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  • You posted on my TCoD wall in like, September, and said "I wonder how long it will take you to notice this" or something along those lines. I noticed now, because Ruby of all people commented on my blog of all places and asked where I'd been.

    What a failure I am! I think I stopped coming here as much/at all when you stopped posting stuff in your drawing thread. D:
    I think I should stop talking about Torchwood, I don't know how far you've gotten I don't want to accidentally drop any spoilers! XD Particularly for the end of S2. And for Children of Earth. Ooh er.
    ...But I will steal some of those icons. Because the phones aren't working! XD

    XD I wouldn't worry, it's impossible to spell most Welsh place name right first/second/tenth time.
    I have to wonder whether seeing people standing around gawping delightedly at random bars/walls/houses/floortiles etc. in Cardiff is accepted as the norm. Hrm.

    XD Ouch. Glad you had a good time, though. And didn't turn blue.

    I am now very appreciative of layers indeed. |3; It dropped to minus four the night we slept out, but it was good! We played hide and seek with like eighty people, and built box forts, and people brought guitars andthe army cooked us breakfast. :D ... Spent most of the next day curled up asleep on classroom floors because nobody slept more than a half hour, but it was a lot of fun and we raised ~£2500 ish, so hurrah!
    ... We also ended up on the news, but luckily it was restricted to the Welsh area. XD;

    Pssh, bananas need every bit as much protection as birds. Are birds involved in Fairtrade? I thought not.*tsks*

    XD I did slooowly get slightly more fond of Owen in S2 than in S1, but that may have been towards the very end of the series so shutting up again. Maybe it was just that he had the whole Weevil king thing going on. I love Weevils. :3 ... I don't know why.

    Hope you had a good christmas/new year! :D Not that there's been a great deal of 2010 yet but hey. A good three days?
    The camper the better when it comes to musicals, really. :D IT'S SO TRUE

    Absolutely none of the Vengaboys's songs make any sense at all. It's like. What? You're... what. BUT IT'S SOOOOO GOOD. I can't even like. I just. OMG.

    You must have heard Cartoon Heroes before. It's, like, yeah. (Don't worry, I haven't hit Spotify either - it's like "lol torrents".)

    I was never a Cheeky Girls fan either, but like, you have to admire it. DON'T BE SHY, TOUCH MY BUM. THIS IS LIFE. They have a certain je ne sais quoi.

    ALSO, Toy-Box. Amazament. <3

    Spice World: The Movie? oh my god. yes. yes. yes. Like I wouldn't have seen it. Come on, Danni. Gay, here. It's the most ridiculous thing, though. The whole thing is possibly the most absurd thing in the world, but it's so. so. good.
    I can sleep on anything x3 My computer chair makes fo a nice nap-bed :> Big and leather-y.

    I should, but three things; 1, remeber that plane problem/ As much as I try to get over it...yeah. 2; Relatives there knew my dad. i'm quite over the mourning process and all, but...it would feel uncomfortable, you know? Not seeing a guy for a long time, then pow, you see his grave when you just wanted to see the little ones and have some churros. 3 is more of an afterthought to 2, really; my familiy's really nice and all, but...argh. i have this mental block with people outside close family and friends, even if I see them daily Dx I do plan to go again one day, though.

    pffftt lucky ;w; Today we had this little party where we brought in games and stuff, I even had a little battle with a good friend of mine. Note to self: Find out if friend has ubers. If so, run Dx hurrhurr Arceus.

    Thanks~ Penguins? aaaa :D I have a little stuffed penguin.

    ...is it weird that I usually need him to sleep?
    Very well, I'll hang on x3

    My favourite character so far is either Kratos (*pokes new avatar*) or Genis. My favourite character in games always seems to be either the super-tough mega-srs warrior dude, or the unspeakably cute little kid prodigy. In fact I once traded a game in because the level-up system pretty much stopped the unspeakably cute little mage kid from getting any decent experience and I couldn't bear to see him die all the time :'<
    Raine is cool too, though. I found the blinking avatar of her you had for ages before leaf-surfing Weedles led you astray, and was thinking of setting it as my avatar to confuse people, and now I can because I play Tales of Symphonia~

    Yeah, I looked up Cam Clarke... I don't think I recognise anyone he's voiced other than Simba, who he sounds nothing like. I've a sneaking suspicion I recognise him as the Tales of Symphonia narrator, now ^^;
    Haha, yeah. I usually list "Eurodance/pop/etc" at like the end of my "favourite genres" but uh. Yeah. Showtunes = lovvve.

    Vengaboys are absolutely amazing. 24/7 in my 911 so I ain't gonna work the nine to fiiiive~~ Boom boom boom boom etc.

    Aqua. Were. Amazing. TWO ALBUMS. Aquarium and um... the other one? IDK, they did Barbie Girl, Doctor Jones, Cartoon Heroes, Freaky Friday... Bumblebees, something about Circuses.... sooooo good. But yeah. Barbie Girl + Cartoon Heroes are probably their most memorable songs.


    Daphne & Celeste? U-G-L-Y YOU AIN'T GOT NO ALIBI YOU UGLY?
    I think I was asleep for my actual first x3, that fear came way later. Since despite living in a place where transits are used a lot, we rarely travel outside the city.

    Really? I have a pretty big faimily, if phone conversations are anything to go by. Most live in Peru which means I've never met them, and we don't visit much beause our relationship with somme members of the family are a bit...skewered.

    Actually, tommorow's a half day. After that, I'm off till the 4th of jan. I don't know if Mom would let me, there's a lot around, but most of it's dirty/been used a a litterbox. The park, on the other hand...off to do some convincing, heh.

    For most people, it's doing an expermiment, getting results, writing a 10 page essay (less than it sounds; there's a cover, data, and we don't real fill the page, anyhow) on it, plus a board which consists of sticking said report onto this cardboard thing, and explaining what you did. The best go on to school (surprisingly enough, I got first place for my grade even though I really didn't do much :'D) and on the eighth I miss school for a day and stand around with my board until the judges look over it. We eat and wrap up. The bus ride's nice, though~
    Trains/ Argghhh, I have a slightly irrational fear or trains D; They showed us one of those take care ad things in school that basically taught "HEY KIDS DON'T BE STUPID OR YOU'LL GET RUN OVER LIKE THESE SCREAMING YOUNGSTERS" *shudders* I've gotten mostly over it though, just a little uneasyness.

    Mmm, probably the smae thing you're doing. Although I might go over to an aunt's house for the 24th and 25th, I'm not sure. But if we do stay home there's a huge change of my uncle coming over, too. He's really awesome~

    Ohohoho. We got snow. I have no idea why i squee like a little girl every time I find out "hey wait IT SNOWED" but I do~ Now, most of it's mush, though and it sucks carrying a science fair board through that ):
    I love them both. McFly, Busted. <3 I'm such a teenage girl from the late nineties/early noughties I swear. I've just been listening to the Cheeky Girls and Daphne and Celeste on YouTube. Gayyyy.

    Also Toy-Box. Aqua. The Vengaboys. <3<3<3<3<3


    but yes, mostly mcfly love.

    'cause obviously, she's out of my league. I'm wasting my time. 'cause she'll never be mine. &c.
    I bought Tales of Symphonia in a random Mike-whim; tell me, when does the gratuitous exploding that you mentioned a while ago begin?

    (also Kratos' voice sounds annoyingly familiar for some reason and it's driving me mad trying to remember where from)
    Oh dear. How did it go?
    Hooray! It must be really nice to spend Christmas with your family while at Uni. And also CHRISTMAS :D

    I've seen some of the fight scenes in the Matrix, they look pretty good. Any fight scene where someone picks up a rod, thrusts it into the ground and spins around it while kicking a large amount of clones has to be good. The best fight scene ever is at the start of the Naked Gun, where Drebin "owns" a bunch of terrorists. Go watch it if you haven't already.

    Oh god, the Pokemon TCG on Gameboy. My cousin (who was in hospital for months on end) who I let borrow my GBA for that time gave it back the other day and I've already beaten Murray again and built a new deck. With Mewtwo. X3

    Yeah, that's what we do most of the time that we make pizza too. The rest of the time it's Dominoes Pizza.
    There isn't much odd about that combination, just that it's not a very common one. If i liked olives, I'd be tempted to try that.

    Same here. (Except we don't live in Devon XD) I'm lucky that both of my parents are great cooks. I occasionally help out, mainly when we're making Thai Spice Duck Ramen. mmm, my mouth's watering just thinking about it. :3

    I've done okay in terms of coursework, getting Cs and Bs in my pieces, but I'm worried about my exams, mainly because to get into UWE, I need at least a C in English Language, and I'm predicted a B, although my early entry didn't go so well, I don't think I did enough of over half of it. Just have to wait until the results come back in the new year.

    Aww, little white fluffballs. Sorta Christmassy.

    XD Oh very very dear. I hope that it's not like that in May is all that I can say.

    I'm getting a "Limey Man" and "Destroy the World" T-shirt from YGO Abridged and a "Pants-on-head retarded" and "I'm an assassin" T-shirt from ZP. I have a friend who already has the Limey Man T-shirt and wears it frequently to school. He's always a laugh.

    Speaking of him, I helped him film the christmas special of his Modern-Day, no-budget, Robin Hood spoof series, which is based loosely off of the special of Doctor Who. The Sherrif VS The Master. Who will win? I'll post the link to the video when it's uploaded.

    Last Saturday, Hood went to meet Amai-Hime. The two of them look so sweet together. I really can't wait for May. :D
    Ahaha. I've almost beaten the Advanced coliseum in Symphonia with Colette... almost. She's my third-best character, after Lloyd and Presea. But I will beat it on my second playthrough of Abyss, now that I have stats on steroids thanks to my carried-over C. Cores! :D

    Oh yes <3 Presea's costumes are all the most adorable thing in the world, but she's the only character I have consistently in costume because... ohmygodthecute.

    Yeah, seriously. They're just... wow. At least it's an optional location.
    Your post in the pop song thread thingy just reminded me I had no McFly. I HAVE FIXED IT NOW.

    Yeah; Coliseum battles with other Tales characters are fun. Though I can't beat the one in Abyss, for some reason ><;;

    Hee. Jade's belt has a Pac-Man buckle. And there's a location called Nam Cobanda Isle. So, so shameless.
    I know, right? xD

    There's also this one bizarre, out-of-it NPC who will, if talked to a bunch, say "...Ze...los... died..." That just kinda weirds me out though.
    I feel the need to inform you of something. That ToS end-of-battle quote ("Our weapons are love!" "Justice! And..." "*sigh* ...hope.")? It's got an Abyss equivalent.

    Luke: Our weapons are status...
    Jade: Scheming...
    Anise: And playing dirty~

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