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  • I put my Russian hat on a Pikachu plushie. It was my avatar for a time x3

    I didn't get the figurine, cos I got HG from Amazon. Though I did get a cool cardboard sleeve with a weird 3D holographic-y Ho-oh on. Which nobody told me was taped to the actual box so now it's ripped to shreds D': I've only just clocked up my 24th hour.
    Oh, and i called the rival "???" for nostalgia's sake. What kind of name is Passerby Boy >:( (I have a friend who likes the Johto rival. Can she not see he's an arse of the highest order)

    Nothing wrong with being easily amused, it allows this to be fascinating. Personally I liked to call my rival in Silver "dick" or something, so that guy at the Lake of Rage would say "some dick was mean to my Pokémon!" or whatever. Plus, he's a dick c:

    Problem is, they don't have a game shop in small villages in the middle of nowhere, so I'm pretty stuck otherwise. It's mostly DS games that have just come out from eBay. I know to look out for them because they either have "from China" underneath or cost half as much as a proper one :P
    Aw, but PW has awesome humour X3 I'll never get sick of "ladders =/= stepladders". And the whole "I've got all your base right here" almost made me explode with the lulness.

    I need to wear the ushanka I got in Russia more. And by more, i mean "all the time, everywhere". Also my Janitor costume from Halloween. I could be a Russian Janitor!

    I've only just beaten Chuck in HG and I got it on the release date xD See, I'm too lazy to even procrastinate. And EVERY case in AAI is incredibly fabulous~ And it has the best music in the series. For srs.

    Dawn of Souls crashed the very day after I got it :/ Never buy Final Fantasy GBA games on the Internet. Every one I've had has glitched and wiped my file.
    I rarely name things in games, actually, but many Pokémon in my ASB team have Final Fantasy/Ace Attorney nicknames.

    (New funnest thing ever: sign up on Yahoo Answers and ask the randomest crap you can think of)

    I usually see my aunts and American-residential gramma pretty often, since we takes summer trips every year. (Agh I am the only male)

    Nah, but I did get to go to Texas and see some family, including my two adorable cousins. Man, it was hard just telling them the basics of my Pokemon. OTL Plus TCoD has its inappropriate moments, and they're four- and six-years-old, so. And they follow me *everywhere*. Not that I mind, but. :x


    Awesome if you like gory stuff.
    It's Easter break and I'm not normal. xD

    Gotta love his final boss on Adventure though. And he wasn't too bad in Sonic Chronicles, which is a shame because that game was pretty bad.

    Uhm. I forget her name actually :P Perhaps she and Nikolai haven't met yet, I'd remember her name if he'd said it XP Also, he looks a lot like Kratos Aurion. With glasses.

    Hm, but transporting the hat between us two would be problematic, especially when you're in Devonland. Though I suppose at least there'll never be a time it needs to go right from Devonland to Essexland, assuming I do get into uni, because that would be ridiculous.
    Do you REALLY wish that? Have a look what happens and carefully rethink that attitude. XP Anyway, I'd have to be Fat Winston Payne every day if that happened. Or Sal Manella. *shudders*

    I have indeed played The World Ends With you. It is a fabulous game and I love it. Its music is brilliant, which is good for someone like me who is unable to like music that's not in a video game. And AAI IS fantastic. I won't give away anything spoileriffic but in epicness terms Case 5 is like if 1-5 and 2-4 had babies.

    III isn't that great, yeah :/ Its job system is rubbish, at least compared to FFV's. But then bith beat FFI's- thieves that can't steal what :| Also, the black mage is too much of a Squishy Wizard for my liking. (My FFI party is Vivi the black mage, Cecil the warrior, Zidane the thief and Rosa the white mage :J Garland failed to knock them all down.)
    He sounds like Big the Cat from Sonic Adventure/Heroes, and yet I don't want to punch him :o

    Probably because he's a small boy in a JRPG, and thus voiced by a woman :P Meg is the Torrent Witch with the mushroom hat and the giant frog, actually; Vivi is the tired Arabian stereotype thing. And I must say you'd look very dashing with a Theo-poncho and Meg-hat. I want them too, however, so we may need a rota system or epic fight to the death.

    I've not started the second yet, actually. I have too many games, so I need to finish Luminous Arc 1 fiest P (And yet not long ago I bough Final Fantasy I & II : Dawn of Souls which arrived today. Dear gods why don't I stop.)

    By the way I finished AAI on Thursday. If you still haven't got it yet you're in for an absolutely fabulous game <3
    There is never a span of time too long to stare at Edgey <3
    (That was meant far less homoerotically than it came out.)
    Sadly, he only appears about 16% of the time, but you have Bill Bailey, Milton Jones and monkey-related quotes to amuse you otherwise.

    Luminous Arc IS fun <3 I judged it too harshly first time I owned it, and now I have BOTH because first time I tried to re-buy it the guy a Game gave me Luminous Arc 2 by mistake and I said nothing because I'm a rebel who likes saving £20 and opposes the huge markup they put on the price of preowned games and feels they need to be taken down a peg.
    Hehe, I'm right up to the bit where walrusguy joins you :3 I love the whole cast of Luminous Arc so far. They virtually all fall neatly into three categories; Awesome (Sir Heath, Leon, Alph, Saki, Meg, and walrusman), Adorable (Theo <333) and Hilarious (Lucia, Nikolai, Pollon and Meg). Except Vivi, who has the subcategory Irritating.
    ..ffffuu ABOFAL! I know most of what they were in together, really. I watched that beforeI watched House~

    I've only seen him shoot a gun before. *BANG* MUMMY D8 I simply must see that one. And all of Fry in America, really. x3

    Camera Typh does not have one ;-; I'll probably need pigtails cause of the Lyra thing but not a problem.

    Depends how y'like mysteries; Psych's one too. (Does this mean you'll be perma-seeing Gus as Charlie? x3) Monk has OCD and that helps him notice small details and stuff. There are a few episodes that are very sweet and thus. Crying.

    ...you're right that is the best thing ever! xD Okay, you've convinced me. I'm watching that :3

    D: I know. I know...well, actually the entire song. I can ding it but Typh has terribl' voice. Did you see the Firefly video fanvid with that song? What's awesome is that Joss himself recommended that~ and it's really good.
    I loved it for the FOOD. Not to eat or anything, just... because it was so cute knowing that a little caterpillar was going to eat all that salami and watermelon and... was Swiss cheese involved? I haven't read it since I was in year 5. D:
    ...what. Must check out, now! :D I've only really seen "The Pineapple Incident." on HIMYM, although I may have your condition. Dr. Horrible being a womanizer? x3

    I remember going around with my head tilted being all "I can hear metal parts~! gears everywhere~!" Huge contrast from actual Magneto. ...what okay that wins. I'm being Rocket!Lyra for Halloween, it's all planned. I've also wanted to go to AnimeCon but alas.

    Psych! Yes, yes he is. They were the ones at Comic-Con last year <3 I have a slight bias towards USA Network, mainly becuase of Psych (it's a little sad that I understood the recent Alfred Hitchcock tribute episode but hell if I care.) and Monk (ever hear of it. I'm a bit of a sap when it comes to tv, and some epsodes are kinda sad to a Typh ;-;) so yeah. It was hilarious seeing one of the actors for Psych (Timothy Odmunson) in a Disney movie as a leprechaun, especially since that's the first I've seen of the guy.

    Tell me about it. I'm a bit miffed that Stephen Fry hasn't shown up yet, though it would be absolutely amazing, especially after seeing him in Bones. Hugh and Stephen are old buddies~ D:

    ...I remeber that ep, oddly enough. Sleeping Dogs Lie, right? I haven't watched much Glee. Yet. I've heard Defying Gravity from them. I aww'd since I completely love that song/most of Wicked. Typh's a huge theater dork too, especially for Rent, Wicked, and In the Heights. Speaking of which, I think I have a Hey Itr's that Guy moment that corsses genres: theather to tv. Usnavi from the afformed In the Heights? He was House's crazy bunk buddy in the psych ward. And they were so similar, too!
    Considering the Tropes's devotion to the man (very justified. His works are awesome~) and the theme I was noitcing here, I was kinda surprised too. But it's Neil Patrick Harris singing and that was :D Although I'm very musically-intuned for a lotta stuff, so hurdy durr bias.

    Every costume must be poer-what D: I just went as Magneto (okay yeah the helmet wasn't ~perfect~ but I was maybe eleven, so it was all good.)
    There's constant lampshading on plots, and the arcs do manage to be pretty interesting. However, there are a few flaws like anything (Mike never really gets taken out; it's very entertaining to see how he'll twart the bad guy, but still. It picks up a bit later, though, and then C:) So, I'd recommend it (but consc
    ..The West Wing~! I've seen a little bit of that. Mainly because IU have this friend and when we see a guy we know as a character and see the actor in something else we're all like "Why is Jack Bauer the Missing Link? o:) And one day, he gave me a post saying "Gus used to work at the White house." and I kinda knew what he meant, mainly by...well, you know. Addictive website is addictive. He's Charlie. And I'm watching some of the rest and <3
    That's kinda what I assumed they were. OTL Welp, now to insert the bar for meself (hng why am I so embarresed over my own drawings aaa)

    I watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog till the end and. I teared. So, I'm assuming the end of Firely/Serenity is muchmuch worse? Especially since i am a horrible person and know most of the plot via TVTropes? D:

    It's on a channel Typh does not have: LOGO (It's and LGBT kinda channel. I grinned pretty hard when I was flipping through channels: "Don't have...don't have...Don't h-wait, Buffy? Waaaant D:")

    I've only gone to the New York one. My jaw kinda dropped. The only thing was that a)the one I was thinking of was somehwere else, forget where b) Comic-Con (and all cons) cost a lot for tickets. Hence why I've only one once (andit was abdsolutely amazing <3) and c) there are these booths, and some of the guests included this cast from this show I watch ery often and love. And apperently the cast and crew are pretty geeky (Invisible Man shirt? o:) going from the questions and alla that on YouTube. And my cousin was like "Wait, if the cast of Burn Notice (different show, but I catch it a lot too) was t-I could've met Bruce Campbell? ;-;" Although I mostly wanted to meet a few Marvel artists~
    You're extremely awesome, did you know that? :3 Thank you again again XD

    Aaaand... your profile picture fills me with joy. I adore the Very Hungry Caterpillar!
    Well, I meant the quotes, so I'll check it out. :3

    Oh thanks

    *Goes to possibly hjoin OS even though he sucks cheek at art*
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