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  • Hooray, doing nothing all day is fuuun~ Ain't it?

    And mah summer's just fine~ :D I'm not really looking forward to getting up at ~6:00 though x3
    Aww, thanks. Hope you haven't been too troubled with your... uh, troubles. C:

    We went away over the holidays too, to north Wales, a change from going to the south. Who did you meet on your travels? Anyone froom tCoD?

    Yeah, summer coursework isn't much fun, especially when at the start you're all like "YEAH I'M GONNA GET IT DONE EARLY AND ENJOY THE HOLIDAY" and at the end you're like "FFFFF ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT WHY DID I LEAVE IT THIS LATE", which seems to happen to me every time there's coursework. :P
    And it's Romeo and Juliet I'm doing.

    Oh wow, a house of you're own! You have a right to be thrilled.

    And two hours a day = best WE ever.
    Hiya Danni! Haven't seen you online in a while. Perhaps that's because you're using invisible, though. XD

    So, how've you been? I've been doing okay, got a few modulars out of the way and another few pieces of coursework. I only need to finish of the Shakespeare essay and I'm done. Going back to school on Tthursday, in case you wonder.

    Oh yeah, I did my work experience at the resources office at school. I had a good time there; the jobs I was given were good, the people were nice and I got a cup of tea each day at lunch. Not to mention only two hours a day. :D
    I've applied for an EMA this year, but they haven't replied yet so it's still iffy.

    I applied as a sales assistant for this store in Cardiff part-time. I'm planning to do weekends, anyway. I burn out after 6. It doesn't seem that hectic, so I may as well have a go. If not, there's always Greggs. XD
    Just the HG/SS announcement and the Children of Earth scuffle over here.

    I've been better; just discovered that I love money and I'm having a go at balancing Sixth Form and work this year. Any tips?
    Hurr I totally thought I'd replied to this already; turns out not. XD

    Aw, that sounds cool. :D Yeaaah no, not much myself. Seem to have slept through most of it, oops.

    XD That is excellent logic~ I admit that having to cook for myself (and not a) become skint and b) hugely overweight due to takeaways) is one of the more worrying things about living alone someday. :B
    And it does sound really fun. The house-sharing. :D

    Oh, Doctor Who's great. XD It's a bit silly and a bit mad sometimes, but it carries the more serious stuff quite well and is generally rather giggleworthy. It also has a crazy number of LGBT characters, which is fun. X3
    Hee, Cybermen. If you're bothered by them I'm not sure how much you'd like stuff like the Weeping Angels (Blink) and uhh the Empty Child but I'm not sure if you know what I'm talking about so um. :D
    (afhdksdajkd I just wiki'd Spike in Torchwood to see which episode he was in; it was hugely obvious and I failed to notice. XD He was quite an important character for the whole series, actually.)

    Yeah, I'm going to our school's sixth form. Hoorah for non-uniform finally, if nothing else. XD
    XD That's okay~ Anything cool busy-wise? :3

    WHY DO YOU BUILD ME UP OH GOD IT'S BACK. And it doesn't even fit the weather anymore. :c
    XD I second that; I remember having the HSM song Breaking Free stuck in my head during my mocks. If that doesn't count, I dunno what does. (And hey, you could give it a shot. X3 Think of the children~!)

    Aw. That's okay then, I suppooose. They still sound rather ominous, though. XD When d'you get to move into your house? (Hurr, it still kind of amuses me you'll be living in your own house. XD You're such a grown up ahh.)

    XD I belieeeve it was the episode School Reunion, uh, second series. He was fairly badass. Whilst amusing. That doesn't maek sense but yeees.
    I remember Spike! Which episode was he in fshsfshs XD I didn't recognise him.

    I dunno; season two was good, I thought, but cause of the writer's strike it was really short compared to the first and the story never really got as, er, complex. Or confusing! XD Which can be a good thing with Heroes sometimes.

    Hurr not really. Sometimes I think they'll be okay but then I find myself counting to nine on my fingers and become rather concerned. XD But there's not much use in worrying now, so I'll just have to wait and see. :3
    Like in Phoenix Wright? :D You could have a badge to tell people you're certified to practice femslash or something.

    Hm... yeah, canon couples (often) get happier endings, or at least non 100% angst relationships. xD And... I am going to agree on the writer cruelty thing. Mainly because the specific instance made me cry, buut also in general. :c They're evil and yet we love them anyway for making such awesome creations. Such is the way of things.

    Hm... but yeah, that is true. I've been attempting to write fluff, it's just that... it's impossible to make it non-angsty fluff. Eep.

    Haha, not a problem; I think many fans have a lot to say on the subject... *nothisdefinitelydoesn'tincludemeoranything* >> But yes. I now feel enlightened on femslash~
    ...Why aren't you on MSN? >:/

    And yeah, if the weather's predicted to be bad and the week after is going to be better, we could always push the trip back by a week. I dunno, my mum said she was talking to you mum about that or something. XD
    GOOD. >:/

    It gets depressing with the lack of happyrainbows. :<
    Can't wait to come down. 8D
    Um so. You seem to be an expert on the subject, so...

    I have recently found myself 'shipping bizarre, angsty femslash. That really probably shouldn't be made romantic, except I did so anyway.

    Is this probably just a phase, or do you think I've always been crazy and just didn't realize it?
    Funny? 454545 enter!
    They wrote quotes from it (and various other things we've done) in my birthday card, actually. It was really funny. Why are you so late? >:/
    Hey. :3
    I'm really sorry about the incidcent on MSN earlier. 8D;;
    I have some crazy friends.
    XD I think there's something about exams that gets songs jammed in your head (maybe it's the revision or something, makes your brain sticky :0) cause I know loads of people who've come out of exams this year with a newfound hatred of songs that've ben running around their heads for the last couple of hours. I've also heard crazed renditions of Build Me Up Buttercup from one friend who tends to get hopped up on coffee before exams. o_O;

    XD Ew, a bazillion pounds... uni fees sound awful. *nosewrinkle*

    Anthony Head~ I know him, he was in Doctor Who. 83 Only just made that connection. XD I have never heard of this Genetic Opera though.
    Same person playing two differeent people is confusing (@ Christopher Eccleston in Heroes; get ouuuut you're the Doctor D:) but it's more frustrating when you can't remember where you've seen them before. XD WHO ARE YOU ARGH

    Naww, thanks. X3; I had my last exam today~ 8D Such a good feeling knowing I don't have revision to do. Die, nagging feeling I should be doing something productive, diiiie. The last few I had were Science and pretty nasty, but the grade boundries are quite low so I'm hoping for the best. XP On the whole though hurrah~ No more exams. Are yours over yet?
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