyPaste.
    Hooray, a very late Dannireply *shot*

    I did! Among other things, I got clothes, a camera, socks that tell you what day it is, and 5000 rubles for my trip to Russia in February. (The 1000 ruble note has a picture of a bear holding an axe on it, these guys have seriously awesome currency). New Year's was also fun, I wore 18 cardboard hats at once :D How was your general festive season?

    In case a similar delay occurs, happy every holiday still to come. I'm hoping to think up a Genis Sage-related pun for Pancake Day.

    Also IT'S SNOWING YAAAAAY. I'm just a child inside aren't I.
    I've been drawing some other stuff, but the only things that have been finished are the things I posted on facebook. I'm going to try to do some drawing over J-term, which is this dealie we have at MSSM... for two weeks before the second semester starts, you do a specialized course every day; I'm doing organic chemistry. It should be really fun, but sadly most/all of my friends aren't here because they're doing internships at engineering firms and stuff, so I should have loads of free time. Trevor's here, actually, so I may be socializing a bit, but I will have time to do things like write you letters and draw pictures, because I got loads of awesome art things for christmas! Pastels and india ink and a massive set of colored pencils... it's all awesome. I've also been trying my had at felting, which has yielded some cool/interesting results. I'll take pictures and post them on facebook and here!

    You should scan or take pictures of your doodles and put them on here. It would be a surefire way to make sure I don't get lazy and stop coming here again. ;)

    You MUST do that drawing and ficcing, though! I haven't really written much lately... maybe I should try to write a poem or two over J-term, as well. I haven't written or read enough poetry of late.
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