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  • I also forgot about Latios. :c But yeah, I may go for Giratina. <333

    I don't get the reference D:
    So I could use some help.

    I want to name one of my legendaries Shakespeare, but I'm stuck between Dialga and Giratina. D:
    Yeah, you didn't reply. ¬.¬
    (I'll let it slide. :D)

    Many exams, 10 to be precise. I have to revise for them all. I'm a little paranoid about failing now. You're just oh-so motivational. :P
    Don't worry though, hopefully the intense pressure will help me get my ass in gear and do some work.

    The Easter season has been fine. I've been (and still am) on holiday. I spent my first full week lambing on work experience, though. So I kind of wasted an entire week's worth of revision for work experience. It's such a hard choice to make...
    Essays sound absolutely evil. I'm glad I don't have to write any of them \o/!

    I'm getting sleep. I'm on holiday right now but I'm progressively getting into bed earlier. (Tomorrow I will be in by 11pm, and then 10pm for Sunday. That way I'll be good for school.)

    Getting up to be in by 8:50 usually means a 7:30am start. \o/ woo.
    Cycling. Much fun. :x

    Hopefully I'll have the motivation to stay for /every/ after school class. :D

    Good luck with your essays and exams! ...Put down Soul Silver. If I can put down Heart Gold, I'm sure you can do the same. :P
    Oh yeah I promised I'd tell you when I did something epic on Yahoo!Answers didn't I. This is a collaboration between me and a friend of mine :p

    (I also tried asking if any Christians realised the Bible technically demands lesbianism but that question was deleted. Bah.)
    I love mine too, there's just soooo much space! Though I don't sllep with anything in bed; my Laptop used to go on my bedside table. I did, however, wake up this morning lying next to a pair of binoculars (I use them for chavhunting) and a cap revolver. 0_o

    My dad works as an accountant at the University of Bath, and I'm going to be archiving for him.
    I never realised, in all honesty. We've been living as normal throughout the recession while stuff about it appeared on the news
    I would, but I'm actually thinking about using the money I get from working with Dad to pay for driving lessons. Of course, I'll probably have to get a job during 6th Form as well, but my parents say that if I pay for my driving lessons or my first car, they'll pay for the other. c:

    Still, it means that there are lots of places you could go, right? The only places I've gone to on my own or with friends is Bath, and when you visit there somewhat frequently anyway, it's not so exciting. I've been to London to see Avenue Q, but that was with my Dad. We both enjoyed it.
    I've just realised something: what I'm going to be doing will make me Ema Skye in reverse; Studying forensics abroad in America, rather than Europe. XD
    Is that so? That's great, then.

    It's so much fun, you should try it at either MCM or at the next event.
    I also try to win with favourites of mine, I don't want to evolve my Magmar, FeuerEnte, merely because I don't like the looks of Magmortar. Persian's pretty cool too, it can learn lots of special attacks, such as Bubblebeam (Water Pulse in newer games) and Shock Wave.
    And I'd be dissapointed if you hadn't raised a Pikachu to lv.100, Danni. Surfing? Go for the flying. :P

    You're the second person to read Bacon, Danni. But she's got a huge defense and Sp. Attack and she's vital to my team.
    I don't usually theme nicknames on whole casts, though I admire the people who can. I just give them apparently awesome nicknames. My Feraligatr is called StreamPunk. c:
    Wanna come over and clean my room? D:

    Oh, dear. Well, congrats! ^_^ I laugh at your 600 hours though. *has 870+ on Diamond and 600+ on Pearl* I'm just a little obsessed.

    Let's see... I got both versions actually. I've had every version of the series since red/blue. So, it SS I have... Kingler (52), Fearow (53), Victreebel (53), Arbok (52), Haunter (53) and Typhlosion (53). I'm in Kanto, I think I just did the power plant mission thinger. On HG, I have... Umbreon (54), Lickitung (54), Ampharos (56), Pidgeot (54), Starmie (55) and Meganium (54). Tried fighting Red, and his Pikachu destroyed me. So then I decided to train at the E4 but they also destroyed me since they're now using their upgraded rosters. So I'm currently just training at Mt. Silver. What about you? Who's on your team?

    Thanks... I think I just needed some time to breathe, cause everything was just too hectic. And while I didn't plan on missing this term, I have to say I'm glad I did. Anyway, I don't think you'll have any problems making new friends while yours are away. You always seemed a little too kind, and I'm glad to see that hasn't changed. :D

    The economy here isn't very great either, sadly... last job I had was at my dad's sandwich shop, but we didnt make enough to keep it open, so we closed it, and I haven't been able to find a job in the three years since. >.< So, in addition to trying, I don't have many summer plans other than the one night where Stephanie is planning a midnight picnic on the beach with a bunch of people, so I'm really looking forward to that. Anything else interesting won't be starting until after August. Convenient, no?

    Anyway, I wish you luck on your job hunt, I know the pain of needing the money. xD
    Please, with HG and Flipnote Studio, relaxing has never been easier. Plus I now have a hugeass double bed to sleep/lie/sit/game/L-pose on. c:

    Um, other than go to MCM, I really have no idea. I know I'm gonna be working for my dad for a bit so that I can get some money. 8 hours a day, £4 an hour, meaning that's about £150 a week. And when you live my life, only getting money on Christmas and Birthdays, that's enough to live life happily forever. c:

    I don't know if I am going to or not yet, but I'll likely be nagged about it somepoint on Saturday. If I am, I'll practice the voice.
    But Danni, the voice isn't the most important thing, the guntwirling is. :D
    Danni!Otacon would be amazing. You should draw that. c:

    Is it fun, travelling a lot? I want to go places when I'm older. In fact, I'm thinking about taking the UWE forensics course not only because forensics, but you get to study abroad for a year at the university of Virginia, in America. It'd be awesome to meet American!tCoDers as well as Brit!tCoDers.

    Yay! If we can get 8 people with Pokemon games at MCM, we can have an epic, tourney-style battle.
    Two 4-way battles, then players switch teammates in the second round, then an all-out finale between the surviving pair.
    Have you ever battled someone at an event? I took out this really experienced player at the Regigigas Baloon Fiesta last summer, and it's fun battling people in person than it is over WiFi, though both are fun anyway.
    Oh, on the topic of WiFi battling, Zora says she loves my accent. X3

    Ampharos are very awesome, yes. But the fact that everyone has them makes Beacon feel like part of a crowd. That's why she wears ribbons and a bell. c:
    I never played Crystal, though it looked ace. And there needs to be more Toto-love. <3

    8D Random Scribblings is coming back? fwee~, I can't wait!
    Pfft, studying. Procrastination ftw!

    Ooh, where are you at in SoulSilver? *hides Ampharos from Kai*

    I've been up and down for the past year. Too much stress with the financial situation in the house, which really left me unfocused towards the end of last winter's classes so I don't know if I passed any of them. I'd sorta just given up cause it was too much to deal with and I've been afraid to even check. And then this spring, there were problems with the school's financial aid thing, so I didn't even go to classes.

    That's sorta an up and down in itself, cause since I never go to summer classes, I have a lot of free time from before Christmas all the way to like August. But at the same time, that's slowing down my college graduation things, obviously.

    And since most of my real life friends are either at their own classes, or just live way out of the way, I don't see any of them a lot. So the rest of life has pretty much been eating, sleeping, and sitting online. Sounds thrilling, no? I think I have three times as many friends online as I do real life friends.

    Okay, well I think I've rambled on too much about myself. So what have you been up to for the last year? I know you haven't been playing SoulSilver that whole time.
    Yeah, that is good, though the second week of exams so tightly packed it's hard to breathe. :c Still, I don't need to do too much revision since they span from early may to the end of June. I've got the rest of this month to relax... :D

    It will be, I'm sure of it.
    But get more excited, Amai-Hime is persuading me to go in MGS3 Ocelot cosplay. :3

    how can you have time to get so far so quickly seriously I've barely defeated the Clair/Lance tag battle and I'm ahead of both Hood and Amai, who are training for the E4.
    Still, will you be bringing your DS to MCM? If so, we could have an epic 6-way tourney. Do you know anyone else from tCoD who's going?


    Danni, you really need to bring back Random Scribblings somewhen. It was just the most fantasmic thread on tCoD back before (and after) the crash and and and just please, okay? ;w;
    Just leaving a random hello here since I remember you were one of the few people I got remotely close to while I was here. Hope you're doing well. ^^
    xD I just like talking to people and I get lonely sometimes. D:

    Eh, so and so. The weather is cheering up after winter, since we had a crapload of snow this year, but now it feels like summer. x3

    I don't RP often, since though I like to write, I don't ever show it to anyone. :x I've one character, and the RP he was introduced in (as well as the only one I've started) got like three replies. I still like the character, though. :3 Hence my avatar.
    I've got some exams first as well, I think that on the 28th I've got my Chemistry exam, and a few more before. But I've got like a fortnight gap between my first and second.

    Alsp, on Saturday, I'm going up to Norwich with Black Hood to meet Amai-Hime! She's got a whole day planned. including a 4-way HGSS battle, Lunch at a noodle bar and Pocky. c:

    How far are you on the new games?

    I feel happy-like now.

    Know why?

    Because I caught Zapdos a few hours ago. My life is completer. 8D Named it Zion. :o And NOW. I caught Suicune in a regular Poke ball. =D y 50th try, too. OTL
    D: Yeah, it gets really insane when you spend half the day with two singy screamy 50-year-olds. ARGH.

    Oklahaoma. c:

    The older one was all over it - offering to shake my PokeWalker for me and whatnot. She recognized it from the commercial. o/

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