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    My brain just melted. D8 Aside from that though; hello, how have you been etc. :3
    Thanks. I've been done with regular school for a couple weeks now. I would of had exams but I got pink eye so I missed the days we had our finals. I only had to make one up though as my school has this thing about if you meet the state requirements for attendance the finals don't count against you. There are many things I don't like about my school and the way it's run, but this is the one thing that turns out to be useful.

    But now I've started Driver's Ed. It's basically book work than driving and being scared of hitting something.
    Well, yeah, it's been an undying detemination. I've wanted to be a vet so long I don't even remember why I want to do it anymore, I just know that I won't be satisfied with myself every if I don't get in.

    I'll be doing a week at a veterinary clinic, another week at a different clinic and a week on a farm with the cows! Moo!

    I'd like to come and visit in the Summer; it turns out the woman who owns the house died of cancer, which is quite sad as she was one of my mum's colleagues. I mean, if you don't mind me and all, and if I can persuade my parents then yes, it'd be great. You may need to talk to them though.
    Hello, just bothering you to tell you I watched V for Vendetta yesterday and it is an AMAZING FILM UNF. V si everything I aspire to be, except for the horrible torture and burn scars.
    Want to hear something pathetic? I cried when they beat up and blackbagged Stephen. Gordon is so like his own character that it was like seeing alternateuniverse!Stephen getting attacked for real and that would be the worst thing ever.
    Maybe maybe in the summer~
    It's probably a little short notice for me to come down this week anyway. That and I should really be pressing on with my Biology and Chemistry revision. A little bit of me is saying "you've failed the rest, what's the point?" but most of me is still going "you have a chance. Keep at it. Please?"

    As for the maths? I still have the mechanics module to go. I want to go through and get 100%! Not that I will but I will have a go. I'm as determined as you are lazy. :P

    Anyway, Devon is lovely and I want to go there. The only problem with this holiday is that the woman who owns the house has cancer now, so we may not go there. I'd need somewhere to stay unless I were to catch a very early train but, I'm happy to do that anyway.

    I'm not too hot with my foreward planning either though so even if my family do go down, I've got some work experience to do. If the weeks clash I'll be staying here alone to do the work experience. (Though I guess that gives you an excuse to stay here if you want. :x)

    Exeter would be nice.
    Multiple choice? MULTIPLE CHOICE?! I'll give you multiple choice. >:/

    I think I've failed maths. I worked hard for it and was getting As in my mocks and then... I just couldn't do the actual exam. I felt like I was going to throw up in the exam because I was so nervous. I then went home and found out I actually was ill. I'll have to retake it. I really want to get into University ASAP too...

    Want to meet up some time? I'm on half term or maybe we could meet in the summer if it's more convenient. That of course, depends on whether you want to or not! xD
    Haha, suuure you're not ignoring me.
    Today's exam was horrible. It was that "hey-guys-I'm-not-really-a-subject" critical thinking exam. It went terribly. The article seemed like it was almost written to have a stab at me. The main conclusion was about how they should shorten summer holidays as they are too long and untimely. That part I don't mind them talking about. The thing which really had me quite rialled was how the article's writer went: "You wouldn't see a foorballer taking an untimely, ovelrong holiday" and then had the cheek to put: "Teachers would object to the cut in holiday time but their claims are unjust and should be ignored... ...they have twice as much holiday as any other profession... ...it's time to give teachers the same amount of work as other people". I basically read "footballers work harder than teachers. Teachers don't earn their money" and similar things.

    Since both of my parents are teachers and I'm a strong believer against the high pay of footballers, you could imagine I was pretty annoyed.

    Other than that it was okay.

    Studying is going fine. Lots of physics, maths, chemistry and biology going on in this household.
    How's the studying going for you?
    Yes your reply is late! D:
    I was beginning to think you weren't talking to me anymore for some reason!

    I'm good. My exams have only just started, I had the first one today. I have 9 more to go. 10% complete, you could say. Good luck getting 40%. :P
    What are you doing at uni again?
    Aww, don't feel bad, Danni. I'm sure that we can find rainbows and sugar from someone else. >:) oooh zoooraaa~

    For WE, I've applied at this architect place. I'm really looking forward to it, as long as the farts that manage the WE can give me a reply soon. Otherwise I'm stuck at school for another 2 weeks. Not only that, but I have exams on the first day of it, so I need to sort that out as well. :(

    Oh wait, it seems I've been let down. Now I've ended up with a placement that I don't even like that I applied for accidently. If I even get it. ;^;

    Ouch. Sounds like our daily supply of rainbows and sugar seem to be put off on temporary hold.

    But things are fine with me. I'm predicted good things with my GCSEs and I seem to be on top of homework and deadlines for once. The one thing that I'm concerned about is work experience, as the people at the place that I've applied online for are stupid fat fucks and can't be bothered to get off their sodding arses and send me a reply e-mail on whether or not I've recieved the place or not. But other than that, It's all good.

    And I've started up a LJ. I didn't think I'd be that interested in it really, as I've struggled to keep a diary of a holiday in the past. But I'm updating it once a day and it seems to be just as unpopular as I imagined it would be. :D
    Hello Danni! We haven't spoken in an age so uh, here's a message. How are you? What's uni been doing to you?
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