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  • I'm going to bother you again, because I haven't for a long time and your user profile told me to.

    I'm assuming that HG/SS have been released in the UK, so which game did you get and what's your team (plus nicknames?)
    Yes, who would punch such a harmless little girl D:
    That must be a clone of Kay Faraday who isn't nice. Yeah, that's it. D<
    Haha, that's good... I tend to write a lot without even meaning to. Considering I'm not usually a talkative person, it sorta catches me by surprise sometimes. I do really enjoy writing, though...

    I would think my modem has the same problem of overheating, except everything goes out. Internet, phone, television... I don't know anyone who has this problem, either. I assume there's a broken power line outside or something, but the fact that the shutdowns are so consistent makes me wonder... Not to mention that the modem itself does just randomly die sometimes, so these two together have seriously made me lift my laptop and have to force myself to not throw it out the window. It really makes playing online games a challenge, cause when you freeze in the middle of a spawn of dragons... yeah, good luck getting net back in time to save yourself.

    It's not really as complicated as it looks, once you get into it. A lot of it is prediction, though, something which I fail miserably at. As for who I use... I have over 9 different teams, probably over 80 pokemon already EV'd. To be honest, I can't be bothered finding my DS and counting them all. :x My main party consists of Starmie, Milotic, Magneton, Pikachu, Sableye, and Scizor. I'm pretty bad at creative moves and strategies also, but I try. Granted, my Scizor is exactly the same as the ones I usually complain about seeing, but I try not to use him unless my opponent is using a bunch of those common things as well. I tend to try to EV things that aren't considered good competitively also, for example, one of my more recent teams is based off one of my own characters and includes a Ditto and Gorebyss.

    Starmie is like #3 on my top favorites right now. Pikachu has always been #1, followed by Chikorita. The third spot and onwards has changed more than I can count, but Starmie currently fills that role. Not only dos it have a wicked design (simple, yet awesome), but it's a beast in battle. I've always loved Lickitung too (Lickilicky is an insult to the line), but I've never really used one. I plan to EV one of them eventually, as well as Kingler, who is just cool. I don't really hear many good things about Arbok, but it certainly passed my expectations. The lack of a poison move is sorta depressing, but he's still pretty good. As for Fearow... he sorta passed my expectations also, though I still don't like them much. I tend to always have a flier on the main in-game teams, mostly for Fly, but I almost always use whoever it is too, because two slots for an HM slave is ridiculous. Cursed Cut trees and Rock Smash boulders.

    I have to say, I really like those names. xD Because I already have Pearl on, I'll look though and pick out some fails and favorites... Blade the Scyther, how original. Hippo the Hippopotas. I rather like Depression he Happiny... Pole the Magnezone, dunno what I was thinking there. Coconut the Exeggcute... Rose the Roselia... fail. I giggle at Jack the Infernape, after Pirates of the Caribbean. Wheel the Donphan... I also rather like Skelenox the Duskull. Just noticed that I have a Bronzong named "WTF is it?", I don't even remember that one. Worm the Pidgeot... I think you get my point.

    Sadly, I haven't the slighest idea what I want to do after college. That's why I'm in community college, just getting some basic courses out of the way. I find it really hard to decide on... well, any career, I guess because of my outlook on life. See, the way I see the average person's life is, school, then college, then work, then you're too old to do anything and retire, then die. I do not want to spend my whole life going to school, or working. You only get one life, so I want to enjoy it, not worry about "need moar money!!". And sadly, I don't know any career where I could get by without actually working while still paying for a house. But yeah... I just get turned off from any possible career because everything sounds so bloody boring.

    Yeah, I really hate this... I've been shy apparently since I was little. I don't really even know why, but I really just hate it. Too bad your friend isn't going to college somewhere close by, I'd suggest we go out for a night or something.

    The shyness is an annoying factor in the interview process, also. Naturally. I'm lucky that the only job I ever had was my dad's sandwich shop... my sisters and I still had to apply just so he couldn't pick favorites and make sure we'd actually work, but my interviewer was my intimidating (step-?)aunt. Family, which was nice because I think that's the only reason I got that job, but she's not a woman you play around with when she's serious.

    Haha, no, you're probably right. Feel free to fly here. :D I have cousins and second cousins who live over there, and though they're either far older or far younger, I've always wanted to visit England anyway. I honestly don't know exactly where they live so I can't really estimate how close to you they are, though.
    Worth it~

    Um I mean sorry D:! Have this thing I found as compensation.
    That's okay, I understand completely. My net goes down about every five hours, only for about 10 seconds, but it's enough for me to have to reset the modem before I can reconnect and since it happens so often, I've been known to stop halfway through typing something and then forget to go back to it.

    Well, I do sometimes play competitively, so I spend a lot of time breeding, and I used to ev train the hard way so it sometimes took me days to finish just one (not non-stop playing, mind you). And then I finished my pokedex, so I've pretty much just been raising new pokemon or ones that I've never used before and slaving away in the battle tower to practice with them. That adds a lot of time, 'cause I have to play through the first three rounds of weak stuff just to even get semi-challenging opponents.

    I tried to challenge Red with my HeartGold team at about the mid 50s.. his Pikachu alone totaled my entire team. That rather depressed me a bit, considering as you pointed out, how annoying he is to get to. As for the teams themselves... I think my HeartGold one is fairly standard too: Starter, early Flying-type, the only Electric-type for the first half of the game, "necessary" Eeveelution. I love Starmie though, and Lickitung too, so I guess they're the only "uniqueness" this team has. My SoulSilver team was a bit more fun to work with just because I've never used half of them before. I had last used a Kingler when LeafGreen came out, and I've never tried Arbok or Fearow (though I don't even like Fearow, but was too excited about the game to wait for night and get a Hoothoot). Had to have Haunter though. For a while I had both games about even with each other, until I beat the E4, then I sorta focused on finishing HeartGold.

    I really like your nickname patterns. I fail so hard with nicknames (I named my Corsola Coral...) The only team I have that has any remote relation to each other is the team that I based around my group of friends, and named them appropriately. I do have a select few that I just adore though, like Rhonda the Dragonite. :D

    Yeah, thanks. ^^ To be honest, I did want the break, but I didn't plan on taking it anyway. I sorta want college to be done with as soon as I can, and taking time off just delays that. That opinion conflicts with my other, more logical half though, which tells me that the break is better because I'd probably have just failed this term even harder and had to redo it. I dunno which is closer to reality, but what's done is done and thinking about it hurts my head. xD

    Yeah, Facebook and the like are great, they're really the only way I can talk to my friends lately also. I disagree with the point about being forced to go make new friends, but that's just because I still have this strong, childish shyness habit. I wouldn't even have any of my current friends if it weren't for a lucky coincidence. Anyway, in your case, you'll always still have your online friends. You already have limited communication which is annoying, but on the other hand, when they go away to college or something you won't hardly know the difference (unless they somehow lose access to a computer...).

    Sounds like a good deal on the job front. Best to beat the crowd. I'm sorta hoping I find one before summer vacation also... Anyway, no, I live on the outskirts of a rather large city. The general area is rather quiet, but there's a few main roads and shopping centers just down the road in either direction. My main problem other than the fact that no one is hiring, I think, is that 90% of the places ask me to apply online. I love how the Internet is used so much these days, but I have so little faith in that. You don't actually get to meet the person or see what they're like just from reading a virtual form they've filled out. I'm a boring person as it is, no doubt, but at least in person I can appear a little more promising.

    Yeah, I can't wait for that picnic. Wanna join us? :p
    Ah, that's fine. My SIM hadn't been sorted out back then so it wouldn't have mattered much.

    Okay, that's good. Where would be a good place to meet? I suggested before at the east entrance but things have changed so any other suggestions?
    (oh yeah we're getting one of those tori placards and painting rainbows over it. Look out for that.)

    I don't know anymore, tbh. The hotel we originally planned doesn't let people under 18 make reservations but I think we're just there for the day.
    eeeee one month to the day.
    Ah right. If you don't know anyntimes then that would be a good idea. I've got my new Simcard today so I'll text you when it's registered.
    However, since you said you'll send a PM in a minute and that was at 4 o'clock, I guess that you either weren't able to or forgot. XD If when it's sorted you haven't replied, I'll ask Ice. As far as I'm aware.
    gaaah I wrote stuff twice now but I forget to post. OTL.

    Wht time will you be getting to MCM at? I'm trying to figure out what time we should all meet at.
    I know, I just felt that I had to show you. c:

    Yup, it's a load of fun at times. I've seen people knocking down temporary roadworks and rolling into the roads. CX
    Stalking pensioners may be funny if they get drunk, but otherwise it sounds like it's not possible for you. Still, come on down to Wiltshire sometime and give it a go. c:

    I'll carry on in a bit.
    Oh, that Wild and Woolfe. :P

    I was considering Shkespeare, but eh. Ooh, maybe Milkshake? xD

    ...still don't get the reference. D:
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