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  • Yeah, uh, again, sorry for my not very awesome replying rate. I will have to work on that.

    I liked Kent when I went; it seemd like quite a neat place, and it has several advantages - but they wanted some pretty high grades from me. >.< So I decided not to go to a UCAS visit day there, even though they offered me a place. I've decided to play it a bit safer - and also, I absolutely love Reading. x) It's just lovely for some reason. I can't help feeling a little bit sad about Kent, though; it was the first offer I got.

    Nottingham is rather nice, but after visiting Reading, I realised I liked Reading a bit more; for me, it had everything I needed in a uni, surroundings that I preferred slightly over Nottingham's, grade requirements that were a bit safer, an atmosphere that's a little bit more friendly as I saw it, and I kinda had a feeling I'd be choosing it, which is a bit odd, but hey.

    I shall be studying French and German; joint honours - and my backup choice was going to be Swansea or Aberystwyth, but I wen for Aberystwyth due to the more generous grade requirements and also due to the fact that it seemed really friendly.

    Hope you've been having fun in your second year of uni! I'm kind of more excited about uni now. I was more excited at first, then I was a bit less hugely enthusiastic - now I'm back! Well, kinda; it'll be a while yet.

    Since you are apperently also a Joss Whendon fan, I want to tell you I watched a bit of Serenity. Only like 15 minutes cause classes and all that jazz but <3 I want moar.

    I can never watch Firefly these days! D: And that makes me sad. Actually I've only seen one ep of both Buffy /and/ Firefly, I know most of the plot because of TVTropes (dang it my soul i want it back) and I'm only familiar with Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and a lot of comics of Joss (my comicbook nerdiness descends all boundaries. which is why I'm kicking myself for missing Comic-Con when I couldhavegoneandmetpeople. And another reason but yeah) but! Yeah. eee opening sequence.
    You're telling me; I've lost my last weekend to Art coursework, and I'm going in after school to catch up with both Media and Music. Things can only get more hectic.

    Still, at least it's only another fortnight until the release of HGSS. I don't know whether I'll buy it when it's first out, or on the 27th at Cabot Circus. They're distributing Arceus at an event in GAME stores and Cabot Circus is the closest. If I get it then I may get the Ho-oh and Lugia promo figurines.
    Will you be getting HGSS at all? (I'm sure I've asked you before)

    Life's fine, though rather busy nowadays. I'll be glad when the Easter holidays arrive. You?
    Well, that's fair enough. I often forget that some people have half-decent attitudes towards work and aren't huge blobs of procrastination like myself :3

    Well, it's an Ace Attorney game so it is of course completely brilliant <3 And you get to be Edgey in it so it's even more brilliant.
    Yeah, it's a self set project though. I decided to do about dog breeding ethics. There's a lot to write about thankfully. I regret not picking something I can talk about for ages though, like Final Fantasy IX...

    My exam results are supposed to be coming out in around two weeks. It leaves me minimal time to pay for the appropriate retakes, but I'd say I was motivated enough to get the payment in on time.
    Good luck with your exams too! Hope you do really well. :3

    I wish I could sleep more here, but I keep staying up far too late and then hating myself in the morning. I stay up for no reason either, as I usually have no homework to do at home, seeing as I work tirelessly during my free periods. Shh about your 9am starts. I get up earlier and I am lazylazy. :x
    I envy your 9am starts. Especially considering I cycle the 5 miles to school, which starts at 8:50 anyway. :x

    I just... really need to motivate myself. Much, much harder. :x
    Ah, I feel your pain (marginally). I have a 5,000 word essay to write, which has to be all researched and ready soon. I should probably head on over to the library on thursday. :(
    Still, I have this thursday off of school, so it should be okay for research and so forth.

    I want to get motivated to revise a little bit daily. The conservation module in biology puts me off somewhat. I'm also dreading the exam results. :X

    What's going on in Dannichuland?
    Actually, Bluwiikoon made it. I can't scratch nearly that good. :P

    But yeah, it's the form I take in my world.
    Hehe~ Thanks. Vlad is god.

    (And I totally do not go look at that picture to cheer myself up when I'm feeling sad. Nope, not a all.)
    sad but true. it still goes on, damnit i'm the bigger one. i usually don't say anything. it skims off a lot so. i'm happy and do have friends., just not many.

    Yer-her, it's appealing to my massive geekness isn' it <3

    heh, thanks. it seems like i'm one of the few that likes art nowadays.

    ID's for the ossers, it was a faily old post sos i don't blame you. here y'go, you're all done but i have to find you so!

    hah, really? s' 10;11 here.
    I sees it! :D I knew Dannishoe was extroverted, you seem the type. got an 85 on visual, which isn't too bad and all, but since typh wants to be an arteest yeah. I'm not so good anyways; heh. I do it for fun and whatnot as most of my os contributions show. oh and by the way? Danni-ID? The one i'm doing for all ossers, you included? You have your slash goggles on. And look slightly maniactric. ahaha sorry about that I took poses from the net x3
    D: I canne see.

    Although if you mean personality types welllll.... typh is an engie. and severely introverted apperently. Like, 100% but that involves a slightly painful past thingie ma bobber than i won't get into and it's no excuse hurr. i'm better online; real life twelve year olds (long story short; got sick and left back a year. in advanced classes) are diiicks.
    glee? GLEE shi- stop being awesome ): I plan to get into it eventually and i'm a minor little fangirl.

    people ask why i'm 'air pianoing'. a lot. most are used to it by now, but i'm a bit loopy when it comes to hands. and for me it's the touhou soundtrack.
    Oh uh thanks! =p

    The only problem with peanut candy is when it gets stuck in your teeth, and then they're an asshole to dig out of your gums. But hey, chocolate.

    ...Does being addicted to SMRPG music count as liking 90's music? OTL
    Hey. :) You seem like an interesting person, so I'm going to strike up a conversation with you.

    Snickers are the best thing since everything.
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